cocos2dx edit编辑框点击后显示一个键盘,但是非常的不灵活,点return才能隐藏,如果我们需要点键盘外的背景,实现隐藏键盘,那就方便多了
1. 到EGLView.mm下 注释2个reurn,这样就能保证显示软键盘的时候,还能将点击事件传送到最底层
// Pass the touches to the superview #pragma mark EAGLView - Touch Delegate - (void)touchesBegan:(NSSet *)touches withEvent:(UIEvent *)event { if (isKeyboardShown_) { [self handleTouchesAfterKeyboardShow]; //WARNING:commented by Teng.点触背景隐藏软键盘 //return; } int ids[IOS_MAX_TOUCHES_COUNT] = {0}; float xs[IOS_MAX_TOUCHES_COUNT] = {0.0f}; float ys[IOS_MAX_TOUCHES_COUNT] = {0.0f}; int i = 0; for (UITouch *touch in touches) { ids[i] = (int)touch; xs[i] = [touch locationInView: [touch view]].x * view.contentScaleFactor;; ys[i] = [touch locationInView: [touch view]].y * view.contentScaleFactor;; ++i; } cocos2d::CCEGLView::sharedOpenGLView()->handleTouchesBegin(i, ids, xs, ys); }
- (void)touchesEnded:(NSSet *)touches withEvent:(UIEvent *)event { if (isKeyboardShown_) { <strong><span style="color:#ff0000;">//WARNING:commented by Teng.点触背景隐藏软键盘</span> //return;</strong> } int ids[IOS_MAX_TOUCHES_COUNT] = {0}; float xs[IOS_MAX_TOUCHES_COUNT] = {0.0f}; float ys[IOS_MAX_TOUCHES_COUNT] = {0.0f}; int i = 0; for (UITouch *touch in touches) { ids[i] = (int)touch; xs[i] = [touch locationInView: [touch view]].x * view.contentScaleFactor;; ys[i] = [touch locationInView: [touch view]].y * view.contentScaleFactor;; ++i; } cocos2d::CCEGLView::sharedOpenGLView()->handleTouchesEnd(i, ids, xs, ys); }
void ccTouchEnded(cocos2d::CCTouch *pTouch, cocos2d::CCEvent *pEvent) { do { if (mTelNumber) { CCPoint endPos = pTouch->getLocation(); float delta = 5.f; if (::abs(mBeginPos.x - endPos.x) > delta || ::abs(mBeginPos.y - endPos.y) > delta) { break; } // 看编辑框是否被点中 CCPoint point = mTelNumber->getParent()->convertTouchToNodeSpaceAR(pTouch); // 锚点(0.f, 0.5f) //int x = mTextField->getParent()->getPosition().x; //int y = mTextField->getParent()->getPosition().y; int w = mTelNumber->getContentSize().width; int h = mTelNumber->getContentSize().height; CCRect rect = CCRect(0, -h/2, w, h); onClickedTextField(rect.containsPoint(point)); } } while (0); DialogLayer::ccTouchEnded(pTouch, pEvent); } /** 点击推广码输入框 */ void onClickedTextField(bool b) { if (b) { mTelNumber->attachWithIME(); } else { mTelNumber->detachWithIME(); } }
参考文章:[iOS] UITextField隐藏软键盘心得(隐藏自身软键盘、点击Return自动转到下个文本框、轻触背景隐藏软键盘)