为什么Eclipse RCP会rule the world

为什么Eclipse RCP会rule the world
Eclipse Foundation的首席执行官,Mike Milinkovich, 在他的 blog (中国国内无法看到他的blog)中简单的说了一句:"I could not have said it better myself. RCP rules! " Mike给出的是一个Eclipse RCP用户写的blog,写出了他所认为的“为什么Eclipse RCP会rule the world?” (原文如下)
  1. Web is not for everything :
    • All web based enterprise applications are failed in terms of usability
    • Web has limited flexibility in terms of adding innovative ideas; everything is limited within the JavaScript boundary
    • Even JSF+AJAX /ASP.Net+AJAX can't become a desktop alternative, unless all the browsers replace JavaScript with Java
  2. .Net Smart Client Replacement
    • It has all the features of .Net Smart Client Architecture, including Update Manager and Avalon like XML based UI scripting
    • OSGi Framework based pluggable architecture
    • Unlike .Net Smart Client, it support all the available platforms including Windows, Mac, Linux, Solaris, etc
    • Also uses the SWT, a SWING alternative, which uses the native UI sub systems.
  3. Tools and Support
    • Comes with brilliant Eclipse IDE and Plug-in Development Tools to support the RCP application development. It took us only few mints to get the Hello World done.
  4. Its Java
    • world is full of java programmers, finding resources is not an issue.
  5. Above all, its Free.
    • The entire Eclipse Platform, IDE, and Platform Development Tools are available as Open Source.
  1. Web 不是一切:
    • 几乎所有基于Web的企业应用最终因为易用性的问题而失败
    • 因为不容易加入创新的想法,Web有它的局限性;所有一切都局限于JavaScript的框框里面了
    • 甚至是JSF+AJAX /ASP.Net+AJAX 也无法成为桌面应用的替代方案,除非所有浏览器用Java来替换JavaScript
  2. .Net Smart Client 的替换方案
    • 它拥有.Net Smart Client架构的所有功能, 包括更新管理,类似Avalon的基于XML的UI脚本设计
    • 基于OSGi Framework 的插拔士架构
    • 不像.Net Smart Client, 它支持多种平台,如Windows,Mac,Linux,Solaris等等
    • 使用SWT, 一种SWING的替代方案, 但是使用原生的UI
  3. 工具和支持
    • 来自于Eclipse IDE并且有Plug-in Development Tools来支持RCP的开发. 我们只用了几分钟就建立了一个简单的Hello World
  4. Java的
    • 有很多的Java工程师, 寻找资源也不是一件难事
  5. 最后一点:免费的.
    • 整个Eclipse平台,IDE,PDE工具,都是开发源码的。


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