在使用本文提供的例子进行测试前,请先确保安装好测试环境,可参考此文:Windows 安装Calabash-Android
代码下载后,进入到工程目录,输入calabash-android run,如下图所示:
此时,工程目录先边创建了目录features. 此app为一个三人斗地主的小游戏,点击menu->广告推荐,才弹出广告,如下图所示:
Feature: Click ads feature Scenario: I can click menu item to show ads Then I wait for the "PokerActivity" screen to appear Then I wait for 10 seconds Then I press the menu key Then I wait for 5 seconds Then I touch on screen 600 from the left and 350 from the top Then I wait for 10 seconds Then I go back
# -- Touch --# Then /^I (?:press|touch) on screen (\d+) from the left and (\d+) from the top$/ do |x, y| touch(nil, {:offset => {:x => x.to_i, :y => y.to_i}}) sleep(3) end
chcp 65001
在命令行中输入:calabash-android run Poker_hu.apk,即可开始刷广告。之后,使用shell脚本或批处理文件封装该命令,即可自动刷广告了。对于windows环境,新建run.bat,然后添加如下代码:
@echo off :begin start /b calabash-android run PokerHu.apk ping /n 180 127.1 >nul @echo resart goto begin