Java OCR

#  How can I implement it in my JAVA code?

It comes in jocr.jar file, which should be added in classpath. Class JOCR contains methods that can be invoked. Methods are described in JOCR class documentation. Implementation details are described in an example that is given by MyOCR class.

# What are the minimum system requirements?

A processor that runs at 300 MHz min. RAM and HDD are application dependant.

# What JAVA versions are supported?

JavaOCR supports JAVA 1.2.2 or later. Tested on JAVA 1.2.2, 1.3, 1.4.

# What is the limitation of demo version?

1. Demo version 1.3, is not recognizing letter: 'a' and number: '2'.
2. Characters 'a' and '2' are replaced with random characters.
3. Demo version 1.3 is font depended. Times New Roman is supported.
4. JavaOCR 1.3 read barcode Code39. Only direction of reading right-left is suppported.

# What image formats are supported?

JPEG and GIF files are supported.

# Are Central European characters supported?

Yes, CE characters are supported.

# How can I get help?

If provided documentation is not sufficient, you can send an email to [email protected] will answer as soon as possible.

# Where I can find out about software bugs?
Bug list will be created from bug reports. If you find a bug, send an email to [email protected].

# Why does it say only *.gif and *.jpg files are supported, when in Java you can make Images out of *.png files also?

JAVA 1.4 supports *.png files. Users with JAVA 1.2.2 can not make Image out of *.png files.

# Could you please inform us in more detail about technical aspects of this module integration into our software solutions?

The OCR package is implemented as standard *.jar file.
Jar file is added into classpath and then OCR methods can be easily invoked.

For example:

String text = JOCR.recognize (MyPicture.gif);

String text = JOCR.recognize (MyPicture.gif, x, y, width, height); // the OCR area can be selected

# Are you or will you be using the Java Advanced Imaging package? We are interested in OCRing TIFF files - which the JAI package can read and create Image objects.

You will use Java Advanced Imaing for interpretation of *.TIFF files. The OCR package use, for OCR-ing, Image class which can be created from *.TIFF file with Java Advanced Image.

# All the examples crashed the JVM after 5 min of running, due to out-of-memory errors. Running JDK 1.4.1 on Win2K .... Windows Task Manager showed little CPU Usage but MEM Usage ever increasing till it exhausted system memory, when JVM crashed.

You have to increase a memory size in batch file, like -Xmx128m.
