[导入]jQuery Common Coding and Plugin development tips

[导入]jQuery Common Coding and Plugin development tips
jQuery Common Coding tips:
1, less code by chain coding
2, Use data method instead of storing data inside the DOM.
 $('selector').data('meaningfullname', 'this is the data I am storing');
// then later getting the data with

3, If you are Manipulating the DOM a lot, use livequery.(1.3)
    $('div.edit').livequery('click', function(){
//go into edit mode

4, Use classes as flags:With jQuery you can add a class with the addClass method and then check later if an element has the class with the hasClass method.
5, use same function name to handle different arguments
6, pass options for configuration data
7, test your code by screw.unit
8, make most jQuery code into resuable plugins

jQuery plugin pattern tips:
(from: http://www.learningjquery.com/2007/10/a-plugin-development-pattern)
   1.  Claim only a single name in the jQuery namespace
   2. Accept an options argument to control plugin behavior
   3. Provide public access to default plugin settings
   4. Provide public access to secondary functions (as applicable)
   5. Keep private functions private
   6. Support the Metadata Plugin

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文章来源: http://sevenduan.javaeye.com/blog/507354

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