前面三篇文章《Android 4.0 ICS SystemUI浅析——SystemUI启动流程》、《Android 4.0 ICS SystemUI浅析——StatusBar结构分析》、《Android 4.0 ICS SystemUI浅析——StatusBar加载流程分析》逐步分析了SystemUI中StatusBar的启动以及加载流程,本文主要分析StatusBar上的Notification的加载,如有不正之处还恳请各位帮忙指正。
本文来自:http://blog.csdn.net/yihongyuelan 欢迎转载 请务必注明出处!
在上一篇文章《Android 4.0 ICS SystemUI浅析——StatusBar加载流程分析》中,我们主要分析了StatusBar上的系统Icons加载的过程,包括了耳机图标、蓝牙图标、禁音图标等等,此文是紧接着上文分析的,因此我们首先看到/SourceCode/frameworks/base/packages/SystemUI/src/com/android/systemui/statusbar/StatusBar.java的start():
public void start() { // First set up our views and stuff.首先准备我们需要显示的view以及原材料 //我们先跟踪这里的makeStatusBarView View sb = makeStatusBarView(); // Connect in to the status bar manager service //初始化各个存储器,用于存储各类信息,这些信息通过StatusBarManagerService获取 //iconsList用于存放icons StatusBarIconList iconList = new StatusBarIconList(); //nodificationKeys保存以Binder为Key的notification ArrayList<IBinder> notificationKeys = new ArrayList<IBinder>(); //保存StatusBarNotification类型的notifications ArrayList<StatusBarNotification> notifications = new ArrayList<StatusBarNotification>(); //mCommandQueue是和IStatusBarService进行交互的IBinder mCommandQueue = new CommandQueue(this, iconList); //这里实际上获取的是StatusBarManagerService mBarService = IStatusBarService.Stub.asInterface( ServiceManager.getService(Context.STATUS_BAR_SERVICE)); int[] switches = new int[7]; ArrayList<IBinder> binders = new ArrayList<IBinder>(); try { //通过StatusBarManagerService中的registerStatusBar来获取初始设置 mBarService.registerStatusBar(mCommandQueue, iconList, notificationKeys, notifications, switches, binders); } catch (RemoteException ex) { // If the system process isn't there we're doomed anyway. } ... ... // Set up the initial notification state //加载notifications,本文的分析主要从这里开始! N = notificationKeys.size(); if (N == notifications.size()) { for (int i=0; i<N; i++) { addNotification(notificationKeys.get(i), notifications.get(i)); } } else { Log.wtf(TAG, "Notification list length mismatch: keys=" + N + " notifications=" + notifications.size()); } ... ... lp.gravity = getStatusBarGravity(); lp.setTitle("StatusBar"); lp.packageName = mContext.getPackageName(); lp.windowAnimations = R.style.Animation_StatusBar; //在Window上显示StatusBar界面 WindowManagerImpl.getDefault().addView(sb, lp); mDoNotDisturb = new DoNotDisturb(mContext); }
public void addNotification(IBinder key, StatusBarNotification notification) { //该方法主要构造Notification Icons以及Expaned View StatusBarIconView iconView = addNotificationViews(key, notification); if (iconView == null) return; boolean immersive = false; try { //判断当前栈顶Activity是否具有android:immersive属性。该属性在Android 4.0中新加入的属性,如果该属性为true则该Activity不能被其他Activity或者Notification所打断。 immersive = ActivityManagerNative.getDefault().isTopActivityImmersive(); if (DEBUG) { Slog.d(TAG, "Top activity is " + (immersive?"immersive":"not immersive")); } } catch (RemoteException ex) { } //因为这里我们返回的是false,所以不会执行 if (immersive) { if ((notification.notification.flags & Notification.FLAG_HIGH_PRIORITY) != 0) { Slog.d(TAG, "Presenting high-priority notification in immersive activity"); // special new transient ticker mode // 1. Populate mIntruderAlertView ImageView alertIcon = (ImageView) mIntruderAlertView.findViewById(R.id.alertIcon); TextView alertText = (TextView) mIntruderAlertView.findViewById(R.id.alertText); alertIcon.setImageDrawable(StatusBarIconView.getIcon( alertIcon.getContext(), iconView.getStatusBarIcon())); alertText.setText(notification.notification.tickerText); View button = mIntruderAlertView.findViewById(R.id.intruder_alert_content); button.setOnClickListener( new NotificationClicker(notification.notification.contentIntent, notification.pkg, notification.tag, notification.id)); // 2. Animate mIntruderAlertView in mHandler.sendEmptyMessage(MSG_SHOW_INTRUDER); // 3. Set alarm to age the notification off (TODO) mHandler.removeMessages(MSG_HIDE_INTRUDER); mHandler.sendEmptyMessageDelayed(MSG_HIDE_INTRUDER, INTRUDER_ALERT_DECAY_MS); } //这里的fullScreenIntent=null因此也不执行 } else if (notification.notification.fullScreenIntent != null) { // not immersive & a full-screen alert should be shown Slog.d(TAG, "Notification has fullScreenIntent; sending fullScreenIntent"); try { notification.notification.fullScreenIntent.send(); } catch (PendingIntent.CanceledException e) { } } else { // usual case: status bar visible & not immersive // show the ticker //因此StatusBar可见同时不具有immersive属性,因此显示tiker tick(notification); } // Recalculate the position of the sliding windows and the titles. // 重新计算滑动窗口的位置和标题 setAreThereNotifications(); // 更新ExpanedView updateExpandedViewPos(EXPANDED_LEAVE_ALONE); }
1.addNotificationViews(key, notification);
(1). addNotificationViews(key, notification);
StatusBarIconView addNotificationViews(IBinder key, StatusBarNotification notification) { if (DEBUG) { Slog.d(TAG, "addNotificationViews(key=" + key + ", notification=" + notification); } // Construct the icon. // 初始化iconView final StatusBarIconView iconView = new StatusBarIconView(mContext, notification.pkg + "/0x" + Integer.toHexString(notification.id), notification.notification); //设置icons按照什么方式显示 iconView.setScaleType(ImageView.ScaleType.CENTER_INSIDE); // 对全局变量赋值 final StatusBarIcon ic = new StatusBarIcon(notification.pkg, notification.notification.icon, notification.notification.iconLevel, notification.notification.number, notification.notification.tickerText); // 设置显示icons 和上一篇文章提到的系统icons图标设置是一样的 如果返回true则表示设置成功 if (!iconView.set(ic)) { handleNotificationError(key, notification, "Couldn't create icon: " + ic); return null; } // Construct the expanded view. // 将Notification在ExpandedView上显示出来 NotificationData.Entry entry = new NotificationData.Entry(key, notification, iconView); if (!inflateViews(entry, mPile)) { handleNotificationError(key, notification, "Couldn't expand RemoteViews for: " + notification); return null; } // Add the expanded view and icon. //mNotificationData中保存着当前显示的Notification的数量及其属性 int pos = mNotificationData.add(entry); if (DEBUG) { Slog.d(TAG, "addNotificationViews: added at " + pos); } //更新图标 updateNotificationIcons(); return iconView; }
private boolean inflateViews(NotificationData.Entry entry, ViewGroup parent) { StatusBarNotification sbn = entry.notification; //初始化remoteViews(如果有过自定义Notification经验的朋友肯定对这个很熟悉,不了解的朋友可以自己去试试) RemoteViews remoteViews = sbn.notification.contentView; if (remoteViews == null) { return false; } // create the row view LayoutInflater inflater = (LayoutInflater)mContext.getSystemService( Context.LAYOUT_INFLATER_SERVICE); // 加载布局文件,默认的通知信息在ExpandedView中是以一行来显示的,左侧是图标,右侧是通知标题和内容 View row = inflater.inflate(R.layout.status_bar_notification_row, parent, false); //这个所谓的button实际上是在清除单个通知信息时调用的 View vetoButton = updateNotificationVetoButton(row, sbn); //设置vetoButton的备注说明,作为一种辅助功能提供,为一些没有文字描述的View提供说明。这在界面上不会有效果,可临时放一点字符串数据 vetoButton.setContentDescription(mContext.getString( R.string.accessibility_remove_notification)); // the large icon //如果有largeIcon则进行设置。这里提到的largeIcon我也不知道具体用处是什么 ImageView largeIcon = (ImageView)row.findViewById(R.id.large_icon); if (sbn.notification.largeIcon != null) { largeIcon.setImageBitmap(sbn.notification.largeIcon); largeIcon.setContentDescription(sbn.notification.tickerText); } else { largeIcon.getLayoutParams().width = 0; largeIcon.setVisibility(View.INVISIBLE); } largeIcon.setContentDescription(sbn.notification.tickerText); // bind the click event to the content area ViewGroup content = (ViewGroup)row.findViewById(R.id.content); // XXX: update to allow controls within notification views content.setDescendantFocusability(ViewGroup.FOCUS_BLOCK_DESCENDANTS); // content.setOnFocusChangeListener(mFocusChangeListener); PendingIntent contentIntent = sbn.notification.contentIntent; if (contentIntent != null) { //绑定largIcons和content区域的点击事件 final View.OnClickListener listener = new NotificationClicker(contentIntent, sbn.pkg, sbn.tag, sbn.id); largeIcon.setOnClickListener(listener); content.setOnClickListener(listener); } else { largeIcon.setOnClickListener(null); content.setOnClickListener(null); } View expanded = null; Exception exception = null; try { // Inflates视图对象并且应用到所有的动作中 expanded = remoteViews.apply(mContext, content); } catch (RuntimeException e) { exception = e; } if (expanded == null) { final String ident = sbn.pkg + "/0x" + Integer.toHexString(sbn.id); Slog.e(TAG, "couldn't inflate view for notification " + ident, exception); return false; } else { //content 添加显示view content.addView(expanded); // 获取view中的图像前需要设为true row.setDrawingCacheEnabled(true); } // 设置这些通知信息原始背景 applyLegacyRowBackground(sbn, content); // 将设置好的属性回传给entry entry.row = row; entry.content = content; entry.expanded = expanded; entry.largeIcon = largeIcon; return true; }
图 1
上面分析了ExpandedView中的Notification的设置,在addNotificationViews(key, notification);中就还剩下最后一个步骤了,即更新图标,那么查看addNotificationView()中的updateNotificationIcons()方法,代码如下:
private void updateNotificationIcons() { // 该方法主要用于将通知信息在ExpandedView中显示 如果注释掉则通知将不会在ExpandedView中显示 loadNotificationShade(); // 下面的操作主要完成在StatusBar添加通知提示图标 final LinearLayout.LayoutParams params = new LinearLayout.LayoutParams(mIconSize + 2*mIconHPadding, mNaturalBarHeight); int N = mNotificationData.size(); if (DEBUG) { Slog.d(TAG, "refreshing icons: " + N + " notifications, mNotificationIcons=" + mNotificationIcons); } ArrayList<View> toShow = new ArrayList<View>(); for (int i=0; i<N; i++) { toShow.add(mNotificationData.get(N-i-1).icon); } ArrayList<View> toRemove = new ArrayList<View>(); for (int i=0; i<mNotificationIcons.getChildCount(); i++) { View child = mNotificationIcons.getChildAt(i); if (!toShow.contains(child)) { toRemove.add(child); } } for (View remove : toRemove) { mNotificationIcons.removeView(remove); } for (int i=0; i<toShow.size(); i++) { View v = toShow.get(i); if (v.getParent() == null) { mNotificationIcons.addView(v, i, params); } } }
private void tick(StatusBarNotification n) { // Show the ticker if one is requested. Also don't do this // until status bar window is attached to the window manager, // because... well, what's the point otherwise? And trying to // run a ticker without being attached will crash! if (n.notification.tickerText != null && mStatusBarView.getWindowToken() != null) { if (0 == (mDisabled & (StatusBarManager.DISABLE_NOTIFICATION_ICONS | StatusBarManager.DISABLE_NOTIFICATION_TICKER))) { //ticker执行方法 mTicker.addEntry(n); } } }
public void addEntry(StatusBarNotification n) { int initialCount = mSegments.size(); // If what's being displayed has the same text and icon, just drop it // (which will let the current one finish, this happens when apps do // a notification storm). if (initialCount > 0) { final Segment seg = mSegments.get(0); //判断该Notififacation是不是已经在StatusBar上显示了的(同一个Notification发送两次这里并么有执行,为什么?) if (n.pkg.equals(seg.notification.pkg) && n.notification.icon == seg.notification.notification.icon && n.notification.iconLevel == seg.notification.notification.iconLevel && CharSequences.equals(seg.notification.notification.tickerText, n.notification.tickerText)) { return; } } // 获取该Notification的icon final Drawable icon = StatusBarIconView.getIcon(mContext, new StatusBarIcon(n.pkg, n.notification.icon, n.notification.iconLevel, 0, n.notification.tickerText)); // 将Notification的一些信息放入对象newSegment中,这里的Segment翻译过来是片段和部分的意思 // Segment是Ticker类的内部类,用于存放notification的部分信息以及对信息的一些处理,比如tickerText final Segment newSegment = new Segment(n, icon, n.notification.tickerText); // If there's already a notification schedule for this package and id, remove it. // 若果该信息在Segment中已经存在,则删除掉 for (int i=0; i<mSegments.size(); i++) { Segment seg = mSegments.get(i); if (n.id == seg.notification.id && n.pkg.equals(seg.notification.pkg)) { // just update that one to use this new data instead(什么时候触发?) mSegments.remove(i--); // restart iteration here } } // 将Notification的部分信息放到mSegments链表中。 mSegments.add(newSegment); if (initialCount == 0 && mSegments.size() > 0) { Segment seg = mSegments.get(0); seg.first = false; //初始化id/tickerIcon mIconSwitcher.setAnimateFirstView(false); mIconSwitcher.reset(); mIconSwitcher.setImageDrawable(seg.icon); //初始化id/tickerText mTextSwitcher.setAnimateFirstView(false); mTextSwitcher.reset(); mTextSwitcher.setText(seg.getText()); //启动ticker tickerStarting(); scheduleAdvance(); } }
通过Open Implementation我们跳转到PhoneStatusBar中的tickerStatrting()中,代码如下:
@Override public void tickerStarting() { mTicking = true; //这里的mIcons和ticker组成了整个StatusBar的布局,因此这里要线将它置为GONE mIcons.setVisibility(View.GONE); //显示tickerText mTickerView.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE); //加载ticker弹出时的动画 mTickerView.startAnimation(loadAnim(com.android.internal.R.anim.push_up_in, null)); mIcons.startAnimation(loadAnim(com.android.internal.R.anim.push_up_out, null)); }这里可以发现ticker开加载动画并显示了,实际上Notification在StatusBar上的显示效果是加载了动画的原因。继续查看scheduleAdvance()方法:
private void scheduleAdvance() { mHandler.postDelayed(mAdvanceTicker, TICKER_SEGMENT_DELAY); }
private Runnable mAdvanceTicker = new Runnable() { public void run() { while (mSegments.size() > 0) { Segment seg = mSegments.get(0); if (seg.first) { // this makes the icon slide in for the first one for a given // notification even if there are two notifications with the // same icon in a row // 第一次显示时,设置tickerIcon的值,这里就是ticker最前方显示的那个icon mIconSwitcher.setImageDrawable(seg.icon); } CharSequence text = seg.advance(); if (text == null) { mSegments.remove(0); continue; } // 显示用户设置的tickerText内容 mTextSwitcher.setText(text); scheduleAdvance(); break; } if (mSegments.size() == 0) { // 完成ticker的一次显示 tickerDone(); } } };
@Override public void tickerDone() { //显示mIcons布局 mIcons.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE); //tickerText消失 mTickerView.setVisibility(View.GONE); //加载ticker消失的动画 mIcons.startAnimation(loadAnim(com.android.internal.R.anim.push_down_in, null)); mTickerView.startAnimation(loadAnim(com.android.internal.R.anim.push_down_out, mTickingDoneListener)); }
至此,我们完成了Notification加载的前两步,分别是addNotificationViews(key, notification)和tick(notification)。剩下最后一步,即:setAreThereNotifications()和updateExpandedViewPos(EXPANDED_LEAVE_ALONE);
private void setAreThereNotifications() { //是否有Notification final boolean any = mNotificationData.size() > 0; //该Notification是否可被清除 final boolean clearable = any && mNotificationData.hasClearableItems(); if (DEBUG) { Slog.d(TAG, "setAreThereNotifications: N=" + mNotificationData.size() + " any=" + any + " clearable=" + clearable); } //对"清除所有通知"按钮进行设置 if (mClearButton.isShown()) { if (clearable != (mClearButton.getAlpha() == 1.0f)) { ObjectAnimator.ofFloat(mClearButton, "alpha", clearable ? 1.0f : 0.0f) .setDuration(250) .start(); } } else { mClearButton.setAlpha(clearable ? 1.0f : 0.0f); } mClearButton.setEnabled(clearable); ... ... }
void updateExpandedViewPos(int expandedPosition) { if (SPEW) { Slog.d(TAG, "updateExpandedViewPos before expandedPosition=" + expandedPosition + " mTrackingParams.y=" + ((mTrackingParams == null) ? "?" : mTrackingParams.y) + " mTrackingPosition=" + mTrackingPosition); } //获取StatusBar高度 int h = mStatusBarView.getHeight(); //获取当前分辨率高度 int disph = mDisplayMetrics.heightPixels; // If the expanded view is not visible, make sure they're still off screen. // Maybe the view was resized. //如果ExpanedView不可见则执行 if (!mExpandedVisible) { //更新mTrackingView属性,设置mExpandedDialog属性 updateExpandedInvisiblePosition(); return; } // tracking view... //设置TriackingView的各种属性 int pos; if (expandedPosition == EXPANDED_FULL_OPEN) { pos = h; } else if (expandedPosition == EXPANDED_LEAVE_ALONE) { //传递参数为EXPANDED_LEAVE_ALONE pos = mTrackingPosition; } else { if (expandedPosition <= disph) { pos = expandedPosition; } else { pos = disph; } pos -= disph-h; } mTrackingPosition = mTrackingParams.y = pos; mTrackingParams.height = disph-h; WindowManagerImpl.getDefault().updateViewLayout(mTrackingView, mTrackingParams); if (mExpandedParams != null) { if (mCloseView.getWindowVisibility() == View.VISIBLE) { mCloseView.getLocationInWindow(mPositionTmp); final int closePos = mPositionTmp[1]; mExpandedContents.getLocationInWindow(mPositionTmp); final int contentsBottom = mPositionTmp[1] + mExpandedContents.getHeight(); mExpandedParams.y = pos + mTrackingView.getHeight() - (mTrackingParams.height-closePos) - contentsBottom; if (SPEW) { Slog.d(PhoneStatusBar.TAG, "pos=" + pos + " trackingHeight=" + mTrackingView.getHeight() + " (trackingParams.height - closePos)=" + (mTrackingParams.height - closePos) + " contentsBottom=" + contentsBottom); } } else { // If the tracking view is not yet visible, then we can't have // a good value of the close view location. We need to wait for // it to be visible to do a layout. mExpandedParams.y = -mDisplayMetrics.heightPixels; } int max = h; if (mExpandedParams.y > max) { mExpandedParams.y = max; } int min = mTrackingPosition; if (mExpandedParams.y < min) { mExpandedParams.y = min; } boolean visible = (mTrackingPosition + mTrackingView.getHeight()) > h; if (!visible) { // if the contents aren't visible, move the expanded view way off screen // because the window itself extends below the content view. mExpandedParams.y = -disph; } mExpandedDialog.getWindow().setAttributes(mExpandedParams); // As long as this isn't just a repositioning that's not supposed to affect // the user's perception of what's showing, call to say that the visibility // has changed. (Otherwise, someone else will call to do that). if (expandedPosition != EXPANDED_LEAVE_ALONE) { if (SPEW) Slog.d(TAG, "updateExpandedViewPos visibilityChanged(" + visible + ")"); visibilityChanged(visible); } } if (SPEW) { Slog.d(TAG, "updateExpandedViewPos after expandedPosition=" + expandedPosition + " mTrackingParams.y=" + mTrackingParams.y + " mTrackingPosition=" + mTrackingPosition + " mExpandedParams.y=" + mExpandedParams.y + " mExpandedParams.height=" + mExpandedParams.height); } }