


言归正传,Cas20ProxyReceivingTicketValidationFilter 是继承AbstractTicketValidationFilter,这里有几个模板方法。例如:getTicketValidator,preFilter,onSuccessfulValidation,onFailedValidation等。大的逻辑在AbstractTicketValidationFilter的doFilter方法中,而Cas20ProxyReceivingTicketValidationFilter 主要实现了父类中的模板方法。总体逻辑如下,有部分细节需要另外的说明的,只是在总体中提到,后面会深入说明的。




getTicketValidator 这个方法主要是产生TicketValidator对象,先来说说TicketValidator有什么用,只有一个方法Assertion validate(String ticket, String service) throws TicketValidationException;,根据票据和service来产生Assertion对象,那么到底是什么票据呢?还记得CAS登录整个ie过程嘛,没有登录跳转到CAS服务器,认证通过后ie有跳转到需要访问的应用,这个时候会有两个票据产生,一个TGT票据,这个是和用户有关的,另外一个是ST票据,ST票据是通过跳转post参数传递过来了,默认的参数名为ticket。那么service是什么呢?就是你需要访问的app的url地址,包括url参数。好了,知道了TicketValidator做什么用的,我们来说说怎么创建TicketValidator对象,根据acceptAnyProxy,allowedProxyChains,casServerUrlPrefix等参数来创建,其中casServerUrlPrefix是需要要的。


  • renew - specifies whether renew=true should be sent to the CAS server. Valid values are either "true" or "false" (or no value at all).
  • gateway - specifies whether gateway=true should be sent to the CAS server. Valid values are either "true" or "false" (or no value at all).
  • artifactParameterName - specifies the name of the request parameter on where to find the artifact (i.e. "ticket").
  • serviceParameterName - specifies the name of the request parameter on where to find the service (i.e. "service").
  • renew - specifies whether renew=true should be sent to the CAS server. Valid values are either "true" or "false" (or no value at all).
  • gateway - specifies whether gateway=true should be sent to the CAS server. Valid values are either "true" or "false" (or no value at all).
  • artifactParameterName - specifies the name of the request parameter on where to find the artifact (i.e. "ticket").
  • serviceParameterName - specifies the name of the request parameter on where to find the service (i.e. "service").
  • 你可能感兴趣的:(String,IE,service,服务器,url)