[上海] QClub上海站2013年1月沙龙-敏捷实践

感谢 联合创业办公社 场地支持,并得到 PMCamp/TopGeek/GDG上海敏捷社区​以及 CSDN社区活动 的合作推广

- 主题:敏捷实践
- 时间:2013年01月27日 周日 下午13:30 – 17:30
- 地点:上海市静安区昌平路990号8号楼 http://www.people-squared.com/
- 报名:http://t.cn/zjssR3V



这次QClub沙龙,有幸邀请到英孚产品研发中心的叶蓁,分享她最近在英国伦敦参加XP day 2012上的感受;更邀请到Odd-e敏捷教练,国内敏捷社区发展主要推动​者滕振宇,分享如何改变人,这也是他稍后将在国际敏捷大会分享的话题。

13:30 - 14:00 签到介绍

14:00 - 14:45 叶蓁:​James Bond的敏捷实践​

14:45 - 15:00 茶歇休息

16:00 - 16:45 滕振宇:​Get To Learn,Get To Change​

16:45 - 17:30 Open Space


[上海] QClub上海站2013年1月沙龙-敏捷实践_第1张图片

话题:James Bond的敏捷实践(45分钟)

当国内还在争论Agile or NOT Agile的时候,在别的一些地方,人们正在讨论怎么样去解决一些敏捷方式带来的问题,让敏捷更好。这是我在英国伦敦参加XP day 2012上的感受。这个XP day已经有十年历史了,今年两天的会议,开会前完全没有Agenda。因为除了一个keynote,其他全是open space,很多的讨论和分享,从中也学到了一些敏捷实践。我想有个机会可以分享给国内的敏捷社区。这些敏捷实践例如:

- 估算方法:Dynamic Range Estimation,帮助敏捷团队做更长远一点的计划。

- 做回顾会议的方法:Retrospective dialogue sheet,帮助自管理团队自己进行项目/Sprint回顾,减少对facilitator的需求。

- 怎样是好的Agile UX designer(敏捷用户体验设计师)

[上海] QClub上海站2013年1月沙龙-敏捷实践_第2张图片

话题:Get To Learn,Get To Change

Agile transition is not simply about introducing new tools and practices. It is about changing people's mindset and way of thinking which is never easy. One key successful factors for enabling the change is learning habit and learning culture on individual, team and organization. Push and enforcement will always get resistance. The more push we have, the more resistance we as coach or change agent will encounter. To make it even worse, each individual, team and organization are so different, the culture is different, the business situation is different, the technology is different. Is there any common failure and success patterns for the change?

Having been engaged in transition projects as well as community development, Daniel has been able to cultivate the brief of continuous learning in many seeds (individuals and teams) in many organizations and cities. All the seeds aggregated created big momentum to enable the big transition.

In this session, Daniel will share with you a few success and failure stories on his journey as a coach. Based on those stories, Daniel will share with your his reflection on common failure and success patterns for the change.


QClub 线下技术沙龙

1. 什么是QClub

2. QClub举办频率

3. QClub举办城市

4. QClub组成形式

5. QClub参会人群

- 报名:http://t.cn/zjssR3V

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