Windows GDI+ is a class-based API for C/C++ programmers. It enables applications to use graphics and formatted text on both the video display and the printer. Applications based on the Microsoft Win32 API do not access graphics hardware directly. Instead, GDI+ interacts with device drivers on behalf of applications. GDI+ is also supported by Microsoft Win64.
Windows GDI+ exposes a flat API that consists of about 600 functions, which are implemented in Gdiplus.dll and declared in Gdiplusflat.h. The functions in the GDI+ flat API are wrapped by a collection of about 40 C++ classes. It is recommended that you do not directly call the functions in the flat API. Whenever you make calls to GDI+, you should do so by calling the methods and functions provided by the C++ wrappers. Microsoft Product Support Services will not provide support for code that calls the flat API directly.
#define WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN // 从 Windows 头文件中排除极少使用的信息
#include "targetver.h"
#include "stdafx.h" #include <Windows.h>//windows头文件 #include <gdiplus.h>//GDI+头文件 #include <gdiplusflat.h>//GDI+Flat头文件 #pragma comment(lib,"gdiplus.lib")//这个非常重要 int APIENTRY _tWinMain(_In_ HINSTANCE hInstance, _In_opt_ HINSTANCE hPrevInstance, _In_ LPTSTR lpCmdLine, _In_ int nCmdShow) { }
typedef struct _GdiplusStartupInput{ unsigned int GdiplusVersion; unsigned int DebugEventCallback; BOOL SuppressBackgroundThread; BOOL SuppressExternalCodecs; }GdiplusStartupInput;
extern "C" int WINAPI GdiplusStartup(int* token,GdiplusStartupInput *input,int *output);
int token; int APIENTRY _tWinMain(_In_ HINSTANCE hInstance, _In_opt_ HINSTANCE hPrevInstance, _In_ LPTSTR lpCmdLine, _In_ int nCmdShow) { GdiplusStartupInput StartupInput; StartupInput.GdiplusVersion = 1; GdiplusStartup(&token, &StartupInput,NULL); }
extern "C" void WINAPI GdiplusShutdown(int token);
#include "stdafx.h" #include <Windows.h> #include <gdiplus.h> #include <gdiplusflat.h> #pragma comment(lib,"gdiplus.lib")//very important typedef struct _GdiplusStartupInput{ unsigned int GdiplusVersion; unsigned int DebugEventCallback; BOOL SuppressBackgroundThread; BOOL SuppressExternalCodecs; }GdiplusStartupInput; extern "C" int WINAPI GdiplusStartup(int* token,GdiplusStartupInput *input,int *output); extern "C" void WINAPI GdiplusShutdown(int token); int token; int APIENTRY _tWinMain(_In_ HINSTANCE hInstance, _In_opt_ HINSTANCE hPrevInstance, _In_ LPTSTR lpCmdLine, _In_ int nCmdShow) { //GDI+开启 GdiplusStartupInput StartupInput = {0}; StartupInput.GdiplusVersion = 1; GdiplusStartup(&token, &StartupInput,NULL); //在这里尽情地GDI+Flat编程吧 //GDI+关闭 GdiplusShutdown(token);//可以把这个写在消息循环后面,程序退出就销毁,或者在不需要GDI+时调用,比如GDI+窗口的WM_DESTROY消息里调用 }