试用TopLink JPA

试用TopLink JPA

1. 环境
jdk version: 1.5
ant version: 1.6.5
database version: Oracle 9.2
tomcat version: 5.0.28

2.  download: Example Source Code    TopLink JPA jar

3. gen war
unzip order-jsf-jpa-example.zip to <EXAMPLE_HOME>
java -jar glassfish-persistence-installer-9.0-b48.jar
Add toplink-essentials.jar and toplink-essentials-agent.jar to: <EXAMPLE_HOME>
modify <EXAMPLE_HOME>\persistence-unit\src\META-INF\persistence.xml
< properties >
< property  name ="toplink.ddl-generation"  value ="create-tables" />   <!--  下载包没有的  -->
< property  name ="toplink.logging.level"  value ="FINE" />
< property  name ="toplink.jdbc.driver"  value ="oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver" />    <!--  update to match database -->
< property  name ="toplink.jdbc.url"  value ="jdbc:oracle:thin:@localhost:1521:ora92" />   <!--  update to match database -->
< property  name ="toplink.jdbc.password"  value ="tiger" />   <!--  update to match database -->
< property  name ="toplink.jdbc.user"  value ="scott" />   <!--  update to match database -->
</ properties >
modify <EXAMPLE_HOME>\extras\src\oracle\toplink\jpa\example\inventory\tools\DDLGenerator.java
public   static   void  main(String args[]){
        Map properties 
=   new  HashMap();
//         properties.put("toplink.ddl-generation", "drop-and-create-tables");
        EntityManagerFactory emf  =  Persistence.createEntityManagerFactory( " default " , properties);
ant generate-tables
ant populate-data
ant package.webapp

4. deploy
Deploy the <EXAMPLE_HOME>\web-application\deploy\jpa-example.war file to Tomcat

1. http://www.oracle.com/technology/products/ias/toplink/jpa/tutorials/jsf-jpa-tutorial.html
2. http://www.oracle.com/technology/products/ias/toplink/jpa/resources/toplink-jpa-extensions.html#Java2DBSchemaGen

P.S.:使用annotation代替xml, 且object默认同名映射table,爽啊,可惜的是项目暂时不可能用到,websphere 5.x和weblogic 8.x都不支持jdk 1.5

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