参见 http://www.geeksforgeeks.org/print-binary-tree-vertical-order/
1 首先定义 Vertical Order,
/ \
2 3
/ \ / \
4 5 6 7
\ \
8 9
The output of print this tree vertically will be:
4 :
1 5 6
3 8
4 : 与root的距离为-2
2: 与root的距离为-1
1 5 6: 与root的距离为0
3 8: 与root的距离为1
7: 与root的距离为2
9 : 与root的距离为3
2 代码如下:
struct TreeNode { int val; TreeNode *left; TreeNode *right; TreeNode(int x) : val(x), left(NULL), right(NULL) {} }; class Solution { public: void get_min_max(TreeNode* root, int & min, int & max, int current_distance ) { if (root == NULL) return; if (current_distance < min) min = current_distance; if (current_distance > max) max = current_distance; get_min_max(root->left, min, max, current_distance - 1); get_min_max(root->right, min, max, current_distance + 1); } void helper(TreeNode* root, int line_index, int current_distance) { if (root == NULL) return; if(line_index == current_distance) { std::cout<<root->val<<", "; } helper(root->left, line_index, current_distance - 1); helper(root->right, line_index, current_distance + 1); } void vertical_tra(TreeNode* root) { int min; int max; int current_distance = 0; get_min_max(root, min, max, current_distance); std::cout<<"min = "<<min<<", max = "<<max<<std::endl; for (int i = min; i < max; ++i ) { helper(root, i, current_distance); std::cout<<std::endl; } } };