[置顶] HEVC CU 级别的分析





class TComDataCU
  // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  // class pointers
  // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  TComPic*      m_pcPic;              ///< picture class pointer
  TComSlice*    m_pcSlice;            ///< slice header pointer
  TComPattern*  m_pcPattern;          ///< neighbour access class pointer
  // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  // CU description
  // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  UInt          m_uiCUAddr;           ///< CU address in a slice
  UInt          m_uiAbsIdxInLCU;      ///< absolute address in a CU. It's Z scan order
  UInt          m_uiCUPelX;           ///< CU position in a pixel (X)
  UInt          m_uiCUPelY;           ///< CU position in a pixel (Y)
  UInt          m_uiNumPartition;     ///< total number of minimum partitions in a CU
  UChar*        m_puhWidth;           ///< array of widths
  UChar*        m_puhHeight;          ///< array of heights
  UChar*        m_puhDepth;           ///< array of depths
  Int           m_unitSize;           ///< size of a "minimum partition"
  // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  // CU data
  // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  Bool*         m_skipFlag;           ///< array of skip flags
  Char*         m_pePartSize;         ///< array of partition sizes
  Char*         m_pePredMode;         ///< array of prediction modes
  Bool*         m_CUTransquantBypass;   ///< array of cu_transquant_bypass flags
  Char*         m_phQP;               ///< array of QP values
  UChar*        m_puhTrIdx;           ///< array of transform indices
  UChar*        m_puhTransformSkip[3];///< array of transform skipping flags
  UChar*        m_puhCbf[3];          ///< array of coded block flags (CBF)

  TCoeff*       m_pcTrCoeffY;         ///< transformed coefficient buffer (Y)
  TCoeff*       m_pcTrCoeffCb;        ///< transformed coefficient buffer (Cb)
  TCoeff*       m_pcTrCoeffCr;        ///< transformed coefficient buffer (Cr)
  Int*          m_pcArlCoeffY;        ///< ARL coefficient buffer (Y)
  Int*          m_pcArlCoeffCb;       ///< ARL coefficient buffer (Cb)
  Int*          m_pcArlCoeffCr;       ///< ARL coefficient buffer (Cr)
  Bool          m_ArlCoeffIsAliasedAllocation; ///< ARL coefficient buffer is an alias of the global buffer and must not be free()'d

  static Int*   m_pcGlbArlCoeffY;     ///< ARL coefficient buffer (Y)
  static Int*   m_pcGlbArlCoeffCb;    ///< ARL coefficient buffer (Cb)
  static Int*   m_pcGlbArlCoeffCr;    ///< ARL coefficient buffer (Cr)
  Pel*          m_pcIPCMSampleY;      ///< PCM sample buffer (Y)
  Pel*          m_pcIPCMSampleCb;     ///< PCM sample buffer (Cb)
  Pel*          m_pcIPCMSampleCr;     ///< PCM sample buffer (Cr)

  Int*          m_piSliceSUMap;       ///< pointer of slice ID map
  std::vector<NDBFBlockInfo> m_vNDFBlock;

  // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  // neighbour access variables
  // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  TComDataCU*   m_pcCUAboveLeft;      ///< pointer of above-left CU
  TComDataCU*   m_pcCUAboveRight;     ///< pointer of above-right CU
  TComDataCU*   m_pcCUAbove;          ///< pointer of above CU
  TComDataCU*   m_pcCULeft;           ///< pointer of left CU
  TComDataCU*   m_apcCUColocated[2];  ///< pointer of temporally colocated CU's for both directions

  // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  // coding tool information
  // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

  UChar*        m_puhLumaIntraDir;    ///< array of intra directions (luma)
  UChar*        m_puhChromaIntraDir;  ///< array of intra directions (chroma)

  Bool*         m_pbIPCMFlag;         ///< array of intra_pcm flags

  Int           m_numSucIPCM;         ///< the number of succesive IPCM blocks associated with the current log2CUSize
  Bool          m_lastCUSucIPCMFlag;  ///< True indicates that the last CU is IPCM and shares the same root as the current CU.  

  // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  // misc. variables
  // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  Bool          m_bDecSubCu;          ///< indicates decoder-mode
  Double        m_dTotalCost;         ///< sum of partition RD costs
  UInt          m_uiTotalDistortion;  ///< sum of partition distortion
  UInt          m_uiTotalBits;        ///< sum of partition bits
  UInt          m_uiTotalBins;       ///< sum of partition bins
  UInt*         m_uiSliceStartCU;    ///< Start CU address of current slice
  UInt*         m_uiDependentSliceStartCU; ///< Start CU address of current slice
  Char          m_codedQP;




namespace RasterAddress
  /** Check whether 2 addresses point to the same column
   * \param addrA          First address in raster scan order
   * \param addrB          Second address in raters scan order
   * \param numUnitsPerRow Number of units in a row
   * \return Result of test
  static inline Bool isEqualCol( Int addrA, Int addrB, Int numUnitsPerRow )
    // addrA % numUnitsPerRow == addrB % numUnitsPerRow
    return (( addrA ^ addrB ) &  ( numUnitsPerRow - 1 ) ) == 0;
  /** Check whether 2 addresses point to the same row
   * \param addrA          First address in raster scan order
   * \param addrB          Second address in raters scan order
   * \param numUnitsPerRow Number of units in a row
   * \return Result of test
  static inline Bool isEqualRow( Int addrA, Int addrB, Int numUnitsPerRow )
    // addrA / numUnitsPerRow == addrB / numUnitsPerRow
    return (( addrA ^ addrB ) &~ ( numUnitsPerRow - 1 ) ) == 0;
  /** Check whether 2 addresses point to the same row or column
   * \param addrA          First address in raster scan order
   * \param addrB          Second address in raters scan order
   * \param numUnitsPerRow Number of units in a row
   * \return Result of test
  static inline Bool isEqualRowOrCol( Int addrA, Int addrB, Int numUnitsPerRow )
    return isEqualCol( addrA, addrB, numUnitsPerRow ) | isEqualRow( addrA, addrB, numUnitsPerRow );
  /** Check whether one address points to the first column
   * \param addr           Address in raster scan order
   * \param numUnitsPerRow Number of units in a row
   * \return Result of test
  static inline Bool isZeroCol( Int addr, Int numUnitsPerRow )
    // addr % numUnitsPerRow == 0
    return ( addr & ( numUnitsPerRow - 1 ) ) == 0;
  /** Check whether one address points to the first row
   * \param addr           Address in raster scan order
   * \param numUnitsPerRow Number of units in a row
   * \return Result of test
  static inline Bool isZeroRow( Int addr, Int numUnitsPerRow )
    // addr / numUnitsPerRow == 0
    return ( addr &~ ( numUnitsPerRow - 1 ) ) == 0;
  /** Check whether one address points to a column whose index is smaller than a given value
   * \param addr           Address in raster scan order
   * \param val            Given column index value
   * \param numUnitsPerRow Number of units in a row
   * \return Result of test
  static inline Bool lessThanCol( Int addr, Int val, Int numUnitsPerRow )
    // addr % numUnitsPerRow < val
    return ( addr & ( numUnitsPerRow - 1 ) ) < val;
  /** Check whether one address points to a row whose index is smaller than a given value
   * \param addr           Address in raster scan order
   * \param val            Given row index value
   * \param numUnitsPerRow Number of units in a row
   * \return Result of test
  static inline Bool lessThanRow( Int addr, Int val, Int numUnitsPerRow )
    // addr / numUnitsPerRow < val
    return addr < val * numUnitsPerRow;

