SkySeraph May 29th 2011 HQU
Email:[email protected] QQ:452728574
Latest Modified Date:May 29th 2011 HQU
一 说明:
二 源码:
///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Note: 生成测试图片 // Copyright: [email protected] @skyseraph/zhaobo // Version: 5/23/2011 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void CColorSegDlg::OnCreatImage() { if(!(ToDisplayCtr1)) { MessageBox("Please Load Pic!"); return; } // 定义工作位图 IplImage* src; src = ToDisplayCtr1; IplImage * dst = cvCreateImage(cvGetSize(src),IPL_DEPTH_8U,3); double R,G,B,H,S,V; int x,y; //给定HSV值,转换为RGB后生成测试图像 //①和③ V相同/近,H相距较大,S相距2倍(测试S大小对聚类影响) //① for (y=0; y<src->height/4; y++) { for (x=0; x<src->width/4; x++) { H = (2*PI*260/360);//弧度制 S = 5/100.0; V = 71*2.55/255.0; // RGB-HSV pMyColorSpace.HSV2RGB(R,G,B,H,S,V); R = R*255; G = G*255; B = B*255; // 获取当前点BGR值 ((uchar*)(dst->imageData + y*dst->widthStep))[x*dst->nChannels] = (int)B; ((uchar*)(dst->imageData + y*dst->widthStep))[x*dst->nChannels+1] = (int)G; ((uchar*)(dst->imageData + y*dst->widthStep))[x*dst->nChannels+2] = (int)R; } } //③ for (y=0; y<src->height/4; y++) { for (x=src->width/4; x<src->width; x++) { H = (2*PI*104/360);//弧度制 S = 7/100.0; V = 71*2.55/255.0; // RGB-HSV pMyColorSpace.HSV2RGB(R,G,B,H,S,V); R = R*255; G = G*255; B = B*255; // 获取当前点BGR值 ((uchar*)(dst->imageData + y*dst->widthStep))[x*dst->nChannels] = (int)B; ((uchar*)(dst->imageData + y*dst->widthStep))[x*dst->nChannels+1] = (int)G; ((uchar*)(dst->imageData + y*dst->widthStep))[x*dst->nChannels+2] = (int)R; } } //②和④ V相同,H相同/近,测试S(S大小对聚类影响) //② for (y=src->height/4; y<src->height; y++) { for (x=0; x<src->width/4; x++) { H = (2*PI*260/360);//弧度制 S = 20.0/100.0; V = 71*2.55/255.0; // RGB-HSV pMyColorSpace.HSV2RGB(R,G,B,H,S,V); R = R*255; G = G*255; B = B*255; // 获取当前点BGR值 ((uchar*)(dst->imageData + y*dst->widthStep))[x*dst->nChannels] = (int)B; ((uchar*)(dst->imageData + y*dst->widthStep))[x*dst->nChannels+1] = (int)G; ((uchar*)(dst->imageData + y*dst->widthStep))[x*dst->nChannels+2] = (int)R; } } //④ for (y=src->height/4; y<src->height; y++) { for (x=src->width/4; x<src->width; x++) { H = (2*PI*104/360);//弧度制 S = 40.0/100.0; V = 71*2.55/255.0; // RGB-HSV pMyColorSpace.HSV2RGB(R,G,B,H,S,V); R = R*255; G = G*255; B = B*255; // 获取当前点BGR值 ((uchar*)(dst->imageData + y*dst->widthStep))[x*dst->nChannels] = (int)B; ((uchar*)(dst->imageData + y*dst->widthStep))[x*dst->nChannels+1] = (int)G; ((uchar*)(dst->imageData + y*dst->widthStep))[x*dst->nChannels+2] = (int)R; } } cvNamedWindow("ImageRGB",0); cvShowImage("ImageRGB",dst); cvSaveImage(".\\imageRGB.jpg",dst); /* // 对生成的图像转换为HSV输出显示 IplImage * dstHSV = cvCreateImage(cvGetSize(src),IPL_DEPTH_8U,3); for (y=0; y<src->height; y++) { for ( x=0; x<src->width; x++) { // 获取当前点BGR值 B = ((uchar*)(dst->imageData + y*dst->widthStep))[x*dst->nChannels]; G = ((uchar*)(dst->imageData + y*dst->widthStep))[x*dst->nChannels+1]; R = ((uchar*)(dst->imageData + y*dst->widthStep))[x*dst->nChannels+2]; // pMyColorSpace.RGB2HSV(R,G,B,H,S,V); H = 360*H/(2*PI); //弧度转换为角度制 V = V*255.0; //[0,1] to [0,255] S = S*100.0; //[0,1] to [0,100] // ((uchar*)(dstHSV->imageData + y*dstHSV->widthStep))[x*dstHSV->nChannels] = (int)H; ((uchar*)(dstHSV->imageData + y*dstHSV->widthStep))[x*dstHSV->nChannels+1] = (int)S; ((uchar*)(dstHSV->imageData + y*dstHSV->widthStep))[x*dstHSV->nChannels+2] = (int)V; } } cvNamedWindow("ImageHSV",0); cvShowImage("ImageHSV",dstHSV); cvSaveImage(".\\imageHSV.jpg",dstHSV); */ cvWaitKey(0); cvDestroyAllWindows(); }
三 图片:
图片一: V相同/相近、H相距较大,用于测试饱和度S大小对分割算法的影响
Note:S范围[0,100] V[0,255] H范围[0,2PI]
图片二 S相同/相近、H相距较大,用于测试亮度V大小对分割算法的影响
Note:S范围[0,100] V[0,255] H范围[0,2PI]
Author: SKySeraph
Email/GTalk: [email protected] QQ:452728574
From: http://www.cnblogs.com/skyseraph/