commons-dbutils Helper VS JDBCTemplate

但是相对来说commons-dbutils缺少封装, 接下来就测试上一篇的help.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> 
<!DOCTYPE properties SYSTEM "">
	<comment>ENTITY event, TABLE events</comment>
	<entry key="eventsSequnce">
	<entry key="queryCounts">
		SELECT count(*) FROM events 
	<entry key="queryEvents">
		SELECT event_id,event_date,title FROM events 
	<entry key="queryEventById">
		SELECT event_id id,event_date,title FROM events WHERE event_id = ?
	<entry key="deleteEvent">
		DELETE events WHERE event_id = ?
	<entry key="updateEvent">
		UPDATE events SET event_date = ?, title = ? WHERE event_id = ?
	<entry key="insertEvent">
		INSERT into events(event_id,event_date,title) VALUES(?,?,?)

1. 查询对象返回(单列单行)

Spring JDBC queryForObject.
int rowCount = this.jdbcTemplate.queryForObject("select count(*) from t_actor", Integer.class);

DbutilHelper helper = new DbutilHelper("/dbUtils.xml");	
//query for Object
Long counts = helper.queryForObject(helper.getSql("queryCounts"), Long.class);

这里的getSql和上面的语句一致,连传递的参数都一致。 是我抄袭了吗?不是的,而是dbutils和Spring这里的设计撞衫了.

Spring JDBC 使用如下借口

public interface RowMapper<T> {

	 * Implementations must implement this method to map each row of data
	 * in the ResultSet. This method should not call {@code next()} on
	 * the ResultSet; it is only supposed to map values of the current row.
	 * @param rs the ResultSet to map (pre-initialized for the current row)
	 * @param rowNum the number of the current row
	 * @return the result object for the current row
	 * @throws SQLException if a SQLException is encountered getting
	 * column values (that is, there's no need to catch SQLException)
	T mapRow(ResultSet rs, int rowNum) throws SQLException;

而commons dbutils,使用如下借口

public interface ResultSetHandler<T> {

     * Turn the <code>ResultSet</code> into an Object.
     * @param rs The <code>ResultSet</code> to handle.  It has not been touched
     * before being passed to this method.
     * @return An Object initialized with <code>ResultSet</code> data. It is
     * legal for implementations to return <code>null</code> if the
     * <code>ResultSet</code> contained 0 rows.
     * @throws SQLException if a database access error occurs
    T handle(ResultSet rs) throws SQLException;

其实我更喜欢commons-dbutils的设计更能让人理解. 原理都一样,处理结果集到对象.

2. 查询对象(单行)

Spring JDBC queryForObject.
Actor actor = this.jdbcTemplate.queryForObject(
        "select first_name, last_name from t_actor where id = ?",
        new Object[]{1212L},
        new RowMapper<Actor>() {
            public Actor mapRow(ResultSet rs, int rowNum) throws SQLException {
                Actor actor = new Actor();
                return actor;

方法名没变, 不过是用对象数组做参数,还加了RowMapper.

//query bean Object 
		Event count = helper.queryBean(helper.getSql("queryEventById"), Event.class,161L);

我这里换了个名字,因为要做Bean的转化,如果column名称和对象的property名称对应,那么以上就可以了。 如果不对应怎么办?可以使用column Lable,因为这个优先级比较高
SELECT event_id id,event_date date,title FROM events WHERE event_id = ?

一般情况下是没有问题的,但是遇上关键字,你就煞笔了吧(date is the keyword in database).[ 其实对象的属性命名也很重要,不要用关键字]

于是乎,我这里加了个转化方法,Map<String,String> columntopropertyoverrride.

Map<String,String> columntopropertyoverrides = new HashMap<String,String>();
		columntopropertyoverrides.put("EVENT_DATE", "date");
		Event count1 = helper.queryBean(helper.getSql("queryEventById"), Event.class,columntopropertyoverrides,161L);


2. 查询对象列表(多行)

Spring JDBC query.
List<Actor> actors = this.jdbcTemplate.query(
        "select first_name, last_name from t_actor",
        new RowMapper<Actor>() {
            public Actor mapRow(ResultSet rs, int rowNum) throws SQLException {
                Actor actor = new Actor();
                return actor;

其实spring很狡猾的, query查询的是list, queryForObject只是调用query去第一条. 所以看起来很简单,还是很清晰明白的,比使用框架好多了。[ no configuration]

//query List<bean> Object
		List<Event> events = helper.queryBeanList(helper.getSql("queryEvents"), Event.class);


3. 添加
        "insert into t_actor (first_name, last_name) values (?, ?)",
        "Leonor", "Watling");

Long id = helper.insert(helper.getSql("insertEvent"), helper.getSql("eventsSequnce"), new java.sql.Date(new Date().getTime()),"good mood");

4. 更新

        "update t_actor set last_name = ? where id = ?",
        "Banjo", 5276L);

int effect = helper.update(helper.getSql("updateEvent"),new java.sql.Date(new Date().getTime()),"okok",150L);

5. 删除

        "delete from actor where id = ?",

int effect1 = helper.update(helper.getSql("deleteEvent"),170L);

这真的太像了。 如果commons-dbutils封装一下,还是一个不错的轻量级ORM. 和Spring JDBC差不多,不过如果使用Spring开发的同学,使用Spring JDBC就可以了,自己封装一下就可以了,就像我封装commons-dbutils一样

Object[][] params = new Object[5][];
		params[0] = new Object[]{"cao",140L};
		params[1] = new Object[]{"cao",141L};
		params[2] = new Object[]{"cao",142L};
		params[3] = new Object[]{"cao",161};
		params[4] = new Object[]{"cao",162}; 
		//batch update in batchSize
		int[] effect2 = helper.batch("update events set title=? where event_id=?", params, 2);
		for(int effect2s:effect2){
		//batch update in params.length.
		int[] effectall = helper.batch("update events set title=? where event_id=?", params);
		for(int effectalls:effectall){
     * Indicates that a batch statement was executed with a successful result,
     * but a count of the number of rows it affected is unavailable.
     * public static final int SUCCESS_NO_INFO = -2; 


if query large Datas, please set FecthSize, this will be improve performance.

一般情况下,我们select * from table, 默认一次fecth 10条,因为FecthSize默认为10, 如果我们要获取1000条,10000条?

if you increase this number, will be reduce client and oracle's response. but suggest not over than 100, or will be spend middle component's memory.

