Ubuntu 9.10 中Eclipse按钮失效问题

升级到UBUNTU 9.10后发现ECLIPSE中弹出窗口上面按钮都不能点了,点了按钮会动一下,但就是不执行它该执行的动作,查了下似乎是因为更新了gnome导致的,网上搜到解决方法如下:

After upgrading to Ubuntu 9.10 (Karmic Koala) some buttons no longer work in Eclipse 3.5. Clicking has no effect but keyboard shortcuts still work.

It looks like Eclipse is doing some nasty stuff advanced hacking in SWT on GTK. This bug is fixed in 3.6M2 but you can work around the issue in Eclipse 3.5 by launching Eclipse through the following small shell script (assuming Eclipse is installed in /opt/eclipse-3.5):


