用Qt Creator和MinGW编译OpenCV2.4.2所需要的步骤.备用



下面是网上给出的具体的用Qt Creator和MinGW编译OpenCV的步骤:

Steps to build OpenCV with Qt Creator and MinGW

1. Run CMake GUI.
2. Set the source code: “<OpenCV_directory>”
3. Set where to build binaries to: “<build_directory>”. Example: E:\OpenCV-2.3.1\MinGW
4. Press Configure
5. Let CMake create the new folder.
6. Specify the generator: MinGW Makefiles.
7. Select “Specify Native Compilers” and click Next.
8. For C set: “<Qt_directory>/mingw/bin/gcc.exe”
9. For C++ set: “<Qt_directory>/mingw/bin/g++.exe”
10. Click Finish
11. In the configuration screen type in “DEBUG” (or “RELEASE” if you want to build a release version) for CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE. Check BUILD_EXAMPLES if you want. Check WITH_QT .Uncheck WITH_QT.
12. Click configure again.
13. The configure screen will make you specify the qmake path. It is in the Qt directory: “<Qt_directory>/qt/bin/qmake.exe”
14. Click configure again. Click generate. Close CMake.
15. Go to the command prompt and go to the folder where you built your binaries (command: cd <build_directory>) and type “mingw32-make” and hit enter (this might take some time).

16. Then type “mingw32-make install” and hit enter again


0. 安装QtSDK,下载地址,下载好了后安装,设置Path(环境变量),此处从略

1. 下载CMake,下载地址 ,我下载的是windows下的cmake-2.8.9-win32-x86.exe (CMake用来制作Makefile文件)

2. 下载opencv,下载地址,我下载的是OpenCV-2.4.2.exe,运行下载的文件即得到源码目录

3. 安装好CMake以后,打开cmake-gui.exe (我的文件目录是:C:\Program Files (x86)\CMake 2.8\bin)

4.设置opencv的源码目录及编译目录(这个自己以新建一个目录,用英文)如下,选择Generator:MinGW Makefiles. (保证第0步Path设置正确)

用Qt Creator和MinGW编译OpenCV2.4.2所需要的步骤.备用_第1张图片



7.输入命令 mingw32-make 进行编译(需要一段等待时间)如下图

用Qt Creator和MinGW编译OpenCV2.4.2所需要的步骤.备用_第2张图片

8. 编译完成后,输入命令 mingw32-make install 进行安装,如下图:

用Qt Creator和MinGW编译OpenCV2.4.2所需要的步骤.备用_第3张图片


  (我的是 D:\OpenCV2.4\install\bin)

