BitSet实现了一种比特位的向量,能够自动增长,用途很广泛。如在bloom filter中会用到BitSet来标识某一位是否置位等。初始情况下所有位都为false。主要的变量如下表中所示,下面分析的时候会详细介绍这些变量的用处。首先可以注意到用来存储位向量的数组words为long类型,也就是说每一个值可以保存64位信息,所以ADDRESS_BITS_PER_WORD=6。变量wordsInUse用来表示当前有多少个words在用,初始为0,它的值在每次扩容words数组后更新,第一次调用set(int index)方法时一定会更新wordsInUse变量,因为初始值0会小于需要的words数目。这里的word都是long类型,即64位的。此外,变量sizeInSticky表示用户是否指定了words的数目。
private finalstatic int ADDRESS_BITS_PER_WORD = 6; privatefinal staticint BITS_PER_WORD = 1 <<ADDRESS_BITS_PER_WORD; privatefinal staticint BIT_INDEX_MASK =BITS_PER_WORD - 1; /** * The internal field corresponding to the serialField "bits". */ privatelong[]words;
/** * The number of words in the logical size of this BitSet. */ privatetransient intwordsInUse = 0;
/** * Whether the size of "words" is user-specified. If so, we assume the user * knows what he's doing and try harder to preserve it. */ privatetransient booleansizeIsSticky =false; |
public BitSet() { initWords(BITS_PER_WORD); //BITS_PER_WORD=1<<6=64 sizeIsSticky =false; }
public BitSet(int nbits) { //nbits can't be negative; size 0 is OK if (nbits < 0) thrownew NegativeArraySizeException("nbits < 0: " + nbits);
initWords(nbits); sizeIsSticky =true; } privatevoidinitWords(int nbits) { words =newlong[wordIndex(nbits - 1) + 1]; } /*判断指定比特位在数组中的索引, *如第62位属于words[0],而第64位属于words[1](62>>6=0, 64>>6=1) */ privatestaticintwordIndex(int bitIndex) { // ADDRESS_BITS_PER_WORD=6 return bitIndex >>ADDRESS_BITS_PER_WORD; } |
set(int index):设置指定的第index位为true(其实就是置为1)。
publicvoid set(int bitIndex) { //判断bitIndex不能小于0 if (bitIndex < 0) thrownew IndexOutOfBoundsException("bitIndex < 0: " + bitIndex); //计算这一位在words数组中的位置 int wordIndex =wordIndex(bitIndex); //判断是否需要扩展words数组大小 expandTo(wordIndex);
words[wordIndex] |= (1L << bitIndex);// Restores invariants checkInvariants();//检查一些条件是否满足。 } privatevoid expandTo(int wordIndex) { int wordsRequired = wordIndex + 1; if (wordsInUse < wordsRequired) { //如果当前使用的words数目小于需要的words数目,则扩展words数组至需要的大小,并设置wordsInUse值为当前需要的words数目。 ensureCapacity(wordsRequired); wordsInUse = wordsRequired; } } privatevoid ensureCapacity(int wordsRequired) { if (words.length < wordsRequired) { // Allocate larger of doubled size or required size int request = Math.max(2 *words.length, wordsRequired); words = Arrays.copyOf(words, request); sizeIsSticky =false; } } |
如果需要增大words数组,则调用ensureCapacity方法实现,该方法设置新数组大小为words数组原来大小的2倍和wordsRequired的较大值,创建新数组,并将原来words数组的元素全部拷贝到新创建数组中,更新words为新数组的引用。同时会设置sizeIsSticky = false。
否则,直接将index位置位,即通过这一行代码实现置位:words[wordIndex] |= (1L << bitIndex);其中wordIndex为index在words数组中的位置,后面通过按位或操作对bitIndex位置位。需要注意的是java中的移位操作会模除位数,也就是说,long类型的移位会模除64。例如对long类型的值左移65位,实际是左移了65%64=1位。
BitSet bs = new BitSet(); //1 bs.set(12); //2 bs.set(63); //3 bs.set(64); //4 |
第一行创建一个BitSet对象,此时调用无参数的构造函数,初始化比特位为64,也就是说words数组初始大小为1。接着调用set(12)设置第12位为1,在执行set方法的过程中,会调用expandTo()方法来判断是否需要扩容,最终确定是否扩容是由ensureCapacity方法决定的。由于第2行代码是第一次调用set方法,此时wordsInUse=0 < wordsRequired=1,所以会设置wordsInUse=1,需要注意的是此时并没有扩容。第3行代码置位第63位,不需要扩容。第4行代码置位第64位,此时wordsRequired=2 > wordsInUse=1,所以会扩容,同时设置wordsInUse=2,新的words数组大小为2。
get(int index):若index位被置位,则返回true,否则返回false。
publicboolean get(int bitIndex) { if (bitIndex < 0) thrownew IndexOutOfBoundsException("bitIndex < 0: " + bitIndex); checkInvariants();
int wordIndex =wordIndex(bitIndex); return (wordIndex <wordsInUse) && ((words[wordIndex] & (1L << bitIndex)) != 0); } |
该方法首先得到获取位在words数组中的索引,然后返回相应值的对应的位的是否置位情况,主要通过words[wordIndex] & (1L << bitIndex)来实现。这个方法需要注意的一点就是,如果我们给的参数在words数组中的索引wordIndex大于或等于wordsInUse,则会直接返回false。
BitSet bs = new BitSet(); System.out.println(bs.get(126)); |
Clear(int index):清除index位的置位标志。
publicvoid clear(int bitIndex) { if (bitIndex < 0) thrownew IndexOutOfBoundsException("bitIndex < 0: " + bitIndex);
int wordIndex =wordIndex(bitIndex); if (wordIndex >=wordsInUse) return;
words[wordIndex] &= ~(1L << bitIndex);
recalculateWordsInUse(); checkInvariants(); }
/** * Set the field wordsInUse with the logical size in words of the bit set. * WARNING:This method assumes that the number of words actually in use is * less than or equal to the current value of wordsInUse! */ privatevoid recalculateWordsInUse() { // Traverse thebitset until a used word is found int i; for (i =wordsInUse - 1; i >= 0; i--) if (words[i] != 0) break; wordsInUse = i + 1;// The new logical size } |
BitSet bs = new BitSet(); bs.set(12); bs.clear(12); System.out.println(bs.size()); //result: 64 //public int size() {words.length * BITS_PER_WORD} |
/** * Sets all of the bits in this BitSet to<code>false</code>. * * @since 1.4 */ publicvoidclear() { while (wordsInUse > 0) words[--wordsInUse] = 0; } /*这个方法将[fromIndex, toIndex)范围内的位都清零。注意包含开头不包含结尾。这里的位操作要特别注意。*/ publicvoidclear(int fromIndex,int toIndex) { checkRange(fromIndex, toIndex);
if (fromIndex == toIndex) return;
int startWordIndex =wordIndex(fromIndex); if (startWordIndex >=wordsInUse) return;
int endWordIndex =wordIndex(toIndex - 1); if (endWordIndex >=wordsInUse) { toIndex = length(); endWordIndex = wordsInUse - 1; }
long firstWordMask =WORD_MASK << fromIndex; long lastWordMask =WORD_MASK >>> -toIndex; //注意这里是算术移位 if (startWordIndex == endWordIndex) { // Case 1: One word words[startWordIndex] &= ~(firstWordMask & lastWordMask); } else { // Case 2: Multiple words // Handle first word words[startWordIndex] &= ~firstWordMask;
// Handle intermediate words, if any for (int i = startWordIndex + 1; i < endWordIndex; i++) words[i] = 0;
// Handle last word words[endWordIndex] &= ~lastWordMask; }
recalculateWordsInUse(); checkInvariants(); } |