python 日志记录

周海汉 /文





在写<汉字大全 >时,自己实现了简单的log系统:

#!/bin/env python #--*-- coding=utf8 --*-- # # Author: ablozhou # E-mail: [email protected] # # Copyright 2010 ablozhou # # Distributed under the terms of the GPL (GNU Public License) # # hzdq is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA # # 2010.3.14 写文件,log级别常数定义 import datetime import sys import traceback import codecs import types #log编码全部按utf8处理 loglevels = {'stdout':['info','debug','warn','error','fatal'], 'file':['info','debug','warn','error','fatal'] } logfile = 'logs.txt' class log4py: def __init__(self,modulename='gloabal', loglevel=loglevels, filename='log4py.txt'): self.filename = filename #self.flag = set(loglevel['stdout']+loglevel['file']) self.loglevel = loglevel self.modulename = modulename self.fcname = None class function(): def __init__(self,fcname,parent): parent.debug('enter ',fcname) self.fcname = fcname self.parent = parent def __del__(self): self.parent.debug('exit ',self.fcname) def dbgfc(self,fcname): '''set debug function name''' f = None if 'debug' in self.flag: f = self.function(fcname,self) return f def _gettime(self): return def outstd(self,*fmt): s = self.fmtstr(*fmt) print s def outfile(self,*fmt): s = self.fmtstr(*fmt) #print 'before outfile '+s if s: #print 'outfile '+s encoding = 'utf8' out = open(logfile, 'a+')#, encoding out.write(s) out.write('/n') out.close() def fmtstr(self, *fmt): str = '' encoding = 'utf8'#缺省utf8编码 for i in fmt: if not type(i) in [types.UnicodeType, types.StringTypes, types.StringType]: s= repr(i) else: s = i if type(s) == type(u''): str += s.encode(encoding) else: str += s str += '.' #str += '/n' #print 'fmtstr:'+str return str def debug(self,*fmt): if 'debug' in self.loglevel['stdout']: self.outstd(self._gettime(),'[DEBUG]',self.modulename,*fmt) if 'debug' in self.loglevel['file']: #print 'debug file ...' self.outfile(self._gettime(),'[DEBUG]',self.modulename,*fmt) def warn(self,*fmt): if 'warn' in self.loglevel['stdout']: self.outstd(self._gettime(),'[WARN]',self.modulename,*fmt) if 'warn' in self.loglevel['file']: self.outfile(self._gettime(),'[WARN]',self.modulename,*fmt) def info(self,*fmt): if 'info' in self.loglevel['stdout']: self.outstd(self._gettime(),'[INFO]',self.modulename,*fmt) if 'info' in self.loglevel['file']: self.outfile(self._gettime(),'[INFO]',self.modulename,*fmt) def error(self,*fmt): #print '/033[0;30;41m', if 'error' in self.loglevel['stdout']: self.outstd(self._gettime(),'[ERROR]',self.modulename,*fmt) if 'error' in self.loglevel['file']: self.outfile(self._gettime(),'[ERROR]',self.modulename,*fmt) #print '/033[0m' def fatal(self,*fmt): if 'fatal' in self.loglevel['stdout']: self.outstd(self._gettime(),'[FATAL',self.modulename,*fmt) if 'fatal' in self.loglevel['file']: self.outfile(self._gettime(),'[FATAL',self.modulename,*fmt) #unit test if __name__ == '__main__': log=log4py() log.outstd('INFO','stdout','test') log.outfile('INFO','stdout','test') log.debug('debug information 调试') log.error('errorrrrrrrrrrrrrrr') log.debug('hello')



2010-03-20T09:19:47.091774.[DEBUG].gloabal.debug information 调试.



import log4py

log = log4py.log4py('module name')












>>> import logging
>>> logging.debug('debug')
>>> logging.warn('debug')
>>> logging.debug('你好,调试')
>>> logging.warn('你好,调试')





2.1 logging的几个组件

Logger,Manager, Handler,Filter,Formatter,Configuration,Level

Logger 是应用中log的实例,Handler是输出的方式,如:

  • StreamHandler - logging to a stream, defaulting to sys.stderr.
  • FileHandler - logging to disk files.
  • RotatingFileHandler - logging to disk files with support for rollover, rotating files.
  • SocketHandler - logging to a streaming socket.
  • DatagramHandler - logging to a UDP socket.
  • SMTPHandler - logging to an email address.
  • SysLogHandler - logging to Unix syslog. Contributed by Nicolas Untz, based on Sam Rushing's syslog module .
  • MemoryHandler - buffering records in memory until a specific trigger occurs (or until the buffer gets full).
  • NTEventLogHandler - writes events to the NT event log. For this to work, you need to have Mark Hammond's Win32 extensions installed. (Though of course you can still log to NT from other platforms - just use SocketHandler to redirect to an NT machine).
  • HTTPHandler - sends events to a Web server using either GET or POST semantics.








#!/usr/bin/env python #coding:utf8 #author <a title="" href="" target="_blank">周海汉</a> #date:2010.3.20 #file import logging import logging.config logconf = '/home/zhouhh/logconf.ini' logging.config.fileConfig(fname=logconf) log1 = logging.getLogger('modlog1') log1.debug('log1调试信息') log1.warn('log1警告信息') log1.error('log1 error错误信息') log2 = logging.getLogger('modlog1.modlog2') log2.debug('log2调试信息') log2.warn('log2警告信息') log2.error('log2 错误信息')



# --- logconf.ini ------------ [loggers] keys=root,modlog1,modlog2 [handlers] keys=hd1,hd2 [formatters] keys=fmt1,fmt2 #root logger # #level: DEBUG, INFO, WARN, ERROR, CRITICAL , NOTSET. # 在root logger, NOTSET 表示记录所有信息. #propagate 表示该logger是否从父logger中传送handler # channel 表示logger内通道名最低的部分,如 logger 名 "a.b.c", 该值是 "c". # #parent 表示父 logger名,但root的父log是 "(root)" 而不是 "root". # #qualname 完全的通道名 ,如logger 名是 "a.b.c", 该值即 "a.b.c". # #handlers 是本logger附带的逗号隔开的操作者名 #qualname=(root)用于root #propagate=1 用于非root的loggers [logger_root] level=NOTSET handlers=hd1 qualname=(root) propagate=1 channel= parent= #如果是NOTSET,表示查看父logger #propagate=0表示当root,1表示继承父logger [logger_modlog1] level=DEBUG propagate=1 qualname=modlog1 handlers=hd2 channel=modlog1 parent=(root) [logger_modlog2] level=WARN propagate=1 qualname=modlog1.modlog2 handlers=hd2 channel=modlog2 parent=modlog1 #NOTSET从父logger继承 #formatter留空表示logging._defaultFormatter [handler_hd1] class=StreamHandler level=DEBUG formatter=fmt1 args=(sys.stdout,) stream=sys.stdout [handler_hd2] class=FileHandler level=DEBUG formatter=fmt2 args=('python.log', 'w') filename=python.log mode=w [formatter_fmt1] format=F1 %(asctime)s %(levelname)s %(message)s datefmt= [formatter_fmt2] format=F2 %(asctime)s %(pathname)s(%(lineno)d): %(levelname)s %(message)s datefmt=



zhouhh@zhouhh-home:~$ python F1 2010-03-20 16:36:28,411 DEBUG log1调试信息 F1 2010-03-20 16:36:28,412 WARNING log1警告信息 F1 2010-03-20 16:36:28,412 ERROR log1 error错误信息 F1 2010-03-20 16:36:28,412 WARNING log2警告信息 F1 2010-03-20 16:36:28,412 ERROR log2 错误信息


F2 2010-03-20 16:36:28,411 DEBUG log1调试信息 F2 2010-03-20 16:36:28,412 WARNING log1警告信息 F2 2010-03-20 16:36:28,412 ERROR log1 error错误信息 F2 2010-03-20 16:36:28,412 WARNING log2警告信息 F2 2010-03-20 16:36:28,412 WARNING log2警告信息 F2 2010-03-20 16:36:28,412 ERROR log2 错误信息 F2 2010-03-20 16:36:28,412 ERROR log2 错误信息



# --- logconf.ini ----------------------------------------------------------- #The "loggers" section contains the key names for all the loggers in this #configuration. These are not the actual channel names, but values used to #identify where the parameters for each logger are found in this file. #The section for an individual logger is named "logger_xxx" where the "key" #for a logger is "xxx". So ... "logger_root", "logger_log02", etc. further #down the file, indicate how the root logger is set up, logger "log_02" is set #up, and so on. #Logger key names can be any identifier, except "root" which is reserved for #the root logger. (The names "lognn" are generated by the GUI configurator.) [loggers] keys=root,log02,log03,log04,log05,log06,log07 #The "handlers" section contains the key names for all the handlers in this #configuration. Just as for loggers above, the key names are values used to #identify where the parameters for each handler are found in this file. #The section for an individual handler is named "handler_xxx" where the "key" #for a handler is "xxx". So sections "handler_hand01", "handler_hand02", etc. #further down the file, indicate how the handlers "hand01", "hand02" etc. #are set up. #Handler key names can be any identifier. (The names "handnn" are generated #by the GUI configurator.) [handlers] keys=hand01,hand02,hand03,hand04,hand05,hand06,hand07,hand08,hand09 #The "formatters" section contains the key names for all the formatters in #this configuration. Just as for loggers and handlers above, the key names #are values used to identify where the parameters for each formatter are found #in this file. #The section for an individual formatter is named "formatter_xxx" where the #"key" for a formatter is "xxx". So sections "formatter_form01", #"formatter_form02", etc. further down the file indicate how the formatters #"form01", "form02" etc. are set up. #Formatter key names can be any identifier. (The names "formnn" are generated #by the GUI configurator.) [formatters] keys=form01,form02,form03,form04,form05,form06,form07,form08,form09 #The section below indicates the information relating to the root logger. # #The level value needs to be one of DEBUG, INFO, WARN, ERROR, CRITICAL or NOTSET. #In the root logger, NOTSET indicates that all messages will be logged. #Level values are eval()'d in the context of the logging package's namespace. # #The propagate value indicates whether or not parents of this loggers will #be traversed when looking for handlers. It doesn't really make sense in the #root logger - it's just there because a root logger is almost like any other #logger. # #The channel value indicates the lowest portion of the channel name of the #logger. For a logger called "a.b.c", this value would be "c". # #The parent value indicates the key name of the parent logger, except that #root is shown as "(root)" rather than "root". # #The qualname value is the fully qualified channel name of the logger. For a #logger called "a.b.c", this value would be "a.b.c". # #The handlers value is a comma-separated list of the key names of the handlers #attached to this logger. # [logger_root] level=NOTSET handlers=hand01 qualname=(root) # note - this is used in non-root loggers propagate=1 # note - this is used in non-root loggers channel= parent= # #The explanation for the values in this section is analogous to the above. The #logger is named "log02" and coincidentally has a key name of "log02". It has #a level of DEBUG and handler with key name "hand02". (See section #"handler_hand02" for handler details.) If the level value were NOTSET, this tells #the logging package to consult the parent (as long as propagate is 1) for the #effective level of this logger. If propagate is 0, this level is treated as for #the root logger - a value of NOTSET means "pass everything", and other values are #interpreted at face value. # [logger_log02] level=DEBUG propagate=1 qualname=log02 handlers=hand02 channel=log02 parent=(root) # #The explanation for the values in this section is analogous to the above. The #logger is named "log02.log03" and has a key name of "log03". #It has a level of INFO and handler with key name "hand03". # [logger_log03] level=INFO propagate=1 qualname=log02.log03 handlers=hand03 channel=log03 parent=log02 # #The explanations for the values in this section and subsequent logger sections #are analogous to the above. # [logger_log04] level=WARN propagate=0 qualname=log02.log03.log04 handlers=hand04 channel=log04 parent=log03 [logger_log05] level=ERROR propagate=1 qualname=log02.log03.log04.log05 handlers=hand05 channel=log05 parent=log04 [logger_log06] level=CRITICAL propagate=1 qualname=log02.log03.log04.log05.log06 handlers=hand06 channel=log06 parent=log05 [logger_log07] level=WARN propagate=1 qualname=log02.log03.log04.log05.log06.log07 handlers=hand07 channel=log07 parent=log06 #The section below indicates the information relating to handler "hand01". #The first three keys (class, level and formatter) are common to all handlers. #Any other values are handler-specific, except that "args", when eval()'ed, #is the list of arguments to the constructor for the handler class. # #The class value indicates the handler's class (as determined by eval() in #the logging package's namespace). # #The level value needs to be one of DEBUG, INFO, WARN, ERROR, CRITICAL or NOTSET. #NOTSET means "use the parent's level". # #The formatter value indicates the key name of the formatter for this handler. #If blank, a default formatter (logging._defaultFormatter) is used. # #The stream value indicates the stream for this StreamHandler. It is computed #by doing eval() on the string value in the context of the logging package's #namespace. # #The args value is a tuple of arguments which is passed to the constructor for #this handler's class in addition to the "self" argument. # [handler_hand01] class=StreamHandler level=NOTSET formatter=form01 args=(sys.stdout,) stream=sys.stdout #The section below indicates the information relating to handler "hand02". #The first three keys are common to all handlers. #Any other values are handler-specific, except that "args", when eval()'ed, #is the list of arguments to the constructor for the handler class. # #The filename value is the name of the file to write logging information to. #The mode value is the mode used to open() the file. The maxsize and backcount #values control rollover as described in the package's API documentation. # [handler_hand02] class=FileHandler level=DEBUG formatter=form02 args=('python.log', 'w') filename=python.log mode=w #The section below indicates the information relating to handler "hand03". #The first three keys are common to all handlers. #Any other values are handler-specific, except that "args", when eval()'ed, #is the list of arguments to the constructor for the handler class. # #The host value is the name of the host to send logging information to. #The port value is the port number to use for the socket connection. # [handler_hand03] class=handlers.SocketHandler level=INFO formatter=form03 args=('localhost', handlers.DEFAULT_TCP_LOGGING_PORT) host=localhost port=DEFAULT_TCP_LOGGING_PORT #The section below indicates the information relating to handler "hand04". #The first three keys are common to all handlers. #Any other values are handler-specific, except that "args", when eval()'ed, #is the list of arguments to the constructor for the handler class. # #The host value is the name of the host to send logging information to. #The port value is the port number to use for the socket connection. # [handler_hand04] class=handlers.DatagramHandler level=WARN formatter=form04 args=('localhost', handlers.DEFAULT_UDP_LOGGING_PORT) host=localhost port=DEFAULT_UDP_LOGGING_PORT #The section below indicates the information relating to handler "hand05". #The first three keys are common to all handlers. #Any other values are handler-specific, except that "args", when eval()'ed, #is the list of arguments to the constructor for the handler class. # #The host value is the name of the host to send logging information to. #The port value is the port number to use for the socket connection. #The facility is the syslog facility to use for logging. # [handler_hand05] class=handlers.SysLogHandler level=ERROR formatter=form05 args=(('localhost', handlers.SYSLOG_UDP_PORT), handlers.SysLogHandler.LOG_USER) host=localhost port=SYSLOG_UDP_PORT facility=LOG_USER #The section below indicates the information relating to handler "hand06". #The first three keys are common to all handlers. #Any other values are handler-specific, except that "args", when eval()'ed, #is the list of arguments to the constructor for the handler class. # #The appname value is the name of the application which appears in the #NT event log. #The dllname value is the pathname of a DLL to use for message definitions. #The logtype is the type of NT event log to write to - Application, Security #or System. # [handler_hand06] class=NTEventLogHandler level=CRITICAL formatter=form06 args=('Python Application', '', 'Application') appname=Python Application dllname= logtype=Application #The section below indicates the information relating to handler "hand07". #The first three keys are common to all handlers. #Any other values are handler-specific, except that "args", when eval()'ed, #is the list of arguments to the constructor for the handler class. # #The host value is the name of the SMTP server to connect to. #The port value is the port number to use for the SMTP connection. #The from value is the "From" value in emails. #The to value is a comma-separated list of email addresses. #The subject value is the subject of the email. # [handler_hand07] class=SMTPHandler level=WARN formatter=form07 args=('localhost', 'from@abc', ['user1@abc', 'user2@xyz'], 'Logger Subject') host=localhost port=25 from=from@abc to=user1@abc,user2@xyz subject=Logger Subject #The section below indicates the information relating to handler "hand08". #The first three keys are common to all handlers. #Any other values are handler-specific, except that "args", when eval()'ed, #is the list of arguments to the constructor for the handler class. # #The capacity value is the size of this handler's buffer. #The flushlevel value is the logging level at which the buffer is flushed. #The from value is the "From" value in emails. #The target value is the key name of the handler which messages are flushed #to (i.e. sent to when flushing). # [handler_hand08] class=MemoryHandler level=NOTSET formatter=form08 target= args=(10, ERROR) capacity=10 flushlevel=ERROR #The section below indicates the information relating to handler "hand09". #The first three keys are common to all handlers. #Any other values are handler-specific, except that "args", when eval()'ed, #is the list of arguments to the constructor for the handler class. # #The host value is the name of the HTTP server to connect to. #The port value is the port number to use for the HTTP connection. #The url value is the url to request from the server. #The method value is the HTTP request type (GET or POST). # [handler_hand09] class=HTTPHandler level=NOTSET formatter=form09 args=('localhost:9022', '/log', 'GET') host=localhost port=9022 url=/log method=GET #The sections below indicate the information relating to the various #formatters. The format value is the overall format string, and the #datefmt value is the strftime-compatible date/time format string. If #empty, the logging package substitutes ISO8601 format date/times where #needed. See the package API documentation for more details #of the format string structure. # [formatter_form01] format=F1 %(asctime)s %(levelname)s %(message)s datefmt= [formatter_form02] format=F2 %(asctime)s %(pathname)s(%(lineno)d): %(levelname)s %(message)s datefmt= [formatter_form03] format=F3 %(asctime)s %(levelname)s %(message)s datefmt= [formatter_form04] format=%(asctime)s %(levelname)s %(message)s datefmt= [formatter_form05] format=F5 %(asctime)s %(levelname)s %(message)s datefmt= [formatter_form06] format=F6 %(asctime)s %(levelname)s %(message)s datefmt= [formatter_form07] format=F7 %(asctime)s %(levelname)s %(message)s datefmt= [formatter_form08] format=F8 %(asctime)s %(levelname)s %(message)s datefmt= [formatter_form09] format=F9 %(asctime)s %(levelname)s %(message)s datefmt= # --- end of logconf.ini ----------------------------------------------------


