Baker, Cooper, Fletcher, Miller, and Smith live on different floors of an apartment house
that contains only five floors. Baker does not live on the top floor. Cooper does not live on
the bottom floor. Fletcher does not live on either the top or the bottom floor. Miller lives on
a higher floor than does Cooper. Smith does not live on a floor adjacent to Fletcher's.
Fletcher does not live on a floor adjacent to Cooper's. Where does everyone live?
Modify the multiple-dwelling procedure to omit the requirement that Smith and Fletcher do
not live on adjacent floors. How many solutions are there to this modified puzzle?
(require (not (
(abs (
smith fletcher))
((baker 1) (cooper 2) (fletcher 4) (miller 3) (smith 5 ))
> (amb)
((baker 1) (cooper 2) (fletcher 4) (miller 5) (smith 3 ))
> (amb)
((baker 1) (cooper 4) (fletcher 2) (miller 5) (smith 3 ))
> (amb)
((baker 3) (cooper 2) (fletcher 4) (miller 5) (smith 1 ))
> (amb)
((baker 3) (cooper 4) (fletcher 2) (miller 5) (smith 1))
((baker 1) (cooper 2) (fletcher 4) (miller 3) (smith 5 ))
> (amb)
((baker 1) (cooper 2) (fletcher 4) (miller 5) (smith 3 ))
> (amb)
((baker 1) (cooper 4) (fletcher 2) (miller 5) (smith 3 ))
> (amb)
((baker 3) (cooper 2) (fletcher 4) (miller 5) (smith 1 ))
> (amb)
((baker 3) (cooper 4) (fletcher 2) (miller 5) (smith 1))
4.39,约束条件的顺序肯定是有影响的,能缩小搜索范围的强约束条件排在前面,弱约束条件排在后面,可以减少整体的判断次数。在DrScheme中,可以启用profile来分析顺序带来的影响,打开language->R5RS->Show Details,选择Debugging and Profiling 即可。运行scheme程序,然后在View->Show Profile中查看具体分析结果,在该视图中将详细列出各个函数调用的时间和次数。
Msec Calls Function
40 1 multiple-dwelling
0 1716 require
4 2524 distinct?
(distinct? (list baker cooper fletcher miller smith)))
Msec Calls Function
44 1 multiple-dwelling
4 6035 require
0 129 distinct?
(define (multiple
(let ((baker (amb 1 2 3 4 5 )))
(require (not ( = baker 5 )))
(let ((cooper (amb 1 2 3 4 5 )))
(require (not ( = cooper 1 )))
(let ((fletcher (amb 1 2 3 4 5 )))
(require (not ( = fletcher 5 )))
(require (not ( = fletcher 1 )))
(require (not ( = (abs ( - fletcher cooper)) 1 )))
(let ((miller (amb 1 2 3 4 5 )))
(require ( > miller cooper))
(let ((smith (amb 1 2 3 4 5 )))
(require (not ( = (abs ( - smith fletcher)) 1 )))
(require (distinct ? (list baker cooper fletcher miller smith)))
(list (list ' baker baker)
(list ' cooper cooper)
(list ' fletcher fletcher)
(list ' miller miller)
(list ' smith smith))))))))
(let ((baker (amb 1 2 3 4 5 )))
(require (not ( = baker 5 )))
(let ((cooper (amb 1 2 3 4 5 )))
(require (not ( = cooper 1 )))
(let ((fletcher (amb 1 2 3 4 5 )))
(require (not ( = fletcher 5 )))
(require (not ( = fletcher 1 )))
(require (not ( = (abs ( - fletcher cooper)) 1 )))
(let ((miller (amb 1 2 3 4 5 )))
(require ( > miller cooper))
(let ((smith (amb 1 2 3 4 5 )))
(require (not ( = (abs ( - smith fletcher)) 1 )))
(require (distinct ? (list baker cooper fletcher miller smith)))
(list (list ' baker baker)
(list ' cooper cooper)
(list ' fletcher fletcher)
(list ' miller miller)
(list ' smith smith))))))))
profile一下, multiple - dwelling2的调用时间缩小到8毫秒,require和distinct?的调用次数分别降低到了404和129次。
Betty : kitty考第二,我只考了第三
Ethel : 你们应该很高兴听到我考了第一,joan第二
joan : 我考第三,可怜的Ethel垫底
kitty: 我第二,marry只考了第四
marry: 我是第四,Betty的成绩最高。
(define (liars
(let ((betty (amb 1 2 3 4 5 ))
(ethel (amb 1 2 3 4 5 ))
(joan (amb 1 2 3 4 5 ))
(kitty (amb 1 2 3 4 5 ))
(marry (amb 1 2 3 4 5 )))
(distinct ? (list betty ethel joan kitty marry)))
(require (or ( = kitty 2 ) ( = betty 3 )))
(require (not (and ( = kitty 2 ) ( = betty 3 ))))
(require (or ( = ethel 1 ) ( = joan 2 )))
(require (not (and ( = ethel 1 ) ( = joan 2 ))))
(require (or ( = joan 3 ) ( = ethel 5 )))
(require (not (and ( = joan 3 ) ( = ethel 5 ))))
(require (or ( = kitty 2 ) ( = marry 4 )))
(require (not (and ( = kitty 2 ) ( = marry 4 ))))
(require (or ( = marry 4 ) ( = betty 1 )))
(require (not (and ( = marry 4 ) ( = betty 1 ))))
(list (list ' betty betty)
(list ' ethel ethel)
(list ' joan joan)
(list ' kitty kitty)
(list ' marry marry))))
(let ((betty (amb 1 2 3 4 5 ))
(ethel (amb 1 2 3 4 5 ))
(joan (amb 1 2 3 4 5 ))
(kitty (amb 1 2 3 4 5 ))
(marry (amb 1 2 3 4 5 )))
(distinct ? (list betty ethel joan kitty marry)))
(require (or ( = kitty 2 ) ( = betty 3 )))
(require (not (and ( = kitty 2 ) ( = betty 3 ))))
(require (or ( = ethel 1 ) ( = joan 2 )))
(require (not (and ( = ethel 1 ) ( = joan 2 ))))
(require (or ( = joan 3 ) ( = ethel 5 )))
(require (not (and ( = joan 3 ) ( = ethel 5 ))))
(require (or ( = kitty 2 ) ( = marry 4 )))
(require (not (and ( = kitty 2 ) ( = marry 4 ))))
(require (or ( = marry 4 ) ( = betty 1 )))
(require (not (and ( = marry 4 ) ( = betty 1 ))))
(list (list ' betty betty)
(list ' ethel ethel)
(list ' joan joan)
(list ' kitty kitty)
(list ' marry marry))))
((betty 3) (ethel 5) (joan 2) (kitty 1) (marry 4))
Mary Ann Moore的父亲有一条游艇,他的四个朋友Colonel Dowing、Mr.Hall、Sir Barnacle Hood和Dr.Parker也各有一条。这五个人都有一个女儿,每个人都用另一个人的女儿的名字来为自己的游艇命名。Sir Barnacle的游艇叫Gabrielle,Mr.Moore拥有Lorna,Mr.Hall的游艇叫Rosalind,Melissa属于Colonel Downing(取自Sir Barnacle的女儿的名字),Garielle的父亲的游艇取的是Dr.Parker的女儿的名字。请问,谁是Lorna的父亲。
(define (father yacht daughter)
(cons yacht daughter))
(define (yacht father)
(car father))
(define (daughter father)
(cdr father))
(cons yacht daughter))
(define (yacht father)
(car father))
(define (daughter father)
(cdr father))
(define (yacht
(let ((moore (father ' lorna ' mary)) ;;Mr.Moore
(downing (father ' melissa (amb ' mary ' melissa ' gabrielle ' rosalind ' lorna)))) ;;Colonel Downing
(require (not (equal ? (yacht downing) (daughter downing))))
(let ((hall (father ' rosalind (amb ' mary ' melissa ' gabrielle ' rosalind ' lorna)))) ;;Mr.Hall
(require (not (equal ? (yacht hall) (daughter hall))))
(let ((barnacle (father ' gabrielle ' melissa)) ;;Sir Barnacle Hood
(parker (father (amb ' mary ' melissa ' gabrielle ' rosalind ' lorna) (amb ' mary ' melissa ' gabrielle ' rosalind ' lorna)))) ;;Dr.Parker
(require (not (equal ? (yacht parker) (daughter parker))))
(let ((gabrielle - father (amb moore downing hall barnacle parker))) ;;Garielle ' s Father
(require (equal ? (daughter gabrielle - father) ' gabrielle))
(require (equal ? (yacht gabrielle - father) (daughter parker)))
(require (distinct ? (map daughter (list moore downing hall barnacle parker))))
(require (distinct ? (map yacht (list moore downing hall barnacle parker))))
(list ' moore (yacht moore) (daughter moore))
(list ' downing (yacht downing) (daughter downing))
(list ' hall (yacht hall) (daughter hall))
(list ' barnacle (yacht barnacle) (daughter barnacle))
(list ' parker (yacht parker) (daughter parker))))))))
(let ((moore (father ' lorna ' mary)) ;;Mr.Moore
(downing (father ' melissa (amb ' mary ' melissa ' gabrielle ' rosalind ' lorna)))) ;;Colonel Downing
(require (not (equal ? (yacht downing) (daughter downing))))
(let ((hall (father ' rosalind (amb ' mary ' melissa ' gabrielle ' rosalind ' lorna)))) ;;Mr.Hall
(require (not (equal ? (yacht hall) (daughter hall))))
(let ((barnacle (father ' gabrielle ' melissa)) ;;Sir Barnacle Hood
(parker (father (amb ' mary ' melissa ' gabrielle ' rosalind ' lorna) (amb ' mary ' melissa ' gabrielle ' rosalind ' lorna)))) ;;Dr.Parker
(require (not (equal ? (yacht parker) (daughter parker))))
(let ((gabrielle - father (amb moore downing hall barnacle parker))) ;;Garielle ' s Father
(require (equal ? (daughter gabrielle - father) ' gabrielle))
(require (equal ? (yacht gabrielle - father) (daughter parker)))
(require (distinct ? (map daughter (list moore downing hall barnacle parker))))
(require (distinct ? (map yacht (list moore downing hall barnacle parker))))
(list ' moore (yacht moore) (daughter moore))
(list ' downing (yacht downing) (daughter downing))
(list ' hall (yacht hall) (daughter hall))
(list ' barnacle (yacht barnacle) (daughter barnacle))
(list ' parker (yacht parker) (daughter parker))))))))
((moore lorna mary) (downing melissa lorna) (hall rosalind gabrielle) (barnacle gabrielle melissa) (parker mary rosalind))
延伸题目,如果没有Mary Ann姓Moore这个条件,答案将有三个,分别是:
((moore lorna mary) (downing melissa lorna) (hall rosalind gabrielle) (barnacle gabrielle melissa) (parker mary rosalind))
((moore lorna gabrielle) (downing melissa rosalind) (hall rosalind mary) (barnacle gabrielle melissa) (parker mary lorna))
((moore lorna lorna) (downing melissa mary) (hall rosalind gabrielle) (barnacle gabrielle melissa) (parker mary rosalind))