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--- 2010-04-24 15:24:57
---- 关键字: 监控表 启用 MDA MonTables
Sybase ASE自12.5.0.3以来引入了一组监控表,称为:MonTables后者MDA tables。可以利用MDA表实现对sybase ASE的监控和诊断。监控表里面存储着对于ASE状态的统计、汇总信息的快照snapshot。我们可以像查询其他系统表(比如sysobjects、sysindexes、syscolumns等)一样来查询这些监控表MonTables。
(1) 检查参数:enable cis是否启用?如果没有启用,打开该参数
sp_configure "enable cis" go Parameter Name Default Memory Used Config Value Run Value Unit Type ------------------------------ ----------- ----------- ------------ ------------ -------------------- ---------- enable cis 1 0 1 1 switch static (1 row affected)
(2) 查看sysservers系统表中是否有loopback这一条记录,如果没有,手动添加一个指向自己的远程服务器
use master go sp_helpserver go name network_name class status id cost ----------- -------------- ------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- ---- SYB_BACKUP TEST_BS ASEnterprise timeouts, no net password encryption, writable , rpc security model A 1 NULL SYB_EJB EJBServer ASEJB external engine auto start 2 NULL SYB_JSAGENT TEST_JSAGENT ASEnterprise no timeouts, no net password encryption, writable , rpc security model A 4 1000 SYB_JSTASK TEST ASEnterprise timeouts, no net password encryption, writable , rpc security model A 6 1000 TEST TEST local 0 0 TEST_XP TEST_XP RPCServer no timeouts, no net password encryption, writable , rpc security model A 3 1000 (return status = 0) sp_addserver loopback,null,@@servername go
-- Test this configuration: -- (NB: this step is no longer required in 15.0 ESD#2 or later) set cis_rpc_handling on go -- -- Alternatively, run: -- sp_configure 'cis rpc handling', 1 -- ...and disconnect/reconnect your session exec loopback...sp_who -- note: 3 dots! go
(3) 安装MDA系统表
在unix的shell下执行:isql -Usa -Pyourpassword -Syourservername -i$SYBASE/$SYBASE_ASE/scripts/installmontables -o$SYBASE/$SYBASE_ASE/scripts/instmontables_log.txt
在windows的命令行下执行:isql -Usa -Pyourpassword -Syourservername -i%SYBASE%/%SYBASE_ASE%/scripts/installmontables -o%SYBASE%/%SYBASE_ASE%/scripts/instmontables_log.txt
(4) 给需要有监控权限的登录赋予mon_role角色
use master
grant role mon_role to sa
use master go grant role mon_role to sa go
(5) 检查测试基本的MDA配置信息
1> select * from master..monState 2> go LockWaitThreshold LockWaits DaysRunning CheckPoints NumDeadlocks DiagnosticDumps Connections MaxRecovery StartDate CountersCleared ----------------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ------------ --------------- ----------- ----------- -------------------------- -------------------------- 5 0 0 0 0 0 9 5 Apr 24 2010 1:34PM Apr 24 2010 1:34PM (1 row affected) 1>
(6) 启用所有的监控配置参数
sp_configure "sql text pipe active",1 go sp_configure "sql text pipe max messages",2000 go sp_configure "plan text pipe active",1 go sp_configure "plan text pipe max messages",1000 go sp_configure "statement pipe active",1 go sp_configure "statement pipe max messages",5000 go sp_configure "errorlog pipe active",1 go sp_configure "errorlog pipe max messages",1000 go sp_configure "deadlock pipe active",1 go sp_configure "deadlock pipe max messages",1000 go sp_configure "wait event timing",1 go sp_configure "process wait events",1 go sp_configure "object lockwait timing",1 go sp_configure "SQL batch capture",1 go sp_configure "statement statistics active",1 go sp_configure "per object statistics active",1 go sp_configure "max SQL text monitored",256 go
其中参数:max SQL text monitored需要重启ASE服务器后才能生效。
(7) 重启ASE后,就可以通过查询monTables来了解ASE的监控信息了。比如:查看当前会话执行的sql语句。
1> sp_autoformat "monProcessSQLText" 2> go SPID KPID ServerUserID BatchID LineNumber SequenceInLine SQLText ---- ------- ------------ ------- ---------- -------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 31 2228258 1 35 1 1 SELECT SPID=right(space(80)+isnull(convert(varchar(80),SPID),'NULL'),4), KPID=right(space(80)+isnull (convert(varchar(80),KPID),'NULL'),7), ServerUserID=right(space(80)+isnull(convert(varchar(80),ServerUserID),'NULL'),12), BatchID=right(space(80)+isnull 31 2228258 1 35 1 2 (convert(varchar(80),BatchID),'NULL'),7), LineNumber=right(space(80)+isnull(convert(varchar(80),Line Number),'NULL'),10), SequenceInLine=right(space(80)+isnull(convert(varchar(80),SequenceInLine),'NULL'),14), SQLText=SUBSTRING(convert(varchar(255),SQLTe 31 2228258 1 35 1 3 xt),1,252) FROM monProcessSQLText (3 rows affected) (return status = 0)
备注:在ASE12.5.3及后续的版本中的某些罕见的情况下,配置参数"per object statistics active"会导致时间片的错误。这个bug已在ASE15.x中得到了修正。
sp_configure "enable monitoring",1 go