Gentoo 启动 init 机制不同于 Debian 和 Redhat, 具体细节尚未总结。
现备份一 KVM tap 启动脚本:kvm_net
#!/sbin/runscript # Copyright chencheng use kvm # Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2 # $Header: $ user_id=999 dev_num=3 depend() { need net.br0 need modules } start() { ebegin "Start kvm-net" /sbin/modprobe kvm-intel #tapx=`tunctl -u nehc|awk '{print $2}'|cut -c 2,3,4,5` for((i=0;i<${dev_num};i++)) do tapx=`/usr/bin/tunctl -b -u ${user_id}` brctl addif br0 ${tapx} ifconfig ${tapx} promisc up echo "${tapx} ready now! " done eend $? } stop() { ebegin "Stop kvm-net" for((i=0;i<${dev_num};i++)) do brctl delif br0 tap$i ifconfig tap$i down tunctl -d tap$i done /sbin/modprobe -r kvm-intel eend $? } restart() { stop start }
另外,贴一 kvm 脚本:start_kvm
#!/bin/bash # created by chencheng # use it to start virtual machine # $1 refer machine name # $2 refer tap name kvm -net nic,macaddr=00:00:00:00:00:00 -net tap,ifname=$2,script=no,downscript=no -m 300 /home/nehc/vms/$1/$1.img -daemonize