MyEclipse 配置优化

在要验证的文件上,单击鼠标右键–>myeclipse–>run validation 

windows–>perferences–>general–>editors->Text Editors->spelling 

windows–>perferences–>general–>startup and shutdown 

Automatic Updates Scheduler //自动升级调度   
MyEclipse QuickSetup //快速启动   
MyEclipse Derby //derby是一个开源数据库的名字   
MyEclipse EASIE Geronimo 1 //从Geronimo下来到websphere都是应用服务器的名字   
MyEclipse EASIE Geronimo 2    
MyEclipse EASIE JBOSS 2    
MyEclipse EASIE JBOSS 3    
MyEclipse EASIE JBOSS 4    
MyEclipse EASIE JBOSS 5    
MyEclipse EASIE JBOSS    
MyEclipse EASIE Jetty 4    
MyEclipse EASIE Jetty 5    
MyEclipse EASIE Jetty 6    
MyEclipse EASIE Jetty    
MyEclipse EASIE JOnAS 3    
MyEclipse EASIE JOnAS 4    
MyEclipse EASIE JOnAS    
MyEclipse EASIE JRun 4    
MyEclipse EASIE JRun    
MyEclipse EASIE Oracle 10 AS    
MyEclipse EASIE Oracle 9 AS    
MyEclipse EASIE Oracle AS    
MyEclipse EASIE Orion 1    
MyEclipse EASIE Orion 2    
MyEclipse EASIE Resin 2    
MyEclipse EASIE Resin 3    
MyEclipse EASIE Resin    
MyEclipse EASIE Sun 8.x    
MyEclipse EASIE Sun 8    
MyEclipse EASIE Sun 9    
MyEclipse EASIE Glassfish 2    
MyEclipse EASIE Glassfish 1    
MyEclipse EASIE Sun One    
MyEclipse EASIE MyEclipse Tomcat 6 Server    
MyEclipse EASIE Tomcat 4    
MyEclipse EASIE Tomcat 5    
MyEclipse EASIE Tomcat 6    
MyEclipse EASIE Tomcat    
MyEclipse EASIE WebLogic 10    
MyEclipse EASIE WebLogic 6    
MyEclipse EASIE WebLogic 7    
MyEclipse EASIE WebLogic 8    
MyEclipse EASIE WebLogic 9    
MyEclipse EASIE WebLogic    
MyEclipse EASIE WebSphere 5    
MyEclipse EASIE WebSphere 6.1    
MyEclipse EASIE WebSphere 6    
MyEclipse EASIE WebSphere 4    
MyEclipse Examples //样例   
MyEclipse Memory Monitor //内存监控   
MyEclipse Tapestry Integration //插件集成   
MyEclipse JSP Debug Tooling //jsp调试插件   
MyEclipse File Creation Wizards //文件创建程序   
MyEclipse Backward Compatibility //后台功能   
MyEclipse Perspective Plug-in //透视图插件   
Mozilla Debug UI Plug-in(Incubation) //Mozilla调试插件(Mozilla是一款浏览器)   
WTP Webservice UI Plug-in //Web 服务视图插件   
JavaServer Faces Tools - Core //jsf工具核心包   
JSF Editor Preview Support for MyEclipse//jsf编辑器  

windows–>perferences–>general–>editors->file associations 
改变myeclipse默认的jsp 打开方式 
默认是用jsp design,每次双击 就会用这个打开 ,太慢了 我希望换成双击 是用classic jsp editor 如何设置? 
preferences->General->editors->Files Associations(位置根据具体eclipse版本会有所不同) 
File Types 选择.jsp 
assiciations 里选择classic jsp editor,然后点右边的default 

更改 content assist 为 alt+/ 
同时由于alt+/已经被word completion占用,所以得同时修改word completion的快捷键值 
解决myeclipse中alt+/无代码提示问题进入windows->preferences->keys目录中将content assist 的 binding 设为alt+/ ,when设为editing然后将Word Completion 设为其他的任意快捷键,保存退出即可。 

6.Encoding 编码


windows -> Preferences -> general -> Workspace -> Text file encoding -> Other框中的Text file encoding改为UTF-8


windows -> Preferences -> general -> Content Types -> Text,选择Java Source File,在下面的Default encoding输入框中输入UTF-8,点Update


Window -> Preferences -> MyEclipse Enterprise Workbench -> Files and Editors -> JSP,将"Encoding"选为"ISO10646/Unicode(UTF-8)

7.JSP 去掉格式化时页面中的空行

Window -> Preferences -> MyEclipse Enterprise Workbench -> HTML -> HTML Source 

勾选"Clear all blank lines"

8.Update 关闭自动更新


Windows –> Perferences–> Install/Update -> Automatic Updates,不勾选"Automatically find new updates and notify me" 


1)Windows –> Perferences–> MyEclipse Enterprise Workbench -> Community Essentials,不勾选"Search for new features at startup" 

2)Windows –> Perferences–> MyEclipse Enterprise Workbench -> Maven4MyEclipse,不勾选"Download repository index updates on startup" 
