

Next Steps: Hortonworks Data Platform v1.0

Thank you for registering for the Hortonworks Data Platform. Hortonworks Data Platform is designed to be installed by IT operations personnel using Linux-friendly installation tooling. For HDP v1.0, the following instructions should help you to prepare your cluster and get started:

Preparing your cluster for the install

  • Select your target hosts and disable SELINUX, firewalls, and other security measures. Make sure each host can reach the Internet via HTTP, HTTPS, and FTP.  (For local YUM installs, please read the detailed HMC User Guide)
  • Prepare passwordless SSH (via authorized_keys) for root user on all target install hosts
  • Create a text file with newline separated host entries (one per target host). Make sure to use fully-qualified domain names for each host. Make sure the DNS for each node works on all other nodes (both forward and reverse lookups). If you are not a DNS administrator, consider building up a consistent /etc/hosts file for all target nodes, listing all other nodes in the cluster by a fully-qualified domain name.  NOTE: Without fully-qualified domain names, the install may or may not work but Hadoop will not run jobs properly after installation.
  • Make sure the rpms listed below are either not installed or, if installed, are exactly these versions.
    • Ruby 1.8.5-24.el5
    • Puppet 2.7.9-2
    • Ruby Rack 1.1.0-2.el5
    • Passenger 3.0.12-1.el5.centos
    • Nagios 3.0.12-1.el5.centos
    • Nagios plug-ins 1.4.15-2.el5
    • Nagios Common 2.12-10.el5
    • MySQL v. 5.*

Installing the software via public repositories (REPO)

Starting HMC and installing HDP from HMC

For more information

Please read the HMC User Guide if any of these instructions are unclear or if you would like alternative installation options. The User Guide will answer most questions you might have. If not, there are some additional resources at your disposal including the following:
