USE [ZM] GO /****** Object: StoredProcedure [dbo].[UP_SalesAnalyis] Script Date: 03/31/2012 08:27:40 ******/ SET ANSI_NULLS ON GO SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON GO -- ============================================= -- Author: <David Gang> -- Create date: <2012-03-30> -- Description: <销售分析按区域客户产品> -- ============================================= ALTER Procedure [dbo].[UP_SalesAnalyis] as begin declare @yyyymm char(6) set @yyyymm=datepart(year,getdate())*100+datepart(month,getdate()) ------------------------------销售区域-------------------------------- select Customers, sum(Quantities) Quantities, sum(Amount) Amount, sum([Cost of Sales]) as [Cost of Sales], sum(Amount)-sum([Cost of Sales]) as [Gross Margin] into #base from ( SELECT ltrim(MR003) Customers, convert(decimal(15,2),TB022) as Quantities, TB019 as Amount, convert(decimal(15,2),TB022*LA012) as [Cost of Sales] FROM ACRTB left JOIN ACRTA ON TA001=TB001 AND TA002=TB002 LEFT JOIN COPMA ON TA004=MA001 LEFT JOIN INVMB ON TB039=MB001 inner JOIN INVLA ON LA006=TB005 AND LA007=TB006 AND LA008=TB007 LEFT JOIN (SELECT MR002,MR003 from CMSMR where MR001='2') R ON MA076=R.MR002 WHERE left(TA003,6)=@yyyymm AND TB004 in ('1','2') and TA025='Y' ) a group by Customers order by Customers select * into #basetotal from ( select Customers,Quantities,Amount,[Cost of Sales],[Gross Margin] from #base union all select 'total' as Customers,sum(Quantities) Quantities,sum(Amount) Amount,sum([Cost of Sales]) [Cost of Sales],sum([Gross Margin]) [Gross Margin] from #base )a declare @totalAmount as decimal(10,2) declare @totalGrossMargin as decimal(10,2) select @totalAmount=sum(Amount),@totalGrossMargin=sum([Gross Margin]) from #base --销售月度按区域汇总 select Customers,Quantities,Amount,[Cost of Sales],[Gross Margin], convert(decimal(10,2),[Gross Margin]/Amount*100) as GMR, convert(decimal(10,2),Amount/@totalAmount*100) as [Sales%], convert(decimal(10,2),[Gross Margin]/@totalGrossMargin*100) as [GM%] from #basetotal --销售构成 select Customers, convert(decimal(10,2),Amount/@totalAmount*100) as [Sales%] from #basetotal where Customers<>'total' --利润构成 select Customers, convert(decimal(10,2),[Gross Margin]/@totalGrossMargin*100) as [GM%] from #basetotal where Customers<>'total' ------------------------------统计前10大客户-------------------------------- select top 10 Customers, sum(Quantities) Quantities, sum(Amount) Amount, sum([Cost of Sales]) as [Cost of Sales], sum(Amount)-sum([Cost of Sales]) as [Gross Margin] into #basetop10 from ( SELECT COPMA.MA002 as Customers, convert(decimal(15,2),TB022) as Quantities, TB019 as Amount, convert(decimal(15,2),TB022*LA012) as [Cost of Sales] FROM ACRTB left JOIN ACRTA ON TA001=TB001 AND TA002=TB002 LEFT JOIN COPMA ON TA004=MA001 LEFT JOIN INVMB ON TB039=MB001 inner JOIN INVLA ON LA006=TB005 AND LA007=TB006 AND LA008=TB007 WHERE left(TA003,6)=@yyyymm AND TB004 in ('1','2') and TA025='Y' ) b group by Customers order by Amount desc --汇总前十+小计 select * into #totaltop10 from ( select Customers,Quantities,Amount,[Cost of Sales],[Gross Margin] from #basetop10 union all select 'total' as Customers,sum(Quantities) Quantities,sum(Amount) Amount,sum([Cost of Sales]) [Cost of Sales],sum([Gross Margin]) [Gross Margin] from #basetop10 )c --前十大数据表 select Customers,Quantities,Amount,[Cost of Sales],[Gross Margin], convert(decimal(10,2),[Gross Margin]/Amount*100) as GMR, convert(decimal(10,2),Amount/@totalAmount*100) as [Sales%], convert(decimal(10,2),[Gross Margin]/@totalGrossMargin*100) as [GM%] from #totaltop10 --前十大客户数据图表数据 select * from #totaltop10 where Customers<>'total' ---------------------------------------前十大产品销售-------------------------------------------- select top 10 Product, sum(Quantities) Quantities, sum(Amount) Amount, sum([Cost of Sales]) as [Cost of Sales], sum(Amount)-sum([Cost of Sales]) as [Gross Margin] into #ProductTop10 from ( SELECT TB040 Product,convert(decimal(15,2),TB022) Quantities,TB019 Amount, convert(decimal(15,2),TB022*LA012)[Cost of Sales] FROM ACRTB left JOIN ACRTA ON TA001=TB001 AND TA002=TB002 inner JOIN INVLA ON LA006=TB005 AND LA007=TB006 AND LA008=TB007 WHERE left(TA003,6)=@yyyymm AND TB004 in ('1','2') and TA025='Y' ) d group by Product order by Amount desc declare @subtotalAmount as decimal(10,2) declare @subtotalQuantities as decimal(10,2) declare @subtotalCost as decimal(10,2) declare @subtotalGrossMargin as decimal(10,2) select @subtotalQuantities=sum(Quantities),@subtotalAmount=sum(Amount),@subtotalCost=sum([Cost of Sales]),@subtotalGrossMargin=sum([Gross Margin]) from #ProductTop10 --汇总产品总计 小计,其他 select * into #totalProducttop10 from ( select Product,Quantities,Amount,[Cost of Sales],[Gross Margin] from #ProductTop10 union all select 'SubTotal' as Product,sum(Quantities) Quantities,sum(Amount) Amount,sum([Cost of Sales]) [Cost of Sales],sum([Gross Margin]) [Gross Margin] from #ProductTop10 union all SELECT 'Others' as Product, sum(convert(decimal(15,2),TB022))-@subtotalQuantities AS Quantities, sum(TB019)-@subtotalAmount AS Amount, convert(decimal(15,2),sum(TB022*LA012))-@subtotalCost [Cost of Sales], sum(TB019)-convert(decimal(15,2),sum(TB022*LA012))-@subtotalGrossMargin as [Gross Margin] FROM ACRTB left JOIN ACRTA ON TA001=TB001 AND TA002=TB002 inner JOIN INVLA ON LA006=TB005 AND LA007=TB006 AND LA008=TB007 WHERE left(TA003,6)=@yyyymm AND TB004 in ('1','2') and TA025='Y' union all SELECT 'Total' as Product, sum(convert(decimal(15,2),TB022)) Quantities,sum(TB019) Amount, convert(decimal(15,2),sum(TB022*LA012)) [Cost of Sales], sum(TB019)-convert(decimal(15,2),sum(TB022*LA012)) as [Gross Margin] FROM ACRTB left JOIN ACRTA ON TA001=TB001 AND TA002=TB002 inner JOIN INVLA ON LA006=TB005 AND LA007=TB006 AND LA008=TB007 WHERE left(TA003,6)=@yyyymm AND TB004 in ('1','2') and TA025='Y' )c --十大产品汇总表 select Product,Quantities,Amount,[Cost of Sales],[Gross Margin], convert(decimal(10,2),[Gross Margin]/Amount*100) as GMR, convert(decimal(10,2),Amount/@totalAmount*100) as [Sales%], convert(decimal(10,2),[Gross Margin]/@totalGrossMargin*100) as [GM%] from #totalProducttop10 --十大产品销售收入占比 select top 10 Product, convert(decimal(10,2),Amount/@totalAmount*100) as [Sales%] from #totalProducttop10 --十大产品毛利占比 select top 10 Product, convert(decimal(10,2),[Gross Margin]/@totalGrossMargin*100) as [GM%] from #totalProducttop10 drop table #base drop table #basetotal drop table #totaltop10 drop table #basetop10 drop table #ProductTop10 drop table #totalProducttop10 end