How to remove fields in a Word document



When 'Magic Manuscripts' inserts citations or formats your manuscript in Microsoft Word, it uses "fields", which you can typically recognize as boxes that turn grey when the insertion point is placed inside one of them. In some cases, you might wantto remove those fields, and replace them with just normal text.Typically, the publisher or the editor of your manuscript may askfor such a modification (they might even mistake those for thesimilar fields inserted by EndNote).

Here is how to remove the fields in a Microsoft Worddocument:

  1. Make a copy of your document before removing the fields.Otherwise, you won't be able to use Magic Manuscriptsagain. It might be easiest to save your document with anew file name, or something like "Filename_submission.doc" so youcan distinguish between the original and the edited version.

  2. Select the text to process (or select all with Cmd-A).

  3. Press Cmd-Shift-(Fn)-F9, or Cmd-Shift-F9 (depending on yourKeyboard preferences).

  4. Save

If the above does not work, it could be because of some issueswith keyboard shortcut interference with other applications. Inthis case, you can also use the following AppleScript file:

After downloading, double-clcik the file. It should open in theapplication 'AppleScript Editor'. Make sure the document you wantto process is the one showing in Word, then press the 'Run'button.

A nice way to use this script is to copy it to the Word folderfor Applescript files, so that it can be executed directly fromWord on the front document. For this, copy the file into thislocation on your disk:

/Users/your_name/Library/Application Support/Microsoft/Office/Word Script Menu Items

(Note: starting with OS 10.7 Lion and later, to access yourLibrary folder, you need to use the Go menu in the Finder and pressthe option key. This will add a 'Library' item to the list, andwill give you access to the hidden folder.)

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