突然想起了上年的这个时候正是自己求职刚刚起步的时候,感慨很多,所以就来这里看看,看到有关于MorganStanley IT的招聘信息,所以就发此文,希望对即将毕业的同学有所启示和帮助,因为这个版关于MorganStanley IT的信息太少,希望通过这个帖子能使大家对MorganStanley IT有些了解,需要说明的是我的简介主要是基于London office的情况,各地情况有别,所以仅供参考。
我是上年圣诞节前拿到的MorganStanley IT的offer,后来和PKU的一个同学被分到了London分公司,其实当初对Morgan IT根本不了解,也没有参加宣讲会,也是听说有这么个机会并且是全英文面试,觉得有意思,所以就选择投了简历,经历了电面,两轮二对一的面试,逻辑笔试,dinner interview,最后拿到了offer.
MorganStanley的IT部门很大,全球大概有5000多人,按照CTO的说法:MorganStanley是一家为金融服务的IT公司. MorganStaley的IT部门具体分为AI(Application Infrastructure),FID(Fix Income Division)和IED(Equity Division)。IT部门除了AI主要是负责纯技术的研发,为公司IT提供技术支持;FID和IED都是和Business相关的,如FID主要是负责Fix Income相关产品的IT,IED主要是负责Equity相关产品的IT。
下面是我下周要面试的一个Team在Job Book上的信息(因为London和NewYork office的trainee在进入training program之前是没有确定team的,要在training期间要选择至少8个team进行面试,并最后通过双方面试的match结果进行team的确定),从中可对MorganStanley IT的工作了解一二:
1.Team/Group Name:
CalcInfra and Scenario Analysis (Corporate Credit Technology)
2. Team Size: 4 (~70)
3. What is the main function of your group?
The team develops and maintains a grid based calculation infrastructure supporting the firm's entire credit trading business by generating daily risk and p&l. The team also develops a scenario analysis framework and tools around this framework to enable traders to better assess their risk.
4. What will be the job function of the trainee upon joining your group?
The trainee will work with the server components written in Java to improve performance and scalability of the calculation infrastructure while adding new product and calculation features.
5. What technologies are used (platforms, tools, etc)?
Java, SOAP, SQL, C#, XML, grid computing with distributed caching technologies on Linux (on 32 and 64 bit AMD and Intel processors),
Windows XP, Sybase. Main development tools include Eclipse, VS.NET2005 and Perforce.
6. How much client interaction (internal, external, or both)?
Internal client interaction is essential to learn about the business as well as to gain a good understanding of user requirements and use cases.
Traders are very open to collaboration and actively encourage close interaction.
7. How much production support vs development? How much time on call?
CPG Operations handles first line support and only complex problems or suspected bugs are brought to development team's attention. Members of the team are on call approximately three times a year (one week each).
9. Technical skills - Required/Desired:
Very good Java development skills, thorough understanding of good OOP and design skills and very good familiarity with Unix/Linux environments are required. Familiarity with Eclipse, sound software development and source code control practices are highly desired.
10. Professional/Communication Skills - Required/Desired:
As the team supports a fast-growing and highly complex business it is essential that all members of the team are dedicated team players who do not compromise their integrity. Good oral and written communication skills are required to interact with business users as well as other teams.
10. Business Knowledge and/or Special Skills - Required/Desired: No prior business knowledge required. Additional information
Morgan StanleyIT的培训今年一共是16周,是在NewYork进行,trainee一般分三个track,分别是Distrbution, ApplicationDevelopment和Infrastructure. 培训的内容很多,IT方面:Java, C#, C++, Perl, MSDE, etc, Finance方面:Bond, Equity Derivative, Hedging, Options, etc (Online Training).今年London Dist的trainee一共是30人,有Oxford,Cambridge, Manchester, IC等学校的,听他们讲UK CS毕业的学生多把进入金融公司做IT的作为最佳选择(这个我还没有具体研究,只是引用).
我在进入Training Program之前在Core Equity Group做了两个月的Pre-trainee,工作环境很好,team基本上都是Global的,一般纽约,东京,香港,伦敦都有相应的team成员,根据项目情况,人多少不同,每周都要电话会议,就项目的情况进行沟通。
看了前面的帖子,发现有些人多MorganStanley IT有误解,认为一个金融公司的IT就是做Support,其实这也是我拿到offer之后的疑虑之一,真正来到公司之后才发现公司的IT真的很强,工作也很有意义。因为出于安全考虑公司的核心系统不能交给第三方开发,必须自己做,这也是公司IT重要的主要原因,要求IT部门不但要技术强,而且要能够理解对Business有相应的掌握。
MorganStanley London Office IT部门被评为2005年欧洲最佳IT奖,从中可见一斑。
很晚了,希望此文能使大家对MorganStanley IT有一个基本的了解,因为我还没有真正进入team工作,仅是短短四个多月来在London和NewYork office的所见所感,仅供参考!