Sentiment After The Poetry Class

I have a special interest in Chinese poetry. Chinese poetry is so interesting and beautiful that it touched me deeply. Every time when I am reading a Chinese poetry, every drop of my blood becomes effervescent. It is still Chinese, but it is also a language that is much beautiful than any languages we human beings are using.


For I'm loving Chinese poetry so deeply that I thought other poetry that written in other languages must be poorer in the effect of touching its reader. Considered myself knowing some English, I was so sure that English cannot express in the same way as Chinese can in the poetry. So English poetry must be poorer than Chinese poetry.


Different languages force us to think in different ways. I was either right or wrong? Yes the English poetry are much different from the Chinese ones. But though English cannot express things in the same way as Chinese do, but it has its own style of effect. The English poetry touch readers in a different way, the way that we cannot found in Chinese ones. I get to know this after following our teacher to learning English. Now I become to love English poetry too.


The most precious part of Chinese poetry, in my opinion, is the rhyme. In Chinese, all the words' length are the same. And except several words, all the words only have one syllable each. This is enabled Chinese poet to write poem in the very way that every line of the poem has the same length and a very strict and beautiful rhyme, But in English, different words have different length, it is very difficult to make every line be the same length. For every word has its own number of syllables,

English poetry cannot sound the rhyme like Chinese ones. But English has its own advantages. English can forget the length of every word but only consider the total syllables, and in this way I heard the very rhyme that I never heard before. When I heard the sound, I know that the idea that I formed before about the English poetry was wrong. Though the English cannot reach the same effects as Chinese ones, it can reach the effects that Chinese poetry cannot reach. I found that English poetry attract me no less than Chinese ones. The lovely sound, the deep meaning, and the very extraordinary effect that Chinese poetry cannot reach.


I become to understand the sentence" Poetry is the most beautiful language in the world". Yes though in different languages the poetry are written, but they do have many things in common. We should consider the poetry itself a kind of language, and the most beautiful language! We can only found the very beauty in poetry but not other words. Perhaps it is inspissation, the most important characteristic, makes poetry the most beautiful language. Poet express themselves in the very limited lines, but them expressed themselves wholly. The give the soul of there feeling, and we put the flesh to it and it becomes live. We form own and especial opinion about the idea the poet want to express. So everyone has a different idea and all root form a same "soul".


Not one time that our teacher stopped when she said," our time is too limited, or we'll learn more about this one…". I can understand it. Poetry are always short, but they are always have the richest meaning! Every time we are reading it, we'll feel the deep meaning of it, we'll feel the feeling that the poet felt when he/she wrote the lines. When we feel the feeling that behind the words which express it, we become attracted by the poem, we cannot put it down with ease. It is really a painful thing to stop reading a beautiful poem. Let me show you this with the following examples:





Till a' the seas gang dry, my dear…


Tho', it were ten thousand mile!



This is a loving poem, and a very beautiful poem. It expressed in the simplest words, but expressed the deepest meaning. What a feeling the poet must have when he was writing the lines?! Our teacher is rather glad than anyone when she was reading these lines. Yeah! The most beautiful language in the world expressed the most beautiful things. And these lines also made me to thought about much about the words that ever appeared in Chinese poetry. The same feeling and the comparison are the same, but the language and rhythm are different. The sound effects are quite different, but it is also very beautiful. Though the length of each line are not the same, when we are reading it, we get a very attractive rhyme. Now I become very sorry about myself for I cannot read it well. When the teacher was reading it, I was enjoying rather than learning English! Hope that I'll read the same good.


I found that all the poetry the teacher provided us with should be "classic out of classic"! What a beautiful world the poetry lines give us?! I put the poetry the teacher provided with us to the place where I used to keep my Chinese poetry(the ones that I considered classic of Chinese poetry). After learned about the English poetry last semester, I form a new idea about poetry. I become to consider poetry a language itself. Chinese poetry will never be the only poetry that I appreciate.


This is my Sentiment After The Poetry Class.

