/** * Thread structure */ struct rt_thread { /* rt object *///这里就是rt_object的结构,其实也可以用rt_object parent来定义,估计线程在早些时候并没有这么做,后来也就没改过来 char name[RT_NAME_MAX]; /**< the name of thread */ rt_uint8_t type; /**< type of object */ rt_uint8_t flags; /**< thread's flags */ #ifdef RT_USING_MODULE//模块ID void *module_id; /**< id of application module */ #endif //内核对象链表 rt_list_t list; /**< the object list */ rt_list_t tlist; /**< the thread list *///线程链表,一般用作就绪队列元素节点 /* stack point and entry */ void *sp; /**< stack point *///栈指针 void *entry; /**< entry *///入口函数 void *parameter; /**< parameter *///入口函数对应的参数 void *stack_addr; /**< stack address *///栈地址 rt_uint16_t stack_size; /**< stack size *///栈大小 /* error code */ rt_err_t error; /**< error code *///错误代码,用于IPC机制中,标志是否已经获取成功 rt_uint8_t stat; /**< thread stat *///线程的当前状态 /* priority */ rt_uint8_t current_priority; /**< current priority *///当前优先级 rt_uint8_t init_priority; /**< initialized priority *///初始优先级 #if RT_THREAD_PRIORITY_MAX > 32 rt_uint8_t number; rt_uint8_t high_mask; #endif rt_uint32_t number_mask; #if defined(RT_USING_EVENT)//与IPC机制事件相关的一些参数 /* thread event */ rt_uint32_t event_set; //此线程接收到的事件 rt_uint8_t event_info;//此线程的事件过滤信息,用于过滤事件,只保留感兴趣的事件 #endif rt_ubase_t init_tick; /**< thread's initialized tick *///初始tick rt_ubase_t remaining_tick; /**< remaining tick *///剩余tick struct rt_timer thread_timer; /**< built-in thread timer *///线程定时器 void (*cleanup)(struct rt_thread *tid); /**< cleanup function when thread exit *///相当于线程的析构函数,用于销毁线程时做些后续操作 rt_uint32_t user_data; /**< private user data beyond this thread *///析构函数的输入参数 }; typedef struct rt_thread *rt_thread_t;
上面代码其中线程控制块的内部成员number, high_mask, number_mask与线程调度时获获取当前最高优先级线程的算法有关,这里不做介绍,详情请见:http://blog.csdn.net/flydream0/article/details/8588584
event_set, evernt_info与事件相关,在后续讲到IPC机制的事件时将会提出,这里也先不做介绍.
/*@{*/ /** * This function will initialize a thread, normally it's used to initialize a * static thread object. * * @param thread the static thread object * @param name the name of thread, which shall be unique * @param entry the entry function of thread * @param parameter the parameter of thread enter function * @param stack_start the start address of thread stack * @param stack_size the size of thread stack * @param priority the priority of thread * @param tick the time slice if there are same priority thread * * @return the operation status, RT_EOK on OK, -RT_ERROR on error */ rt_err_t rt_thread_init(struct rt_thread *thread, const char *name, void (*entry)(void *parameter), void *parameter, void *stack_start, rt_uint32_t stack_size, rt_uint8_t priority, rt_uint32_t tick) { /* thread check *///参数检查 RT_ASSERT(thread != RT_NULL); RT_ASSERT(stack_start != RT_NULL); /* init thread object */ rt_object_init((rt_object_t)thread, RT_Object_Class_Thread, name);//初始化内核对象 return _rt_thread_init(thread, name, entry, parameter, stack_start, stack_size, priority, tick); }其中_rt_thread_init的函数如下定义:
static rt_err_t _rt_thread_init(struct rt_thread *thread, const char *name, void (*entry)(void *parameter), void *parameter, void *stack_start, rt_uint32_t stack_size, rt_uint8_t priority, rt_uint32_t tick) { /* init thread list */ rt_list_init(&(thread->tlist));//初始化线程节点 thread->entry = (void *)entry;//入口函数 thread->parameter = parameter;//入口函数的参数 /* stack init */ thread->stack_addr = stack_start;//栈地址 thread->stack_size = (rt_uint16_t)stack_size;//栈大小 /* init thread stack */ rt_memset(thread->stack_addr, '#', thread->stack_size);//将栈内的所有字节初始化为'#'号 thread->sp = (void *)rt_hw_stack_init(thread->entry, thread->parameter,//初始化时设置sp的内容,rt_hw_stack_init是一个与具体MCU相关的函数,这里就不做介绍 (void *)((char *)thread->stack_addr + thread->stack_size - 4), (void *)rt_thread_exit); /* priority init */ RT_ASSERT(priority < RT_THREAD_PRIORITY_MAX); thread->init_priority = priority;//当前优先级和初始化优先级设置 thread->current_priority = priority; /* tick init */ thread->init_tick = tick;//初始化tick和剩余tick thread->remaining_tick = tick; /* error and flags */ thread->error = RT_EOK;//错误的状态,线程状态初始化时为RT_THREAD_INIT thread->stat = RT_THREAD_INIT; /* initialize cleanup function and user data */ thread->cleanup = 0;//线程析构函数及其参数 thread->user_data = 0; /* init thread timer */ rt_timer_init(&(thread->thread_timer),//初始化线程的定时器 thread->name, rt_thread_timeout, thread, 0, RT_TIMER_FLAG_ONE_SHOT); return RT_EOK; }
/** * This function is the timeout function for thread, normally which is invoked * when thread is timeout to wait some resource. * * @param parameter the parameter of thread timeout function */ void rt_thread_timeout(void *parameter) { struct rt_thread *thread; thread = (struct rt_thread *)parameter; /* thread check */ RT_ASSERT(thread != RT_NULL); RT_ASSERT(thread->stat == RT_THREAD_SUSPEND); /* set error number */ thread->error = -RT_ETIMEOUT;//设置此线程的error为超时错误,这些IPC机制中非常有用, /* remove from suspend list *///从挂起链表中移除 rt_list_remove(&(thread->tlist)); /* insert to schedule ready list */ rt_schedule_insert_thread(thread);//加入调度器 /* do schedule */ rt_schedule();//重新调度 }
此超时回调函数主要是将挂起的线程加入到调度器中进行重新调度,即唤醒它。/** * This function will create a thread object and allocate thread object memory * and stack. * * @param name the name of thread, which shall be unique * @param entry the entry function of thread * @param parameter the parameter of thread enter function * @param stack_size the size of thread stack * @param priority the priority of thread * @param tick the time slice if there are same priority thread * * @return the created thread object */ rt_thread_t rt_thread_create(const char *name, void (*entry)(void *parameter), void *parameter, rt_uint32_t stack_size, rt_uint8_t priority, rt_uint32_t tick) { struct rt_thread *thread; void *stack_start; thread = (struct rt_thread *)rt_object_allocate(RT_Object_Class_Thread,//动态分配一个内核对象 name); if (thread == RT_NULL) return RT_NULL; stack_start = (void *)rt_malloc(stack_size);//动态分配一个线程栈 if (stack_start == RT_NULL) { /* allocate stack failure */ rt_object_delete((rt_object_t)thread); return RT_NULL; } _rt_thread_init(thread,//初始化线程 name, entry, parameter, stack_start, stack_size, priority, tick); return thread; }
/** * This function will detach a thread. The thread object will be removed from * thread queue and detached/deleted from system object management. * * @param thread the thread to be deleted * * @return the operation status, RT_EOK on OK, -RT_ERROR on error */ rt_err_t rt_thread_detach(rt_thread_t thread) { rt_base_t lock; /* thread check */ RT_ASSERT(thread != RT_NULL); /* remove from schedule */ rt_schedule_remove_thread(thread);//将线程从调度器中移除 /* release thread timer */ rt_timer_detach(&(thread->thread_timer));//脱离定时器 /* change stat */ thread->stat = RT_THREAD_CLOSE;//将线程的状态设置为RT_THREAD_CLOSE /* detach object */ rt_object_detach((rt_object_t)thread);//脱离内核对象 if (thread->cleanup != RT_NULL)//如果存在线程析构函数 { /* disable interrupt */ lock = rt_hw_interrupt_disable();//关中断 /* insert to defunct thread list *///rt_thread_defunct链表在系统空闲时将被空闲线程来处理 rt_list_insert_after(&rt_thread_defunct, &(thread->tlist));//将线程加入到rt_thread_defunct链表中 /* enable interrupt */ rt_hw_interrupt_enable(lock);//开中断 } return RT_EOK; }
需要注意地是,线程的脱离函数如果当前线程离开进行一些善后工作,即存在cleanup析构函数,此时,会将此线程加入到回收线程链表rt_thread_defunct中去,等到系统空闲时再由空闲线程来“回收"此线程,详情请参考:http://blog.csdn.net/flydream0/article/details/8590415 一文.
/** * This function will delete a thread. The thread object will be removed from * thread queue and detached/deleted from system object management. * * @param thread the thread to be deleted * * @return the operation status, RT_EOK on OK, -RT_ERROR on error */ rt_err_t rt_thread_delete(rt_thread_t thread) { rt_base_t lock; /* thread check */ RT_ASSERT(thread != RT_NULL); /* remove from schedule */ rt_schedule_remove_thread(thread);//从调度器中移除线程 /* release thread timer */ rt_timer_detach(&(thread->thread_timer));//脱离定时器 /* change stat */ thread->stat = RT_THREAD_CLOSE;//线程状态设置为RT_THREAD_CLOSE /* disable interrupt */ lock = rt_hw_interrupt_disable();//关中断 /* insert to defunct thread list */ rt_list_insert_after(&rt_thread_defunct, &(thread->tlist));//将当前线程加入到空闲时才会处理的链表中 /* enable interrupt */ rt_hw_interrupt_enable(lock);//开中断 return RT_EOK; }
/** * This function will start a thread and put it to system ready queue * * @param thread the thread to be started * * @return the operation status, RT_EOK on OK, -RT_ERROR on error */ rt_err_t rt_thread_startup(rt_thread_t thread) { /* thread check *///参数检查 RT_ASSERT(thread != RT_NULL); RT_ASSERT(thread->stat == RT_THREAD_INIT); /* set current priority to init priority */ thread->current_priority = thread->init_priority;//启动线程时将线程当前的优先级设置为初始优先级 /* calculate priority attribute */ #if RT_THREAD_PRIORITY_MAX > 32 thread->number = thread->current_priority >> 3; /* 5bit */ thread->number_mask = 1L << thread->number; thread->high_mask = 1L << (thread->current_priority & 0x07); /* 3bit */ #else thread->number_mask = 1L << thread->current_priority; #endif RT_DEBUG_LOG(RT_DEBUG_THREAD, ("startup a thread:%s with priority:%d\n", thread->name, thread->init_priority)); /* change thread stat */ thread->stat = RT_THREAD_SUSPEND;//将线程的状态设置为RT_THREAD_SUSPEND /* then resume it */ rt_thread_resume(thread);//还原线程 if (rt_thread_self() != RT_NULL)//如果当前的线程不为空,则执行线程调度操作 { /* do a scheduling */ rt_schedule(); } return RT_EOK; }
/** * This function will return self thread object * * @return the self thread object */ rt_thread_t rt_thread_self(void) { return rt_current_thread; }rt_current_thread为全局变量,保存当前正在运行的线程。
/** * This function will suspend the specified thread. * * @param thread the thread to be suspended * * @return the operation status, RT_EOK on OK, -RT_ERROR on error * * @note if suspend self thread, after this function call, the * rt_schedule() must be invoked. */ rt_err_t rt_thread_suspend(rt_thread_t thread) { register rt_base_t temp; /* thread check */ RT_ASSERT(thread != RT_NULL); RT_DEBUG_LOG(RT_DEBUG_THREAD, ("thread suspend: %s\n", thread->name)); if (thread->stat != RT_THREAD_READY)//此函数只对处于就绪状态的线程操作 { RT_DEBUG_LOG(RT_DEBUG_THREAD, ("thread suspend: thread disorder, %d\n", thread->stat)); return -RT_ERROR; } /* disable interrupt */ temp = rt_hw_interrupt_disable();//关中断 /* change thread stat */ thread->stat = RT_THREAD_SUSPEND;//将线程设置为挂起状态 rt_schedule_remove_thread(thread);//将线程从调试器中移除 /* enable interrupt */ rt_hw_interrupt_enable(temp);//开中断 return RT_EOK; }
/** * This function will resume a thread and put it to system ready queue. * * @param thread the thread to be resumed * * @return the operation status, RT_EOK on OK, -RT_ERROR on error */ rt_err_t rt_thread_resume(rt_thread_t thread) { register rt_base_t temp; /* thread check */ RT_ASSERT(thread != RT_NULL); RT_DEBUG_LOG(RT_DEBUG_THREAD, ("thread resume: %s\n", thread->name)); if (thread->stat != RT_THREAD_SUSPEND)//只对处于挂起的线程进行还原操作 { RT_DEBUG_LOG(RT_DEBUG_THREAD, ("thread resume: thread disorder, %d\n", thread->stat)); return -RT_ERROR; } /* disable interrupt */ temp = rt_hw_interrupt_disable();//关中断 /* remove from suspend list */ rt_list_remove(&(thread->tlist));//从挂起队列中移除 /* remove thread timer */ rt_list_remove(&(thread->thread_timer.list));//因线程即将运行,所以需要移除定时器,无需再定时 /* change timer state */ thread->thread_timer.parent.flag &= ~RT_TIMER_FLAG_ACTIVATED;//将内核对象的标志设置为定时器非激活标志 /* enable interrupt */ rt_hw_interrupt_enable(temp);//开中断 /* insert to schedule ready list */ rt_schedule_insert_thread(thread);//将线程加入调度器 return RT_EOK; }由上源码可见,此函数只是将线程加入到调度器就绪队列中,并没有真正唤醒它,而真正唤醒线程需要rt_schedule.
当前线程的时间片用完或者该线程自动要求让出处理器资源时,它不再占有处理机,调度器会选择下一个最高优先级的线程执行。这时,放弃处理器资源的线程仍然在就绪队列中,只不过放到就绪队列末尾去 了.
/** * This function will let current thread yield processor, and scheduler will * choose a highest thread to run. After yield processor, the current thread * is still in READY state. * * @return RT_EOK */ rt_err_t rt_thread_yield(void) { register rt_base_t level; struct rt_thread *thread; /* disable interrupt */ level = rt_hw_interrupt_disable();//关中断 /* set to current thread */ thread = rt_current_thread;//得到当前线程 /* if the thread stat is READY and on ready queue list */ if (thread->stat == RT_THREAD_READY &&//如果当前线程处于就绪状态且在就绪队列 thread->tlist.next != thread->tlist.prev) { /* remove thread from thread list */ rt_list_remove(&(thread->tlist));//从就绪队列中移除当前线程 /* put thread to end of ready queue */ rt_list_insert_before(&(rt_thread_priority_table[thread->current_priority]),//加入到就绪队列末尾 &(thread->tlist)); /* enable interrupt */ rt_hw_interrupt_enable(level);//开中断 rt_schedule();//重新调度线程 return RT_EOK; } /* enable interrupt */ rt_hw_interrupt_enable(level);//开中断 return RT_EOK; }此函数用于线程的时间片耗尽时,就此线程挂起后加入到就绪队列的末端,然后再等待下一次调度。
/** * This function will let current thread sleep for some ticks. * * @param tick the sleep ticks * * @return RT_EOK */ rt_err_t rt_thread_sleep(rt_tick_t tick) { register rt_base_t temp; struct rt_thread *thread; /* disable interrupt */ temp = rt_hw_interrupt_disable();//关中断 /* set to current thread */ thread = rt_current_thread;//得到当前线程 RT_ASSERT(thread != RT_NULL); /* suspend thread */ rt_thread_suspend(thread);//挂起当前线程 /* reset the timeout of thread timer and start it */ rt_timer_control(&(thread->thread_timer), RT_TIMER_CTRL_SET_TIME, &tick);//设置定时器 rt_timer_start(&(thread->thread_timer));//启动定时器 /* enable interrupt */ rt_hw_interrupt_enable(temp);//开中断 rt_schedule();//启动调度器 /* clear error number of this thread to RT_EOK */ if (thread->error == -RT_ETIMEOUT)//将当前线程的错误码设置为超时 thread->error = RT_EOK; return RT_EOK; }
/** * This function will let current thread delay for some ticks. * * @param tick the delay ticks * * @return RT_EOK */ rt_err_t rt_thread_delay(rt_tick_t tick) { return rt_thread_sleep(tick); }此函数是将当前线程挂起后,然后开启线程中的定时器,并等待定时器时间到达,一旦到达,定时器超时回调函数中将会将此线程重新加入到就绪队列,并重新调度。见2.1节的rt_thread_timeout函数实现部分。
/** * This function will control thread behaviors according to control command. * * @param thread the specified thread to be controlled * @param cmd the control command, which includes * RT_THREAD_CTRL_CHANGE_PRIORITY for changing priority level of thread; * RT_THREAD_CTRL_STARTUP for starting a thread; * RT_THREAD_CTRL_CLOSE for delete a thread. * @param arg the argument of control command * * @return RT_EOK */ rt_err_t rt_thread_control(rt_thread_t thread, rt_uint8_t cmd, void *arg) { register rt_base_t temp; /* thread check */ RT_ASSERT(thread != RT_NULL); switch (cmd) { case RT_THREAD_CTRL_CHANGE_PRIORITY://修改优先级 /* disable interrupt */ temp = rt_hw_interrupt_disable();//关中断 /* for ready thread, change queue */ if (thread->stat == RT_THREAD_READY)//如果线程处于就绪状态 { /* remove thread from schedule queue first */ rt_schedule_remove_thread(thread);//移除 /* change thread priority */ thread->current_priority = *(rt_uint8_t *)arg;//设置优先级 /* recalculate priority attribute */ #if RT_THREAD_PRIORITY_MAX > 32 thread->number = thread->current_priority >> 3; /* 5bit */ thread->number_mask = 1 << thread->number; thread->high_mask = 1 << (thread->current_priority & 0x07); /* 3bit */ #else thread->number_mask = 1 << thread->current_priority; #endif /* insert thread to schedule queue again */ rt_schedule_insert_thread(thread);//加入调度器 } else { thread->current_priority = *(rt_uint8_t *)arg; /* recalculate priority attribute */ #if RT_THREAD_PRIORITY_MAX > 32 thread->number = thread->current_priority >> 3; /* 5bit */ thread->number_mask = 1 << thread->number; thread->high_mask = 1 << (thread->current_priority & 0x07); /* 3bit */ #else thread->number_mask = 1 << thread->current_priority; #endif } /* enable interrupt */ rt_hw_interrupt_enable(temp); break; case RT_THREAD_CTRL_STARTUP://启动 return rt_thread_startup(thread); #ifdef RT_USING_HEAP case RT_THREAD_CTRL_CLOSE://关闭线程 return rt_thread_delete(thread); #endif default: break; } return RT_EOK; }此函数在修改线程优先级时,当线程处于就绪状态时,为了安全起见,首先将线程从就绪队列中移除,然后再修改优先级,最后再次线程重新加入到调度器的就绪队列中。
/** * This function will find the specified thread. * * @param name the name of thread finding * * @return the found thread * * @note please don't invoke this function in interrupt status. */ rt_thread_t rt_thread_find(char *name) { struct rt_object_information *information; struct rt_object *object; struct rt_list_node *node; extern struct rt_object_information rt_object_container[]; /* enter critical */ if (rt_thread_self() != RT_NULL) rt_enter_critical();//进入临界区 /* try to find device object */ information = &rt_object_container[RT_Object_Class_Thread];//从内核对象容器中获取内核对象链表 for (node = information->object_list.next; node != &(information->object_list); node = node->next) { object = rt_list_entry(node, struct rt_object, list);//得到内核对象 if (rt_strncmp(object->name, name, RT_NAME_MAX) == 0)//比较名字 { /* leave critical */ if (rt_thread_self() != RT_NULL) rt_exit_critical();//退出临界区 return (rt_thread_t)object;//返回内核对象 } } /* leave critical */ if (rt_thread_self() != RT_NULL) rt_exit_critical();//退出临界区 /* not found */ return RT_NULL;//返回未找到 }