Exploring Beautiful Lake Geneva (2/3) -- 探索美丽的日内瓦湖(二)

Exploring Beautiful Lake Geneva (2/3)

        Since 1823, the most popular way to see Lake Geneva is by lake steamer. Hop on and travel to the charming city of Lausanne. It has both an upper and lower town. In the Haute Vila (Upper Town). You’ll see reminders of the Middle Ages. Exploring on foot is the best way to see this old section of town. You might get lost in the narrow, winding streets, but that’s part of the fun!
        In Ouchy(Lower Town),sports enthusiasts may want to visit the Olympic Museum.Lausanne is the headquarters of the International Olympic Committee.
        A short train ride brings you to the resort town of Vevey. In Vevey’s historic Old Town, interesting shops and restaurants line the narrow streets. Stop in at the tourist office and get a free brochure called “On the Trail of Hemingway.” The brochure will lead you to places that Hemingway and other famous people have visited in Vevey.
For something out of the ordinary, visit he Musee de I’Alimentarium. The museum celebrates the development of food around the world. Inside, you can push buttons on exhibits to smell different foods.

Word Bank
Enthusiast (n) 对……热衷的人
Jeremy is a car enthusiast. He knows everything about them.

Headquarters (n pl) (公司、机关等的)总部
The managers in our company’s headquarters make the big decisions.

Brochure (n) 小册子
This four-page brochure tells everything you need to know about the resort.

Out of the ordinary (idiom) 不寻常的
Did you see or hear anything out of he ordinary last night?

More Information
steamer(n) 汽船;轮船
The steamer took four hours to cross the lake.
