public static Bitmap decodeResource(Resources res, int id, Options opts);
try { final TypedValue value = new TypedValue(); is = res.openRawResource(id, value); bm = decodeResourceStream(res, value, is, null, opts); } catch (Exception e) { /* do nothing. If the exception happened on open, bm will be null. If it happened on close, bm is still valid. */ } finally { try { if (is != null) is.close(); } catch (IOException e) { // Ignore } }
public static Bitmap decodeResourceStream(Resources res, TypedValue value, InputStream is, Rect pad, Options opts) { if (opts == null) { opts = new Options(); } if (opts.inDensity == 0 && value != null) { final int density = value.density; <span style="color:#ff0000;">if (density == TypedValue.DENSITY_DEFAULT) { opts.inDensity = DisplayMetrics.DENSITY_DEFAULT; } else if (density != TypedValue.DENSITY_NONE) { opts.inDensity = density; }</span> } <span style="color:#ff0000;">if (opts.inTargetDensity == 0 && res != null) { opts.inTargetDensity = res.getDisplayMetrics().densityDpi; }</span> return decodeStream(is, pad, opts); }
When this flag is set, if inDensity
and inTargetDensity
are not 0, the bitmap will be scaled to match inTargetDensity
when loaded, rather than relying on the graphics system scaling it each time it is drawn to a Canvas.
if (is instanceof AssetManager.AssetInputStream) { final int asset = ((AssetManager.AssetInputStream) is).getAssetInt(); bm = nativeDecodeAsset(asset, outPadding, opts); } else { bm = decodeStreamInternal(is, outPadding, opts); }
if (env->GetBooleanField(options, gOptions_scaledFieldID)) { const int density = env->GetIntField(options, gOptions_densityFieldID); const int targetDensity = env->GetIntField(options, gOptions_targetDensityFieldID); const int screenDensity = env->GetIntField(options, gOptions_screenDensityFieldID); if (density != 0 && targetDensity != 0 && density != screenDensity) { <span style="color:#ff0000;">scale = (float) targetDensity / density;</span> } }
int scaledWidth = decodingBitmap.width(); int scaledHeight = decodingBitmap.height(); if (willScale && mode != SkImageDecoder::kDecodeBounds_Mode) { scaledWidth = int(scaledWidth * scale + 0.5f); scaledHeight = int(scaledHeight * scale + 0.5f); }
if (willScale) { // This is weird so let me explain: we could use the scale parameter // directly, but for historical reasons this is how the corresponding // Dalvik code has always behaved. We simply recreate the behavior here. // The result is slightly different from simply using scale because of // the 0.5f rounding bias applied when computing the target image size <span style="color:#ff0000;">const float sx = scaledWidth / float(decodingBitmap.width()); const float sy = scaledHeight / float(decodingBitmap.height());</span> // TODO: avoid copying when scaled size equals decodingBitmap size SkBitmap::Config config = configForScaledOutput(decodingBitmap.config()); // FIXME: If the alphaType is kUnpremul and the image has alpha, the // colors may not be correct, since Skia does not yet support drawing // to/from unpremultiplied bitmaps. outputBitmap->setConfig(config, scaledWidth, scaledHeight, 0, decodingBitmap.alphaType()); if (!outputBitmap->allocPixels(outputAllocator, NULL)) { return nullObjectReturn("allocation failed for scaled bitmap"); } // If outputBitmap's pixels are newly allocated by Java, there is no need // to erase to 0, since the pixels were initialized to 0. if (outputAllocator != &javaAllocator) { outputBitmap->eraseColor(0); } SkPaint paint; paint.setFilterLevel(SkPaint::kLow_FilterLevel); <span style="color:#ff0000;">SkCanvas canvas(*outputBitmap); canvas.scale(sx, sy); canvas.drawBitmap(decodingBitmap, 0.0f, 0.0f, &paint);</span> }