/** * 剪切图片,没有处理图片后缀名是否正确,还有gif动态图片 * @param sourcePath 源路径(包含图片) * @param targetPath 目标路径 null则默认为源路径 * @param x 起点x坐标 * @param y 起点y左边 * @param width 剪切宽度 * @param height 剪切高度 * @return 目标路径 * @throws IOException if sourcePath image doesn't exist */ public static String cutImage(String sourcePath,String targetPath,int x,int y,int width,int height) throws IOException{ File imageFile = new File(sourcePath); if(!imageFile.exists()){ throw new IOException("Not found the images:"+sourcePath); } if(targetPath==null || targetPath.isEmpty()) targetPath = sourcePath; String format = sourcePath.substring(sourcePath.lastIndexOf(".")+1,sourcePath.length()); BufferedImage image = ImageIO.read(imageFile); image = image.getSubimage(x, y, width, height); ImageIO.write(image, format, new File(targetPath)); return targetPath; }
/** * 压缩图片 * @param sourcePath 源路径(包含图片) * @param targetPath 目标路径 null则默认为源路径 * @param width 压缩后宽度 * @param height 压缩后高度 * @return 目标路径 * @throws IOException if sourcePath image does not exist */ public static String zoom(String sourcePath,String targetPath,int width,int height) throws IOException{ File imageFile = new File(sourcePath); if(!imageFile.exists()){ throw new IOException("Not found the images:"+sourcePath); } if(targetPath==null || targetPath.isEmpty()) targetPath = sourcePath; String format = sourcePath.substring(sourcePath.lastIndexOf(".")+1,sourcePath.length()); BufferedImage image = ImageIO.read(imageFile); image = zoom(image,width,height); ImageIO.write(image, format, new File(targetPath)); return targetPath; } /** * 压缩图片 * @param sourceImage 待压缩图片 * @param width 压缩图片高度 * @param heigt 压缩图片宽度 */ private static BufferedImage zoom(BufferedImage sourceImage , int width , int height){ BufferedImage zoomImage = new BufferedImage(width, height, sourceImage.getType()); Image image = sourceImage.getScaledInstance(width, height, Image.SCALE_SMOOTH); Graphics gc = zoomImage.getGraphics(); gc.setColor(Color.WHITE); gc.drawImage( image , 0, 0, null); return zoomImage; }