

The following are a couple of tips that can be usefull when fixing leaks  in an application :


* First just launch the app and then close it. If even this action generates leaks, fix those leaks first. Only after the main leaks are fixed, you should go into specific functionality areas of the application.


* In your Delphi/C++Builder project options, remove as much forms as possible from the Auto-Create option. Create your forms dynamically.


* 注意在循环中创建或分配的内存的代码。如果它们未释放,可能引起大量的内存泄漏。

* Go for the biggest classes first - if you see a TMyFom <class> leaking, try to fix this one first instead of going after a tiny TFont class. Since a Form will usually contain a lot of other classes, with one shot you will have fixed a lot of contained leaks.

*先修复大的类,比如你看到TMyFom 类有泄漏,先解决它的问题,然后再解决像TFont 这样的小类。一个form类经常包含多个子类。修复一个form的未释放问题,你将解决大量该form包含的子对象未释的问题。

* Go for the easy fixes first. Some leaks fixes are very easy and obvious - if you fix the easy ones first, you will keep them out of your way.



