sas协议之spc4中的receive diagnostic 和send diagnostic



SCSI Primary Commands - 4 (SPC-4)中我主要关注的是通信中使用的命令,即第六章所定义的命令。




The RECEIVE DIAGNOSTIC RESULTS command (see table 224) requests that data be sent to the application
client Data-In Buffer. The data is either data based on the most recent SEND DIAGNOSTIC command (see 6.32)
or is a diagnostic page specified by the PAGE CODE field.主要用来接收element的status 信息,读请求。

The SEND DIAGNOSTIC command (see table 266) requests the device server to perform diagnostic operations on
the SCSI target device, on the logical unit, or on both. Logical units that support this command shall implement, at
a minimum。主要用来对控制对elements进行控制,写操作。

主要是请求或控制page code所定义的数据报文,此处的page code包括如下:

sas协议之spc4中的receive diagnostic 和send diagnostic_第1张图片

page code在 01h to 2h 范围内所定义的page code,是在"SCSI Enclosure Services - 3 (SES-3)"中定义的,ses中主要是用来对enclosure进行管理的,

包括enclosure本身和自身所包含的各种elements,命令定义可以参见ses3中的第6章。elemes的定义可参见ses中的第7章 Element definitions。

Supported Diagnostic Pages所定义的表示:


This clause defines the diagnostic page structure and the diagnostic pages that are applicable to enclosure services devices and other device types that provide communications access to an enclosure services process. Control pages are accessed with the SEND DIAGNOSTIC command. Status pages are accessed with the RECEIVE DIAGNOSTIC RESULTS command.The diagnostic page format is specified in SPC-4. All diagnostic pages have the diagnostic page header defined in SPC-4, including the PAGE CODE and PAGE LENGTH fields.

同时从上面的定义可以看处,ses中定义的命令的头部定义在spc中,即send diagnostic和receive diagnostic的数据包中包含中ses中的定义的命名格式。

在进行命令处理的时候,我们收到SPL(SAS Protocol Layer (SPL)) 第8章Transport layer所定义的SSP frame format格式之后,对相应的字段进行解析之后,最后就会处理到

send diagnostic 和receive diagnostic 对应的OPERATION CODE(1DH和1CH),send diagnostic和receive diagnostic根据帧格式中的page code来判断是Status pages 还是Control pages ,即从initiator获取数据信息还是向initiator发送控制信息。

2: SPC命令之 send diagnostic

    其实这个send diagnostic命令有点复杂,在信息的控制方面,不是显而易见的。即有不确定性,根据具体的参数不同就形成了不同的命令解析及处理方式。



3: SPC命令之 receive diagnostic

    sas协议之spc4中的receive diagnostic 和send diagnostic_第2张图片

 上面的图中:A page code valid (PCV) bit set to one specifies that the device server return the diagnostic page specified in the PAGE CODE field。及pcv等于1,target将返回

page code 对于的数据项。
