ZOJ1225_Scramble Sort



In this problem you will be given a series of lists containing both words and numbers. The goal is to sort these lists in such a way that all words are in alphabetical order and all numbers are in numerical order. Furthermore, if the nth element in the list is a number it must remain a number, and if it is a word it must remain a word.
The input will contain multiple lists, one per line. Each element of the list will be separated by a comma followed a space, and the list will be terminated by a period. The input will be terminated by a line containing only a single


For each list in the input, output the scramble sorted list, separating each element of the list with a comma followed by a space, and ending the list with a period.

Sample Input

banana, strawberry, OrAnGe.
Banana, StRaWbErRy, orange.
10, 8, 6, 4, 2, 0.
x, 30, -20, z, 1000, 1, Y.
50, 7, kitten, puppy, 2, orangutan, 52, -100, bird, worm, 7, beetle.
Sample Output

banana, OrAnGe, strawberry.
Banana, orange, StRaWbErRy.
0, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10.
x, -20, 1, Y, 30, 1000, z.
-100, 2, beetle, bird, 7, kitten, 7, 50, orangutan, puppy, 52, wor



#include  < iostream >
< cstdio >
< cstdlib >
< string >
< cstring >
< algorithm >
< cctype >

using   namespace  std;

string  s[ 80 ];
int  a[ 80 ];
bool  flag[ 80 ];
char  buf[ 80 ];
bool  cmp( string  a,  string  b)
string  tmpa  =  a;
string  tmpb  =  b;
    transform(a.begin(),a.end(), tmpa.begin(), ::tolower);
    transform(b.begin(),b.end(), tmpb.begin(), ::tolower);
return  tmpa  <  tmpb;
int  main( void )
int  alpha, num;
string  t;
char   * p;
int  i, j;
int  sign;
int  tmp;
int  k;
int  m, n;
" in.txt " " r " , stdin);
while  (fgets(buf,  80 , stdin)  !=  NULL  &&  buf[ 0 !=   ' . ' )
=  buf;
=  j  =   0 ;
=  num  =   0 ;
=   0 ;
while  ( * !=   ' \n '   &&   * !=   ' . ' )
while  ( * ==   '   ' )
++ p;
=   1 ;
if  ( * ==   ' - '   ||  isdigit( * p)  ||   * ==   ' + ' )
if  ( * ==   ' - ' )
=   - 1 ;
++ p;
else   if  ( * ==   ' + ' )
++ p;
=   0 ;
while  ( * !=   ' , '   &&   * !=   ' . ' )
=  tmp * 10   +  ( * p - ' 0 ' );
++ p;
++ =  tmp * sign;
++ =   false ;
=   0 ;
=   "" ;
while  ( * !=   ' , '   &&   * !=   ' . ' )
+=   * p;
++ p;
++ i;
++ =  t;
++ =   true ;
++ p;
        sort(a, a
+ num);
        sort(s, s
+ alpha, cmp);
=  n   =   0 ;
if  ( ! flag[ 0 ])
" %d " , a[ 0 ]);
++ m;
" %s " , s[ 0 ].c_str());
++ n;
for  (i  =   1 ; i  <  k;  ++ i)
if  ( ! flag[i])
" , %d " , a[m]);
++ m;
" , %s " , s[n].c_str());
++ n;
" .\n " );
return   0 ;

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