Monitor linux system

Monitor linux system

pstree Processes and parent-child relationships
top Show top processes
iostat Report CPU statistics and input/output statistics for devices and partitions.
ps -auxw process status
uname -a print system information
cat /proc/version Display Linux kernel version in use.
cat /etc/redhat-release Display Red Hat Linux Release. (also /etc/issue)
uptime Tell how long the system has been running. Also number of users and system's load average.
w Show who is logged on and what they are doing.
/sbin/lsmod List all currently loaded kernel modules.
Same as cat /proc/modules
/sbin/runlevel Displays the system's current runlevel.
hostname Displays/changes the system's node name. (Must also manually change hostname setting in /etc/sysconfig/network. Command will change entry in /etc/hosts)
service Red Hat/Fedora command to display status of system services.
Example: service --status-all
Help: service --help

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