Qt for symbian 环境搭建检查
( with 1 registered patch, see perl - V for more detail)
Copyright 1987 - 2001 , Larry Wall
Binary build 638 provided by ActiveState Corp. http: // www.ActiveState.com
ActiveState is a division of Sophos.
Built Apr 13 2004 19 : 24 : 21

Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.6 .0_11 - b03)
Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM (build 11.0 - b16, mixed mode, sharing)
编译工具和你的目标设备有关系,如果是模拟器就需要 Nokia X86 Compiler,如果是设备就需要 GCCE compiler and the ARM RVCT compiler.
The Nokia X86 Compiler and a modified GCCE compiler are automatically installed as part of the Symbian Foundation toolkits. You do not need to do anything to use these compilers from the IDE. The RVCT compiler is not part of the Kits and must be licensed and installed separately. See below for instructions on testing.
If you want to compile using the command prompt (without the help of Carbide.c++), you need to set additional path and general environment variables. You can do this using a batch file provided with Carbide.c++. From the Windows start button, select: All Programs | Symbian Foundation ADT/PDT vX.X | Carbide.c++ vX.X | Configure Environment for WINSCW Command Line.
Nokia CodeWarrior x86 Compiler (Emulator)
The Nokia Compiler is automatically installed as part of the ADT and PDT kits.
You can verify that the compiler is correctly set by typing the following in any directory (note that you may need to open a fresh command prompt (cmd.exe) to get the expected output from the following command):
C:\>mwccsym2.exe -version
The output should look something like this:
Nokia Carbide C/C++ Compiler for Windows/x86.
Copyright (c) 2009, Nokia Corporation
All rights reserved.
Version 3.2.5 build 478 (Build 478)
A modified GCC compiler (free, open-source C++ compiler) is installed with the Symbian Foundation toolkits (Note: it is installed during the installation of the S60 SDK). Verify your installation by entering:
C:\>arm-none-symbianelf-gcc.exe -v
The output should contain the version information of the GCC compiler (the configuration of the compiler is not relevant in this context and has been shortened to "..."):
Reading specs from ...
Configured with: ...
Thread model: single
gcc version 3.4.3 (release) (CodeSourcery ARM Q1C 2005)
The ARM RealView Compiler (RVCT) ([1]) is primarily intended for manufacturers. It produces highly optimised code resulting in smaller ROMs and hence a reduced bill of materials cost. RVCT is licensed by ARM.
RVCT 2.2 is the supported version for ARMv5 and ARMv6 instruction sets. RVCT3.1 can be used for ARMv7. You can verify the installation on your system by entering the following on the command line:
This should result in the following output (for RVCT2.2):
ARM/Thumb C/C++ Compiler, RVCT2.2 [Build 616]
Carbide.c++ automatically detects certain errors with the environment.
Start Carbide.c++ from the Windows *start* menu. It firsts asks you for a workspace directory. If the IDE is set up correctly the main workspace displays within a few seconds.
Carbide.c++ automatically detects when a new SDK has been installed. You should restart Carbide whenever prompted to install new SDKs and plugins.
You can start the Symbian emulator in your preferred SDK by selecting:
<SDK-directory>\epoc32\release\winscw\udeb\epoc.exewhere the SDK-directory is the location of the \epoc32\ directory for the Kit (also known as the EPOCROOT).
Start-up might take a while, depending on the speed of your PC. Remember that essentially you’re launching a full operating system which is not a quick task. It speeds up significantly on consecutive launches in the same session. Further performance gains can sometimes be achieved by defragmenting the hard drive because the emulator start-up process accesses many different files.
Your firewall might display a warning when launching the Emulator. Make sure you do not block access to any ports or any means of communication between Carbide.c++ and the Emulator (required for debugging).
Software Kits
The Symbian Foundation Software Kits provide a development environment, which may include Emulator, libraries, headers, documentation and source code. You may have several software kits on your desktop PC. The devices.exe tool (link » Symbian OS Tools And Utilities » Kit management » How to manage development for multiple device types) allows developers to list all kits ("devices"), specify which kit will be used by default by tools like Carbide.c++, and to add additional kits. A full listing of the devices.exe functionality can be obtained with:
devices -helpIf the devices executable is not found, you are missing path variables that should have been set during installation of the ADT or PDT toolkits. Your path should include an entry like this:
c:\Program Files\Common Files\Symbian\toolsIf you cannot resolve the problem by modifying the path you might have to repeat the installation from an administrator account and be sure that no other application or firewall prevents you changing system settings.
The SDK automatically creates a new device when it is installed and gives you the option to set it as the default kit. Following installation you should check that the SDK is listed, and that it is the default device. No other configuration is required.
To get the list of all kits/devices open a DOS window and type:
C:\>devicesThe output will be a list of all currently installed devices, highlighting the one that will be used by default.
S60_5th_Edition_SDK_v1.0:com.nokia.s60 - defaultS60_3rd_MR:com.nokia.s60
If it is not the default, you can set it to be using:
devices -setdefault @S60_5th_Edition_SDK_v1.0:com.nokia.s60If your device is not listed, and does not appear in the Carbide IDE, you may be able to add it manually as described and linked in the PDK section which follows.
At time of writing the Product Development Kit is delivered as a set of zip files which you "install" by unzipping into the location of your choice; no "device entry" is created so the tools won't be able to detect the presence of the new kit.
Instructions on how to set the kit "device entry" are given in the PDK QuickStart. Provided you have set the device entry correctly no other configuration is required.
You should see your desired kit (named according to your choice) listed among the supported "devices". You can check that you have the correct device location using the -info option, and you can set this device as the default using the -setdefault option. E.g.:
devices -info @myroot:com.symbian.techview
devices -setdefault @myroot:com.symbian.techview
The interim Foundation Software Kits (iFSK) contain (only) the source code for the Symbian platform that can be delivered under the SFL license. The iFSK is overlaid over an existing PDK - it does not have any specific or separate configuration.