mysql 实用工具集

这些工具都是从网上搜集来的,对mysql的管理,调优和恢复有很大便利。如果能善用这些工具的话,可以说你可以让你的DB server发挥最大的功效。

mysqlreport - Make easy-to-read MySQL status reports.

mysqlsla - Simple, lightweight MySQL log parsing.

mysqlidxchx - Checks tables for unused indexes.

mysqlsniffer - MySQL protocol sniffer.
Maatkit (mk)

Maatkit is a collection of 20+ scripts originally created by Baron Schwartz. These scripts include mk-table-sync, mk-query-digest, mk-archiver, mk-heart, etc.

These scripts are created/maintained by various people/projects。

innotop - A 'top' clone for MySQL.

innodb-tools - Data Recovery Toolkit for InnoDB.

MMM - Monitoring/failover and management of MySQL master-master replication configurations

kontrollkit - A collection of scripts to simplify daily MySQL DBA responsibilities.
