Trim a string with C++

Trim a string with C++ demo code following: 

// TrimStringDemo.cpp
#include <iostream>
#include <string>

using namespace std;

string LTrimString(const string str)
  int h = 0, t = str.size();
  while (h < t && (str[h] == ' ' || str[h] == '\t')) h++;
  return str.substr(h, t - h);

string RTrimString(const string str)
  int h = 0, t = str.size();
  // trim right
  while (h < t && (str[t-1] == ' ' || str[t-1] == '\t')) t--;
  return str.substr(h, t - h);

// TrimeString for string including ' ', '\t'.
// @param [in] str  -- any string
// string TrimString(const string str)
// {
//   int h = 0, t = str.size();
//   // trim left
//   while (h < t && (str[h] == ' ' || str[h] == '\t')) h++;
//   // trim right
//   while (h < t && (str[t-1] == ' ' || str[t-1] == '\t')) t--;
//   return str.substr(h, t - h);
// }
string TrimString(const string str) {
  return RTrimString(LTrimString(str));

#define TEST_ISO_BEGIN() \
  string iso;

#define TEST_ISO(_iso_) \
  iso = _iso_; \
  cout << "LTrim: '" << iso << "'" << " -> |" << LTrimString(iso) << "|" << endl;  \
  cout << "RTrim: '" << iso << "'" << " -> |" << RTrimString(iso) << "|" << endl;  \
  cout << "BTrim: '" << iso << "'" << " -> |" << TrimString(iso) << "|" << endl;  \
  cout << endl;

int main(int argc, char **argv) {
  TEST_ISO("    ");
  TEST_ISO(" GBR ");
  TEST_ISO("   GBR");
  TEST_ISO("GBR    ");
  TEST_ISO("  GBR ");
  TEST_ISO(" GBR   ");
  TEST_ISO(" G B R\t\t\t\t ");
  return 0;


LTrim: '    ' -> ||
RTrim: '    ' -> ||
BTrim: '    ' -> ||

LTrim: ' GBR ' -> |GBR |
RTrim: ' GBR ' -> | GBR|
BTrim: ' GBR ' -> |GBR|

LTrim: '   GBR' -> |GBR|
RTrim: '   GBR' -> |   GBR|
BTrim: '   GBR' -> |GBR|

LTrim: 'GBR    ' -> |GBR    |
RTrim: 'GBR    ' -> |GBR|
BTrim: 'GBR    ' -> |GBR|

LTrim: '  GBR ' -> |GBR |
RTrim: '  GBR ' -> |  GBR|
BTrim: '  GBR ' -> |GBR|

LTrim: ' GBR   ' -> |GBR   |
RTrim: ' GBR   ' -> | GBR|
BTrim: ' GBR   ' -> |GBR|

LTrim: ' G B R                           ' -> |G B R                             |
RTrim: ' G B R                           ' -> | G B R|
BTrim: ' G B R                           ' -> |G B R|
