void foo ()
char * ch = new char [100];
if (...)
if (...)
else if (...)
if (...)
throw "ERROR";
delete [] ch; // This may not be invoked... memory leak!
void bar ()
if (...)
if (...)
throw "ERROR";
lock.release(); // This may not be invoked... deadlock!
// Private copy constructor and copy assignment ensure classes derived
// from class NonCopyable cannot be copied.
class NonCopyable
NonCopyable (NonCopyable const &); // private copy constructor
NonCopyable & operator = (NonCopyable const &); // private assignment operator
template <class T>
class AutoDelete : NonCopyable
AutoDelete (T * p = 0) : ptr_(p) {}
~AutoDelete () throw() { delete ptr_; }
T *ptr_;
class ScopedLock : NonCopyable// Scoped Lock idiom
ScopedLock (Lock & l) : lock_(l) { lock_.acquire(); }
~ScopedLock () throw () { lock_.release(); }
Lock& lock_;
void foo ()
X * p = new X;
AutoDelete<X> safe_del(p); // Memory will not leak
p = 0;
// Although, above assignment "p = 0" is not necessary
// as we would not have a dangling pointer in this example.
// It is a good programming practice.
if (...)
if (...)
// No need to call delete here.
// Destructor of safe_del will delete memory
void X::bar()
ScopedLock safe_lock(l); // Lock will be released certainly
if (...)
if (...)
throw "ERROR";
// No need to call release here.
// Destructor of safe_lock will release the lock
Acquiring resource(s) in constructor is not mandatory in RAII idiom but releasing resources in the destructor is the key. Therefore, it is also known (rarely though) as Resource Release is Finalization idiom. It is important in this idiom that the destructor should not throw exceptions. Therefore, the destructors have no-throw specification but it is optional. std::auto_ptr and boost::scoped_ptr are ways of quickly using RAII idiom for memory resources. RAII is also used to ensure exception safety. RAII makes it possible to avoid resource leaks without extensive use of try/catch blocks and is widely used in the software industry.
Many classes that manage resources using RAII, do not have legitimate copy semantics (e.g., network connections, database cursors, mutex). The NonCopyable class shown before prevents copying of objects that implement RAII. It simply prevents access to the copy-constructor and the copy-assignment operator by making them private. boost::scoped_ptr is an example of one such class that prevents copying while holding memory resources. The NonCopyable class states this intention explicitly and prevents compilation if used incorrectly. Such classes should not be used in STL containers. However, every resource management class that implements RAII does not have to be non-copyable like the above two examples. If copy semantics are desired, boost::shared_ptr can be used to manage memory resources. In general, non-intrusive reference counting is used to provide copy semantics as well as RAII.