最近在学Autoencoder的相关知识,已经学习完DFLDL的Sparse_Autoencoder相关知识,想学学Denoising Autoencoder和contractive Autoencoder。
本篇先说说Denoising Autoencoder的学习。
参考大神tornadomeet的博客(http://www.cnblogs.com/tornadomeet/p/3261247.html),我准备自己尝试第一个实验。下载完DeepLearnToolbox并且自己把代码test_example_SAE跑了一遍后发现,没有Denoising时候,识别结果error为0.10,然后加上50%的Denoising后,就出现“Too big error”的警告,原来是识别结果error超过0.16,而代码的最后一句为
assert(er < 0.16, 'Too big error')。
但是tornadomeet大神不是说加上50%的Denoising后test的结果会更好吗?仔细对比了一下发现,toolbox里面的代码网络结构是[784 100 10]的,也就是只有一层hidden layer,代码如下:
function test_example_SAE load ../data/mnist_uint8; train_x = double(train_x)/255; test_x = double(test_x)/255; train_y = double(train_y); test_y = double(test_y); addpath('../SAE') addpath('../NN') %% ex1 train a 100 hidden unit SDAE and use it to initialize a FFNN % Setup and train a stacked denoising autoencoder (SDAE) rand('state',0) sae = saesetup([784 100]); sae.ae{1}.activation_function = 'sigm'; sae.ae{1}.learningRate = 1; sae.ae{1}.inputZeroMaskedFraction = 0.5; opts.numepochs = 1; opts.batchsize = 100; sae = saetrain(sae, train_x, opts); visualize(sae.ae{1}.W{1}(:,2:end)') % Use the SDAE to initialize a FFNN nn = nnsetup([784 100 10]); nn.activation_function = 'sigm'; nn.learningRate = 1; nn.W{1} = sae.ae{1}.W{1}; % Train the FFNN opts.numepochs = 1; opts.batchsize = 100; nn = nntrain(nn, train_x, train_y, opts); [er, bad] = nntest(nn, test_x, test_y); assert(er < 0.16, 'Too big error');
switch nn.activation_function
case 'sigm'
% Calculate the unit's outputs (including the bias term)
nn.a{i} = sigm(nn.a{i - 1} * nn.W{i - 1}');
case 'tanh_opt'
nn.a{i} = tanh_opt(nn.a{i - 1} * nn.W{i - 1}');
if(nn.dropoutFraction > 0)
nn.a{i} = nn.a{i}.*(1 - nn.dropoutFraction);
nn.dropOutMask{i} = (rand(size(nn.a{i}))>nn.dropoutFraction);
nn.a{i} = nn.a{i}.*nn.dropOutMask{i};
%calculate running exponential activations for use with sparsity
nn.p{i} = 0.99 * nn.p{i} + 0.01 * mean(nn.a{i}, 1);
%Add the bias term
nn.a{i} = [ones(m,1) nn.a{i}];
switch nn.output
case 'sigm'
nn.a{n} = sigm(nn.a{n - 1} * nn.W{n - 1}');
case 'linear'
nn.a{n} = nn.a{n - 1} * nn.W{n - 1}';
case 'softmax'
nn.a{n} = nn.a{n - 1} * nn.W{n - 1}';
nn.a{n} = exp(bsxfun(@minus, nn.a{n}, max(nn.a{n},[],2)));
nn.a{n} = bsxfun(@rdivide, nn.a{n}, sum(nn.a{n}, 2));
代码太冗余,不适合初学者,所以我自己尝试用UFLDL里面的那种代码风格,自己从头到尾写了一遍代码,结果发现,即使是用一层隐含层,网络结构是[784 100 10],用了denoising后,效果也会比没有denoising好。
the error rate is 9.3%
加上denoising后,the error rate is 7.3%
%% Code for Denoising Autoencoder % the network is [784 100 10] % By xubinlxb close all clear clc %% load data load './data/mnist_uint8.mat' train_x = double(train_x'./255); train_y = double(train_y'); test_x = double(test_x'./255); test_y = double(test_y'); %% parameter initialized nn = struct; nn.visibleSize = size(train_x,1); nn.hiddenSize = 100; nn.outputSize = 10; nn.lambda = 0.0001; nn.batchSize=100; nn.LearnRate = 3; nn.Method = 'unsupervise'; nn.DenoisingPara = 0.5; %% build Layer1 network % configuration the cost funtion rng('default'); nn = theta_initialization(nn); disp('unsupervise train...') [L1, nn] = batch_build(nn, train_x ,train_x); [cost1,~] = build_one_layer_addWeight(nn,train_x,train_x); % Visualization visualize(nn.W1'); % display_network(nn.W1', 12); %% train the whole network nn.DenoisingPara = 0; nn.Method = 'supervise'; W1 = nn.W1; b1 = nn.b1; nn = theta_initialization(nn); nn.W1 = W1; nn.b1 = b1; clear W1 b1 disp('supervise train...') [L2, nn] = batch_build(nn, train_x, train_y); [cost2,~] = build_one_layer_addWeight(nn,train_x,train_y); %% test the whole network label = predict(nn,test_x); [~,expected] = max(test_y,[],1); badNum = numel(find(label~=expected)); er = badNum/size(test_y,2); assert(er<0.16,'Too big error') fprintf('the errror rate is %f\n',er)
function [ L, nn ] = batch_build( nn, train_x ,train_y) m = size(train_x,2); batchSize = nn.batchSize; batchNum = m/ batchSize; L = []; for i = 1:batchNum if (mod(i,100) == 0) fprintf('batch %d,\n',i); end kk = randperm(m); batch_x = train_x( :, kk(((i-1)*batchSize+1): i*batchSize) ); batch_y = train_y( :, kk(((i-1)*batchSize+1): i*batchSize) ); [cost, nn] = build_one_layer_addWeight(nn, batch_x ,batch_y); L = [L,cost]; end end
function [ cost, nn ] = build_one_layer_addWeight( nn, x, y ) % initialize the parameter lambda = nn.lambda; LearnRate = nn.LearnRate; W1 = nn.W1; b1 = nn.b1; W2 = nn.W2; b2 = nn.b2; W1grad = zeros(size(W1)); b1grad = zeros(size(b1)); W2grad = zeros(size(W2)); b2grad = zeros(size(b2)); %% BP algorithm m = size(x,2); % Denoising Autoencoder x = x.*(rand(size(x)) > nn.DenoisingPara); % feedforward z2 = W1* x+ repmat(b1,1,m); a2 = sigmoid(z2); z3 = W2* a2+ repmat(b2,1,m); a3 = sigmoid(z3); cost = 0.5/m.* sum(sum((y - a3).^2))+ 0.5*lambda.* (sum(W1(:).^2)+sum(W2(:).^2)); % Back forword calculator the grad d3 = -(y - a3).* a3 .*(1-a3); d2 = W2'* d3 .* a2 .*(1-a2); W2grad = 1.0/m.* (d3 *a2')+ lambda.* W2; b2grad = 1.0/m.* sum(d3,2); W1grad = 1.0/m.* (d2 *x')+ lambda.*W1; b1grad = 1.0/m.* sum(d2,2); W2 = W2 - LearnRate*W2grad; b2 = b2 - LearnRate*b2grad; W1 = W1 - LearnRate*W1grad; b1 = b1 - LearnRate*b1grad; %grad = [ W1grad(:);b1grad(:);W2grad(:);b2grad(:) ]; nn.W1 = W1; nn.b1 = b1; nn.W2 = W2; nn.b2 = b2; end function sigm = sigmoid(x) sigm = 1./(1+exp(-x)); end
function [ nn ] = theta_initialization( nn ) visibleSize = nn.visibleSize; hiddenSize = nn.hiddenSize; switch nn.Method case 'unsupervise' outputSize = nn.visibleSize; case 'supervise' outputSize = nn.outputSize; otherwise error('nn.Method error'); end r = sqrt(6) / sqrt(hiddenSize+visibleSize+1); % weights uniformly from the interval [-r, r] W1 = rand(hiddenSize, visibleSize) * 2 * r - r; r = sqrt(6) / sqrt(hiddenSize+outputSize+1); W2 = rand(outputSize, hiddenSize) * 2 * r - r; b1 = zeros(hiddenSize, 1); b2 = zeros(outputSize, 1); nn.W1 = W1; nn.b1 = b1; nn.W2 = W2; nn.b2 = b2; end
function label = predict( nn, x) %UNTITLED3 Summary of this function goes here % Detailed explanation goes here W1 = nn.W1; b1 = nn.b1; W2 = nn.W2; b2 = nn.b2; m = size(x,2); label = zeros(1,m); z2 = W1*x +repmat(b1,1,m); a2 = sigmoid(z2); z3 = W2*a2 +repmat(b2,1,m); a3 = sigmoid(z3); [~,label] = max(a3,[],1); end function sigm = sigmoid(x) sigm = 1./(1+exp(-x)); end
function r=visualize(X, mm, s1, s2) %FROM RBMLIB http://code.google.com/p/matrbm/ %Visualize weights X. If the function is called as a void method, %it does the plotting. But if the function is assigned to a variable %outside of this code, the formed image is returned instead. if ~exist('mm','var') mm = [min(X(:)) max(X(:))]; end if ~exist('s1','var') s1 = 0; end if ~exist('s2','var') s2 = 0; end [D,N]= size(X); s=sqrt(D); if s==floor(s) || (s1 ~=0 && s2 ~=0) if (s1 ==0 || s2 ==0) s1 = s; s2 = s; end %its a square, so data is probably an image num=ceil(sqrt(N)); a=mm(2)*ones(num*s2+num-1,num*s1+num-1); x=0; y=0; for i=1:N im = reshape(X(:,i),s1,s2)'; a(x*s2+1+x : x*s2+s2+x, y*s1+1+y : y*s1+s1+y)=im; x=x+1; if(x>=num) x=0; y=y+1; end end d=true; else %there is not much we can do a=X; end %return the image, or plot the image if nargout==1 r=a; else imagesc(a, [mm(1) mm(2)]); axis equal colormap gray end