Androidscreencastcase 一个 Java Web Start application,适用于 Windows/Linux/MacOS 平台控制任何 android 设备(包括模拟器和真机),通过 USB连接就可实现鼠标键盘控制你的 android.可以录像,在 TP和 LCD没有调试好的情况下也可调试真机。
启动方法 :首先下载androidscreencast.jnlp
直接在终端运行$ javaws androidscreencast.jnlp
Troubleshooting :如果出现下面的情况,需要重启 adb
yuao@yuao-desktop:~$ javaws androidscreencast.jnlp
58:34 E/DeviceMonitor: Connection attempts: 1
58:35 E/DeviceMonitor: Connection attempts: 2
58:36 E/DeviceMonitor: Connection attempts: 3
58:37 E/DeviceMonitor: Connection attempts: 4
58:38 E/DeviceMonitor: Connection attempts: 5
58:39 E/DeviceMonitor: Connection attempts: 6
58:40 E/DeviceMonitor: Connection attempts: 7
58:41 E/DeviceMonitor: Connection attempts: 8
58:42 E/DeviceMonitor: Connection attempts: 9
58:43 E/DeviceMonitor: Connection attempts: 10
58:44 E/DeviceMonitor: Connection attempts: 11
58:44 E/adb: Cannot start adb when AndroidDebugBridge is created without the location of adb
$ adb start-server
Ref: 官网