Variable expansion Modifiers (parameter expansion)




If variable is set and is non-null, substitute its value; otherwise, substitute word.


If variable is set or is non-null, substitute its value; otherwise, set it to word. The value of variable is substituted permanently. Positional parameters may not be assigned in this way.


If variable is set and is non-null, substitute word; otherwise, substitute nothing.


If variable is set and is non-null, substitute its value; otherwise, print word and exit from the shell. If word is omitted, the message parameter null or not set is printed.


Gets the substring of the value in variable starting at offset, where offset starts at 0 to the end of the string.


Gets the substring of the value in variable starting at offset, length characters over.

Using the colon with any of the modifiers (–, =, +, ?) checks whether the variable is not set or is null; without the colon, a variable set to null is considered to be set.
