(本章节中例子都是用 VS2005 编译调试的)
特征 公有继承 保护继承 私有继承
公有成员继成 派生类公有成员 派生类保护成员 派生类私有成员
私有成员继成 只能通过基类接口访问 只能通过基类接口访问 只能通过基类接口访问
保护成员继成 派生类保护成员 派生类保护成员 派生类私有成员
能否隐式转换 是 是(但只能在此派生类中) 否
参考链接: [什么是虚函数] [虚函数表解析]
1 class ex0 2 { 3 private: 4 void showPrivate(){cout<<"this is private function!";} 5 public: 6 void showPublic(){cout<<"this is public function!";} 7 protected: 8 void showProtected(){cout<<"this is protected function!";} 9 }; 10 class ex1:public ex0 11 { 12 public: 13 void func() 14 { 15 showPrivate(); 16 //错误因为此函数访问权限只有基类 ex0 自己有 17 showPublic(); 18 showProtected(); 19 } 20 }; 21 class ex2:protected ex0 22 { 23 public: 24 void func() 25 { 26 showPrivate(); 27 //错误因为此函数访问权限只有基类 ex0 自己有 28 showPublic(); 29 //正确, 但是此函数由于 ex2 的保护继承这个函数的访问权限已经变成了 protected, 30 //也就是说对于外部类来说已经不具备访问这个函数的权限了 31 showProtected(); 32 } 33 }; 34 class ex3:private ex0 35 { 36 public: 37 void func() 38 { 39 showPrivate(); 40 //错误因为此函数访问权限只有基类 ex0 自己有 41 showPublic(); 42 //正确, 但是此函数由于 ex3 的私有继承这个函数的访问权限已经变成了 private, 43 //也就是说对于外部类和派生类来说已经不具备访问这个函数的权限了 44 showProtected(); 45 //正确, 但是此函数由于 ex3 的私有继承这个函数的访问权限已经变成了 private, 46 //也就是说对于外部类和派生类来说已经不具备访问这个函数的权限了 47 } 48 };
class 派生类名:继承方式(若不具体指出默认为private) 基类名
格式: 派生类构造函数名(形参表):基类构造函数名(形参表){…}
● 创建派生类对象时,程序首先创建基类对象,即基类对象应在进入派生类构造函数前被创建完成
● 派生类构造函数应通过成员初始化表将基类信息传递给基类构造函数
● 派生类构造函数应初始化派生类新增的数据成员
特性: 派生类对象过期时,程序将首先调用派生类析构函数,然后调用基类的
作用: 和虚函数一样类似,在用基类指针释放派生类对象时候,为了能调用正确的析构函数.
注意: 当一个类有虚函数功能,它经常作为一个基类使用,并且它的派生类经常使用new来分配,那么它最好也使用虚析构函数,因为这样才能保证在释放实例对象的时候调用正确的析构函数
1 #include <iostream> 2 #include <string> 3 using namespace std; 4 5 class A{ 6 public: 7 A(){cout<<"A::A() ";} 8 ~A(){cout<<"A::~A()"<<endl;} 9 }; 10 class B:virtual public A{ 11 public: 12 B(){cout<<"B::B() "<<endl;} 13 ~B(){cout<<"B::~B() ";} 14 }; 15 void func() 16 { 17 cout<<"this is class D:"<<endl; 18 cout<<"the order of constructor: "; 19 B b; 20 cout<<"the order of destructor: "; 21 } 22 23 void main() 24 { 25 func(); 26 system("pause"); 27 } 28 /******************************** 29 输出结果: 30 this is class D: 31 the order of constructor: A::A() B::B() 32 the order of destructor: B::~B() A::~A() 33 请按任意键继续. . . 34 ********************************/
1 class A{ 2 public: 3 A(){cout<<"A::A() ";} 4 ~A(){cout<<"A::~A()"<<endl;} 5 }; 6 class B:public A{ 7 public: 8 B(){cout<<"B::B() "<<endl;} 9 ~B(){cout<<"B::~B() ";} 10 }; 11 void func() 12 { 13 A* pb = new B(); 14 delete pb; 15 } 16 /****************************************** 17 调用 func 函数的输出结果: 18 A::A() B::B() 19 A::~A() 20 ******************************************/
1 class A{ 2 public: 3 A(){cout<<"A::A() ";} 4 virtual ~A(){cout<<"A::~A()"<<endl;} 5 }; 6 class B:public A{ 7 public: 8 B(){cout<<"B::B() "<<endl;} 9 ~B(){cout<<"B::~B() ";} 10 }; 11 void func() 12 { 13 A* pb = new B(); 14 delete pb; 15 } 16 /***************************************** 17 调用 func 函数的输出结果: 18 A::A() B::B() 19 B::~B() A::~A() 20 *****************************************/
1 class A{ 2 public: 3 A(){cout<<"this is A::A()"<<endl;} 4 A(int b){cout<<"this is A::A(int b): the value of b is: "<<b<<endl;} 5 A(double b){cout<<"this is A::A(double b) the value of b is: "<<b<<endl;} 6 }; 7 class B:public A{ 8 public: 9 B():A(){} //调用基类 A 默认构造函数 10 B(int b):A(b){} //调用基类 A 的 A::A(int b) 构造函数 11 B(double b):A(b){} //调用基类 A 的 A::A(double b) 构造函数 12 }; 13 void main() 14 { 15 B b0,b1(5),b2(10.5);//产生三个实例,分别调用不同的基类构造函数 16 system("pause"); 17 } 18 /*********************************** 19 调用 func 函数的输出结果: 20 this is A::A() 21 this is A::A(int b): the value of b is: 5 22 this is A::A(double b) the value of b is: 10.5 23 ***********************************/
class 派生类名:继承方式 基类名,继承方式 基类名… {….};
声明格式: class 派生类名:virtual 继承方式 基类名,… { … };
1 #include <iostream> 2 #include <string> 3 using namespace std; 4 5 class A{ 6 protected: 7 int a; 8 public: 9 A():a(0){}; //对成员变量 a 进行初始化 10 }; 11 class B:public A{ 12 public: 13 void B_changeValue(int b) //在派生类 B 中修改基类 A 的成员变量 a 并输出其前后的值 14 { 15 cout<<"in the class B"<<endl; 16 cout<<"the original value of a is: "<<a<<endl; 17 a = b; 18 cout<<"the value after change is: "<<a<<endl<<endl; 19 } 20 }; 21 class C:public A{ 22 public: 23 void C_changeValue(int c) //在派生类 C 中修改基类 A 的成员变量 a 并输出其前后的值 24 { 25 cout<<"in the class C"<<endl; 26 cout<<"the original value of a is: "<<a<<endl; 27 a = c; 28 cout<<"the value after change is: "<<a<<endl<<endl; 29 } 30 }; 31 class D:public B,public C{ 32 33 }; 34 35 void main() 36 { 37 D d; 38 d.B_changeValue(10); 39 d.C_changeValue(20); 40 d.B_changeValue(11); 41 d.C_changeValue(21); 42 system("pause"); 43 }
由此可以看出,其实派生类 D 从基类 B 与基类 C 中继承了两份 A 的数据变量备份
1 #include <iostream> 2 #include <string> 3 using namespace std; 4 5 class A{ 6 protected: 7 int a; 8 public: 9 A():a(0){}; //初始化成员变量 a 10 }; 11 class B:virtual public A{ 12 public: 13 void B_changeValue(int b) // 在派生 B 中修改基类 A 的成员变量 a 并输出其修改前后的值 14 { 15 cout<<"in the class B"<<endl; 16 cout<<"the original value of a is: "<<a<<endl; 17 a = b; 18 cout<<"the value after change is: "<<a<<endl<<endl; 19 } 20 }; 21 class C:virtual public A{ 22 public: 23 void C_changeValue(int c) // 在派生 C 中修改基类 A 的成员变量 a 并输出其修改前后的值 24 { 25 cout<<"in the class C"<<endl; 26 cout<<"the original value of a is: "<<a<<endl; 27 a = c; 28 cout<<"the value after change is: "<<a<<endl<<endl; 29 } 30 }; 31 class D:public B,public C{ 32 33 }; 34 35 void main() 36 { 37 D d; 38 d.B_changeValue(10); 39 d.C_changeValue(20); 40 d.B_changeValue(11); 41 d.C_changeValue(21); 42 system("pause"); 43 }
由此可以看出,这次派生类 D 从基类 B 与基类 C 中继承了只有一份 A 的数据变量备份
1 #include <iostream> 2 #include <string> 3 using namespace std; 4 5 class A{ 6 public: 7 A(){cout<<"A::A() ";} 8 ~A(){cout<<"A::~A()"<<endl;} 9 }; 10 class B:virtual public A{ 11 public: 12 B(){cout<<"B::B() ";} 13 ~B(){cout<<"B::~B() ";} 14 }; 15 class C:virtual public A{ 16 public: 17 C(){cout<<"C::C() ";} 18 ~C(){cout<<"C::~C() ";} 19 }; 20 class D:public B,public C{ 21 public: 22 D():C(),B(){cout<<"D::D()"<<endl;} 23 ~D(){cout<<"D::~D() ";} 24 }; 25 class E:public C,public B 26 { 27 public: 28 E():C(),B(){cout<<"E::E()"<<endl;} 29 ~E(){cout<<"E::~E() ";} 30 }; 31 void funcD() 32 { 33 cout<<"this is class D:"<<endl; 34 cout<<"the order of constructor: "; 35 D d; 36 cout<<"the order of destructor: "; 37 } 38 void funcE() 39 { 40 cout<<"this is class E:"<<endl; 41 cout<<"the order of constructor: "; 42 E e; 43 cout<<"the order of destructor: "; 44 } 45 void main() 46 { 47 funcD(); 48 cout<<endl; 49 funcE(); 50 cout<<endl; 51 system("pause"); 52 }
1 #include <iostream> 2 #include <string> 3 using namespace std; 4 5 class A{ 6 public: 7 A(){cout<<"this is A::A()"<<endl;} 8 A(int b){cout<<"this is A::A(int b): the value of b is: "<<b<<endl;} 9 A(double b){cout<<"this is A::A(double b) the value of b is: "<<b<<endl;} 10 }; 11 class B 12 { 13 public: 14 B(){cout<<"this is B::B()"<<endl;} 15 B(int b){cout<<"this is B::B(int b): the value of b is: "<<b<<endl;} 16 B(double b){cout<<"this is B::B(double b) the value of b is: "<<b<<endl;} 17 }; 18 class C:public A,public B{ 19 public: 20 C():A(),B(){cout<<endl;} 21 C(int b,double c):A(b),B(c){cout<<endl;} 22 C(double b,int c):A(b),B(c){cout<<endl;} 23 }; 24 void main() 25 { 26 C c0,c1(5,15.123),c2(10.5,1235); 27 system("pause"); 28 }