2. void seed()
3. 默认的构造时,Poco::Random类采用当前的时间和日期生成随机数。如果想要更好的随机效果,需要显式的调用seed()方法
4. UInt32 next()
返回0 ~ 2^31之间的随机整数
5. UInt32 next(UInt32 n)
返回0 ~ n之间的随机整数
6. char nextChar()
7. bool nextBool()
8. float nextFloat()
返回随机float值,范围0 ~ 1
9. double nextDouble()
返回随机double值,范围0 ~ 1
#include "Poco/Random.h" #include "Poco/RandomStream.h" #include <iostream> using Poco::Random; using Poco::RandomInputStream; int main(int argc, char** argv) { Random rnd; rnd.seed(); std::cout << "Random integer: " << rnd.next() << std::endl; std::cout << "Random digit: " << rnd.next(10) << std::endl; std::cout << "Random char: " << rnd.nextChar() << std::endl; std::cout << "Random bool: " << rnd.nextBool() << std::endl; std::cout << "Random double: " << rnd.nextDouble() << std::endl; RandomInputStream ri; std::string rs; ri >> rs; return 0; }
#include "Poco/HMACEngine.h" #include "Poco/SHA1Engine.h" using Poco::DigestEngine; using Poco::HMACEngine; using Poco::SHA1Engine; int main(int argc, char** argv) { std::string message1("This is a top-secret message."); std::string message2("Don't tell anyone!"); std::string passphrase("s3cr3t"); // HMAC needs a passphrase HMACEngine<SHA1Engine> hmac(passphrase); // we'll compute a HMAC-SHA1 hmac.update(message1); hmac.update(message2); const DigestEngine::Digest& digest = hmac.digest(); // finish HMAC computation and obtain digest std::string digestString(DigestEngine::digestToHex(digest)); // convert to a string of hexadecimal numbers return 0; }
#include "Poco/DigestStream.h" #include "Poco/MD5Engine.h" using Poco::DigestOutputStream; using Poco::DigestEngine; using Poco::MD5Engine; int main(int argc, char** argv) { MD5Engine md5; DigestOutputStream ostr(md5); ostr << "This is some text"; ostr.flush(); // Ensure everything gets passed to the digest engine const DigestEngine::Digest& digest = md5.digest(); // obtain result std::string result = DigestEngine::digestToHex(digest); return 0; }