注意, 二叉查找树又称作二叉排序树(子节点与父亲节点的数值关系是确定的).
In computer science, a binary tree is a tree data structure in which each node has at most two children (referred to as the left child and the right child). In a binary tree, the degree of each node can be at most two. Binary trees are used to implement binary search trees and binary heaps, and are used for efficientsearching and sorting. A binary tree is a special case of a K-ary tree, where k is 2.
这里要感谢@凯旋冲锋 ,他找到了一个很好的算法可视化网站。
""" Code writer : EOF Code date : 2015.01.16 Code file : bst.py e-mail : [email protected] Code description: Here is a implementation for Binary search tree(BST) which is coded by Python. ATTENTION: Binary search tree do not allow the inputed data which have the same value! Make sure that every data you insert into the tree is just only one but no more than two times. If there is something wrong with my code, please touch me by e-mail. Thank you! """ class BST() : def __init__(self) : self.root = None def insert(self, num) : if self.root == None : self.root = new_node(num) else : tmp_node = self.root par_node = None #Just for searching the location where could be inserted while tmp_node != None : if tmp_node.number > num : par_node = tmp_node tmp_node = tmp_node.left else : par_node = tmp_node tmp_node = tmp_node.right # After while loop, we found that location which's parent # is @par_node if par_node.number > num : par_node.left = new_node(num) par_node.left.parent = par_node par_node.left.right = None par_node.left.left = None return par_node.left else : par_node.right = new_node(num) par_node.right.parent = par_node par_node.right.right = None par_node.right.left = None return par_node.right def search(self, node, num) : if node.number == num or node == None: return node elif node.number > num : return self.search(node.left, num) elif node.number < num : return self.search(node.right, num) def delete(self, num) : z = self.search(self.root, num) if z.left == None or z.right == None : y = z else : y = self.tree_successor(z) if y.left != None : x = y.left else : x = y.right if x != None : x.parent = y.parent if y.parent == None : self.root = x elif y == y.parent.left : y.parent.left = x else : y.parent.right = x if y != z : # copy y's satelllite data into z z.number = y.number def tree_mininum(self, x) : while x.left != None : x = x.left return x def tree_maxinum(self, x) : while x.right != None : x = x.right return x def tree_successor(self, x) : if x.right != None : return self.tree_mininum(x.right) y = x.parent while y != None and x == y.right : x = y y = y.parent return y def tree_predecessor(self, x) : if x.left != None : return self.tree_maxinum(x.left) y = x.parent while y != None and x == y.left : x = y.left y = y.parent def show(self, node) : if node == None : return None self.show(node.left) print " node ",node.number, if node.right != None : print " right child ", node.right.number, else : print "None", if node.left != None : print " left child ", node.left.number else : print "None" self.show(node.right) def __str__(self): def recurse(node) : if node is None: return [], 0, 0 else : left_lines, left_pos, left_width = recurse(node.left) right_lines, right_pos, right_width = recurse(node.right) label = str(node.number) middle = max(right_pos + left_width - left_pos +1, len(label), 2) pos = left_pos + middle//2 width = left_pos + middle + right_width - right_pos while len(left_lines) < len(right_lines) : left_lines.append(' ' * left_width) while len(right_lines) < len(left_lines) : right_lines.append(' ' * right_width) line = [' ' * left_pos + label + ' ' * (right_width-right_pos + 1), ' ' * left_pos + '/' + ' ' * (middle-2) + '\\' + ' ' * (right_width - right_pos) ] + \ [ left_line + ' ' * (width - left_width - right_width) + right_line for left_line, right_line in zip(left_lines, right_lines) ] if node is self.root : return line else : return line, pos, width if self.root is None : return '<Empty tree>' output = recurse(self.root) for i in range(1, len(output)-2) : output[0] += '\n' + output[i] return output[0]+'\n' class new_node() : def __init__(self, num = -1) : self.number = num self.right = None self.left = None self.parent = None #--------------testing code---------------- A = [20,4,6,3,2,1,7,8,9,23,24,21,89,34] my_bst = BST() for i in range(0,len(A)-1) : my_bst.insert(A[i]) print "original tree" print my_bst my_bst.delete(1) print "after deleting 1" print my_bst my_bst.delete(20) print "after deleting 20" print my_bst
/******************************************************************************* * code writer: EOF * Date : 2014.02.20 * Update: 2015.01.26 * code purpose: This code is for header file -- bst.h(Binary_Search_Tree) *e-mail:[email protected] If there somthing wrong with my code, please touch me by e-mail.Thank you! *****************************************************************************/ #ifndef _BST_H #define _BST_H #include<stdio.h> #include<stdlib.h> //definition for node structure struct node { int data; struct node* leftchild; struct node* rightchild; struct node* parent; }; //declaration for delete_note function int delete_node(struct node* p_node,int number); //declaration for insert_note function struct node *insert_node(struct node* p_node, struct node *p_parent, int number); //declaration for print_node function int print_node(struct node* p_node); //declaration for free_tree function void free_tree(struct node* p_node); //declaration for insert_for_delete function int insert_for_delete(struct node* p_node,struct node* tmp); #endif
/******************************************************************************* * code writer: EOF * Date : 2014.02.20 * Update : 2015.01.26 * code purpose: This code is main function. *e-mail:[email protected] If there somthing wrong with my code, please touch me by e-mail.Thank you! *****************************************************************************/ #include "stdio.h" #include "stdlib.h" #include "bst.h" #define ARRAYSIZE 10 int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { int temp = 0; int number = 0; int array[ARRAYSIZE] = {23,32,4,56,33,98,24,88,45,78}; struct node* root = NULL; for(temp = 0;temp < ARRAYSIZE;temp++) { if((root = insert_node(root, NULL, array[temp])) == NULL) { break; //memory allocation failed , //so break out of this loop } } printf("before delete a node\n"); print_node(root); printf("If you want to delete a numbe in these table," " please enter the number\n"); while(!scanf("%d",&number)) { while(getchar() != '\n') { printf("scanf error!\nPlease enter again\n"); } } printf("I am goint to delete node which included data %d",number); delete_node(root,number); printf("after delete the node\n"); print_node(root); free_tree(root); return 0; }
/********************************************************************* * Code writer:EOF * Code date: 2014.02.20 * code purpose: this code is my implementation for the function insert_for_delete * e-mail: [email protected] If something wrong with my code, please touch me by e-mail. Thank you! *********************************************************************/ #include "stdio.h" #include "bst.h" int insert_for_delete(struct node* p_node,struct node* tmp) { if((p_node) == NULL) { return 0; } else { if((p_node)->data < tmp->data) { if(0 == insert_for_delete((p_node)->rightchild,tmp)) { (p_node)->rightchild = tmp; tmp->parent = (p_node); } } else if((p_node)->data > tmp->data) { if(0 ==insert_for_delete((p_node)->leftchild,tmp)) { (p_node)->leftchild = tmp; tmp->parent = (p_node); } } } }
/******************************************************************************* * code writer: EOF * Date : 2014.02.20 * code purpose: This code is my implementation for function -- delete_node *e-mail:[email protected] If there somthing wrong with my code, please touch me by e-mail.Thank you! *******************************************************************************/ #include "bst.h" int delete_node(struct node* p_node,int number) { struct node* temp = NULL; if(p_node->data == number) { //when both the rightchild and leftchild of the node which is to be deleted are NULL if((p_node)->leftchild == NULL && (p_node)->rightchild == NULL) { if((p_node)->parent->rightchild == (p_node)) { (p_node)->parent->rightchild = NULL; free((p_node)); } else if((p_node)->parent->leftchild == (p_node)) { (p_node)->parent->leftchild = NULL; free((p_node)); } } //when the leftchild is NULL but the rightchild isn't NULL if((p_node)->leftchild == NULL && (p_node)->rightchild != NULL) { if((p_node)->parent->rightchild == (p_node)) { (p_node)->parent->rightchild = (p_node)->rightchild; (p_node)->rightchild->parent = (p_node)->parent; free((p_node)); } else if((p_node)->parent->leftchild == (p_node)) { (p_node)->parent->leftchild = (p_node)->rightchild; (p_node)->rightchild->parent = (p_node)->parent; free((p_node)); } } //when the rightchild is NULL but the leftchild isn't NULL if((p_node)->rightchild == NULL && (p_node)->leftchild != NULL) { if((p_node)->parent->rightchild == (p_node)) { (p_node)->parent->rightchild = (p_node)->leftchild; (p_node)->leftchild->parent = (p_node)->parent; free((p_node)); } else if((p_node)->parent->leftchild == (p_node)) { (p_node)->parent->leftchild = (p_node)->leftchild; (p_node)->leftchild->parent = (p_node)->parent; free((p_node)); } } //when both child are not NULL if((p_node)->rightchild != NULL && (p_node)->leftchild != NULL) { if((p_node)->parent->rightchild == (p_node)) { //(*pp_node)->parent->rightchild = NULL; (p_node)->parent->rightchild = (p_node)->rightchild; //temp = (*pp_node)->parent; //temp.rightchild = (*pp_node)->rightchild; insert_for_delete(((p_node)->rightchild),(p_node)->leftchild); free((p_node)); } else if((p_node)->parent->leftchild == (p_node)) { //(*pp_node)->parent->leftchild = NULL; (p_node)->parent->leftchild = (p_node)->rightchild; insert_for_delete(((p_node)->rightchild),(p_node)->leftchild); free((p_node)); } } } else { if((p_node)->data < number) { delete_node(p_node->rightchild,number); } if((p_node)->data > number) { delete_node(p_node->leftchild,number); } } }
/******************************************************************************* * code writer: EOF * Date : 2014.02.20 * code purpose: This code is my implementation for function -- free_tree *e-mail:[email protected] If there somthing wrong with my code, please touch me by e-mail.Thank you! *****************************************************************************/ #include<stdio.h> #include<stdlib.h> #include "bst.h" void free_tree(struct node* p_node)// use recursion to free the memory we allocated { if(p_node->leftchild == NULL && p_node->rightchild == NULL) { free(p_node); p_node = NULL; } else if(p_node->leftchild != NULL && p_node->rightchild == NULL) { free_tree(p_node->leftchild); } else if(p_node->leftchild == NULL && p_node->rightchild != NULL) { free_tree(p_node->rightchild); } else if (p_node->leftchild != NULL && p_node->rightchild != NULL) { free_tree(p_node->rightchild); free_tree(p_node->leftchild); } }
/******************************************************************************* * code writer: EOF * Date : 2014.02.20 * code purpose: This code is the definition for function -- print_tree *e-mail:[email protected] If there somthing wrong with my code, please touch me by e-mail.Thank you! *****************************************************************************/ #include "bst.h" #include "stdio.h" int print_node(struct node* p_node)// use recursion to print out the data in the binary tree { // print the left side of the binary tree if(p_node->leftchild != NULL) { print_node(p_node->leftchild); } printf("%d\n",p_node->data); // print the right side of the binary tree if(p_node->rightchild != NULL) { print_node(p_node->rightchild); } //printf("%d\n",p_node->data); we don't need this }
loving you, tree...................
前些天大体实现了BST,但是还是忘记实现删除节点了。现在更新实现了删除节点的source files.
所有的bug都是有逻辑的, 自己要冷静思考不要陷入理想思维.