Tibco designer questions and answers

TIBCO Designer

Q: Why can't we edit the Domain and Deplyoment GLOBAL VARIABLES though they are in editable mode?

A: Users should not be manually modifying the Global Variables, Domain and Deplyoment, either using Designer or using any other tools. These Global Variables are used for Business Works and Domain will have the server name when loading the remote repositories.

These fields will be made non-editable in the future release of Designer.

  • Platform: All
  • Version: 4.1.2

Q: When the quality of service (QOS) for an adapter service is changed, why is there a suffix "1" added to the endpoint and service name?

A: This is a known issue that has been fixed in 4.1.3. The workaround with 4.1.2 is to reopen the Designer, revert back to the original names, and save again.

  • Platform: All
  • Version: 4.1.2

Q: Designer 4.1.2 does not run after installing RV 7?

A: This is a known issue, and there is a Designer 4.1.2 Patch 2 available to fix this issue. This has also been fixed in 4.1.3.

  • Platform: All
  • Version: 4.1.2

Q: Saving the project after each rename may leave the repository in an inconsistent state after the second and later saves in Designer 4.1.1.

A: For remote repositories, DO NOT rename the adapter Instance more than once on a single designer session. Workaround is to exit the Designer after each save and then relaunch it and perform the rename operation. Note that this problem has been fixed in 4.1.2 and later releases.

  • Platform: All
  • Version: 4.1.1

Q: When Repository file is huge (>1M), Designer takes a long time to load the repository file.

A: This problem is fixed in Designer 4.1.2 Patch 3 and also in Designer 4.1.3.

  • Platform: All
  • Version: 4.1.2

Q: Designer 4.1.3 does not run on HP-UX, PA 1.1 machine.

A: There is a bug in the scripts (setenv.sh, setenv.csh) where the hardcoded value PA_RISC2.0 is used. To workaround it you need to change the SHLIB_PATH in setenv files as below:

For PA 1.1 box: 
For PA 2.0 box: 
  • Platform: HP-UX
  • Version: 4.1.3

Q: What is Advanced Logging in Designer under Logging tab of Generic Adapter configuration?

A: In Basic Mode (when the Advanced Logging button is unchecked) Designer takes control on providing the 2 default Sinks (file Sink and stdioSink) with 3 default roles (info,warning.error) and it takes control for all the other sinks under LogSinks.

User is given an option to delete the roles by unchecking the check boxes available in Logging tab.

  • For deleting Info role for all Sinks, user has to uncheck Log InfoMessages.
  • For deleting Error role for all Sinks, user has to uncheck Log Error Messages.
  • For deleting Warning Role for all Sinks,user has to uncheck Log Warning Messages.
  • For deleting the default stdioSink user has to uncheck Log to Standard I/O
  • For deleting the default FileSink user has to delete the default Log File and Apply.

If the user wants to configure his own Sinks with his own roles then he should not uncheck this Advanced Logging. In Advanced mode ,user can decide which roles and which sinks he wants to choose.

  • Platform: All
  • Version: 4.1

Q: In Designer's schema palette, why does it always add the field to the end?

A: First select View->List, and on the upper right panel you will see the UP and DOWN arrows. Now you can use the arrows to rearrange the order of the fields. Save it so that when you load it next time the changes are saved.

  • Platform: All
  • Version: All

Q: What are the compatibility Issues between 4.1 Designer and 4.0 Adapters and what are the recommendations for upgrading to Designer 4.1and adapters?

A: We strongly recommend that users upgrade Designer and ALL components of an adapter to 4.1 (palette, run time, design time adapter). It is very important for you to review the "Migration" document and compatibility matrix for important compatibility issues. Attached are the documents. For example, Designer 4.1 is not compatible with 4.0.x adapter palettes.The run time component of a 4.0.x adapter will not inter-operate with design time components of the 4.1 version.

  • Platform: All
  • Version: 4.1

Q: In Designer 4.0.2, when I am trying to drag and drop the under MetadataURL folder of generic Adapter Instance I am having a cursor focus issue. For example, if I selecte MetaDataURL folder and right click on the Class to be dragged. The moment I right click on the, Cursor Focus on MetadataURL folder is lost.

A: This issue is fixed in Designer 4.1.1. You can select the Metadata URL and when you rightclick on the class to be dragged, you will get a popup menu with an option to " Link the <class> to <Metadata URL folder>".

  • Platform: All
  • Version: 4.0.2

Q: All the check boxes in Designer have the following behaviour: when you right click anywhere on the right side but still on the same planes as the checkbox, it selects or deselects the checkbox. This creates a problem if the user is not aware of this behavior.

A: This is not a bug. This is the way UI work under Windows. It happens for Java and native programs alike. For example, if you have Windows2000 launch Explorer (run->"explorer"). Go to Tools->Folder Options, click in the text area next to the radio, and also beyond where not text is shown on the side of the label. Clicks activate the component and change its value.

  • Platform: All
  • Version: 4.1.3

Q: How do I create my own Custom Palette?


  1. First, from Menu "File"->"New Custom Palette". A dialog box will be presented for you to Enter Palette Name and Select User Directory, Press Apply. You will see the Custom palette tab shows up in the resource panel.
  2. Next, configure your components such as session, timer, publisher, or subscriber as you would normally in an adapter configuration instance. Skip this step, if you have a resource already configured that you want to save in the Custom Palette.
  3. Last, drag and drop it back under the new custom palette in the resource panel.
  4. The pre-configured publisher, subscriber can now be re-used in new configuration instance by dragging it from this custom palette.
  • Platform: All
  • Version: 4.1.3

Q: How do I specify the user defined discovery subject for the Repository server?

A: In Designer 4.0.2 (build 1062) it is not possible to enter a discovery subject. This has been addressed in the 4.1 releases and now there is a discovery subject field in the window when you are tyring to open the server repositories.

  • Platform: All
  • Version: 4.0.2

Q: How to connect to a remote TIBCO Repository?

A: In "Server-based Project" window, click "Show Advanced" checkbox, use (daemon=tcp:<HOST IP>:<PORT> ) to connect to your remote daemon, namely the remote rvd used by the Repository server.

  • Platform: All
  • Version: 4.1.3

Q: What is TRA and why is it automatically installed with Designer?

A: While Installing an Adapter , Designer gets installed along with TRA which is the TIBCO Runtime Agent.

The TRA is a set of executables and shared libraries for many of the 4.1 products, including Designer. It is a new required infrastructure product for Designer, and includes internal components such as the TIBCO Repository Client and Adapter SDK runtime.

  • Platform: All
  • Version: 4.1

Q: To start Designer in Unix, what are the environment variables that need to be set?

 For starting Designer using Designer.sh, 
setenv TIB_DESIGNER_HOME to <where you installed designer> 
setenv TIB_JAVA_HOME <TRA jre directory or where you have installed JAVA 1.3.1> 


If you want to start the wrapper "designer" then you need to set the PATH, LIBPATH(aix), SHLIB_PATH (HPUX), and LD_LIBRARY_PATH (Solaris&Linux) as in the attached files.

  • Platform: UNIX Unspecified
  • Version: All
  • setenv-solaris.sh
  • setenv-hpux.sh
  • setenv-aix.sh
  • setenv-linux.sh

Q: In RepoFinder, I cannot see the fields under Classes and Adapter instance details after I open a Repository Instance.

A: Before discovering the Repository Instances you need to go to Advanced tab and select Advanced Browsing to view all the details. If you want to edit anything then you also need to select Advanced Editing.

  • Platform: All
  • Version: All

Q: The import process fails with the validation errors below. The import process can succeed without any errors if "novalidate" option is given. Error at line 89: /repository/class/attribute/isWritable: unexpected content "isWritable"; expected "attributeType" or "isKey" or "isWriteable" or "default" or "extendedProperties" Error at line 89: /repository/class/attribute/isWritable: no declaration for element "isWritable"

A: "isWritable" and "iskey" typo were uncovered in Designer 4.0.2, and fixed in 4.1.0+. Please use an editor to rectify your repository instances to "isWriteable" and "isKey" to eliminate any inconsistency.

Please consider to upgrade to Designer 4.1.3 which has fixed this problem.

  • Platform: All
  • Version: 4.0.2

Q: I am trying to create a new server-based project with Designer (not using with BusinessWorks) but keep getting the following error: You are not authorized to create projects in the domain, SCCDEVL007. Please check your username and password settings.

A: To save as a new server based project( not as a part of Admin Domain), please do the following:

  1. Check repo.serverPassword in the server.ini
  2. Run a repository server with the above server.ini
  3. Start the Designer
  4. in Save Project dialogbox Server-based Project tab,
    1. Enter repo.serverPassword as specified in the Server.ini(if it is commented out, no need to provide the passwd)
    2. click on Discover Domains
    3. select the repo server name specified in the server.ini
    4. click on New Project button
    5. specify the Project Name
    6. click on Create button
  • Platform: All
  • Version: 4.1.3

Q: In Designer, Edit->Global Variables, what is this "Insert" button for?

A: This is to insert the globalvariable in a field. Although you can type in the field the global variable name, using "insert" can avoid typo and ensure the global variable is defined.

For example, a Generic Adapter Configuration->Advanced->Session->RVSession has a field named "Service." If you want to replace the default %%RvService%% with your own global variable, say, "myService", delete the %%RvService%% and place the cursor in the field "Service". Goto Edit->Global Variables, select "myService", and now you will see the "Insert" button enabled. Click the "Insert" button and you will see %%myService%% is inserted in the field RVSession->Service.

  • Platform: All
  • Version: 4.1.3

Q: When you export the folder resource and then import this to a new project, you won't be able to rename the folder anymore. If you right click on the imported folder, you will find "the Rename" option disabled.

A: This issue is only with the folder resource. All the other resources under this folder are not affected.

This is a defect in Designer 4.1.x and there is a workaround suggested to resolve the issue.

Workaround: User needs to build the folder structure as he desires in the new project and then do Import resource with the "option to overwrite set to off" (by default, this is set to off).

1. Say the Existing Project has:

  • Folder1 --->Export at this folder level and create a testexport.xml file
  • Folder2
    • Process Definition

2.Open the new project newimport.dat and Create Folder1 and Folder2 as below: Note the Folder1 and Folder2 has the "Rename" option enabled.

  • Folder1
  • Folder2

3. Now Import Resource with " OverWrite in case of Conflict" box unchecked (by default it is unchecked) under "Edit Advanced Settings". This way, Folder1 and Folder2 will not lose its "Rename" mode.

4. Now the resources under Folder would be correctly imported and all the folders have the rename option enabled.

This issue will be fixed in the release of Designer 5.0.

  • Platform: All
  • Version: 4.1.3

Q: Designer is not starting and user gets "Exception in thread main".

A: If the DISPLAY and LD_LIBRARY_PATH variables are set correctly, the user may not be having the write permission to the designer log directory. The solution is to give write permission to the log directory. By default, Log directory and user preference file on Unix machine are saved under "$HOME/.TIBCO", which has custom_palettes, Designer.prefs, and logs directories/files. It is also safe to delete "$HOME/.TIBCO" directory, because it will be automatically recreated the next time the user uses Designer.

  • Platform: Solaris
  • Version: 4.1.3

Q: On Windows machine ,launching Designer 5.x fails and designer.exe process hangs. Is this a known issue?

A: If you have PC Anywhere running on your windows machine, Designer 5.x won't launch and the designer.exe process hangs. To fix the problem, shut down the PC Anywhere.

  • Platform: Windows 2000
  • Version: 5.0

Q: BW 5.1.2 and pcAnywhere

A: Please be aware that loading TIBCO Designer and DomainUtility will not launch the application's GUI if pcAnywhere(Symantec, Inc.) is running on Windows platform.


  • Processes can be seen as launched in Task Manager, but application's GUI can not be seen on the screen.
  • Stopping pcAnywhere service allows launching both: Designer and DomainUtility.
  • Leonid
  • Platform: Windows 2000
  • Version: 5.1.2

Q: How do I migrate 3.x repository to 5.x repository?

A: You cannot migrate from 3.x to 5.x directly. You need to first migrate to 4.x and then to 5.x.

According to our support policy we expect the users to upgrade to new version within 6 months after release. Older version support will be discontinued after that.

AE 5.x products would support migration from 4.x only and it will not support migration from 3.x and earlier versions.

  • Platform: All
  • Version: 5.1.2

Q: On Solaris platform,(NetScape6.0 and above and Mozilla) Browser does not come up for Designer online Help.

A: Add "/usr/bin" to "tibco.env.CUSTOM_PATH" in designer.tra.

  • Platform: Solaris
  • Version: 5.1.2

Q: Clicking Browse Button of Designer 5.1.2 GUI interface on Windows XP platform causes designer GUI to disappear (sometime crash).

A: This error may be due to the IBM Clearcase installed in Windows XP machine. To fix this problem you need to apply Clearcase patch clearcase_p2002.05.00.NT-32 from IBM. For more information please contact IBM Clearcase support.

  • Platform: Windows XP
  • Version: 5.1.3

Q: When I open a project in FileSharing mode and try to aquire resource from the Project root folder, It does not acquire some of the resources.

A: This is a known issue. Especially with big projects with lot of subfolders this happens. The issue is fixed in the next release.For release schedules contact support@tibco.com.

Workaround 1: After opening the project in File Sharing mode, Right click on Top root folder and Select "Expand All" and then acquire resource.

Workaround 2: Bring Up designer and choose Administration tab ->Configure Preferences, Check the Load Full Project and then load the project .Now with out doing Expand all, you will be able to aquire all resources from the project root folder.

  • Platform: All
  • Version: 5.1.2

Q: Is there a Custom Palette API in Designer for SDK based adapters?

A: We currently do not have a Designer Palette API available for customer. However, we understand that it is important for some customer implementation to be able to create custom palette. You can contract with TIBCO PSG for a custom project if you have such a requirement.

  • Platform: All
  • Version: 5.1.2

Q: In a multifile project, if there is a resource with name containing the string "rcs" anywhere, it is not displayed in Designer and it throws java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException whereas the resource exists in the actual file system.

A: This is a defect in filter mechanism and will be fixed in the next release.

Problem: The resource/objects are getting filtered out when it has a string "rcs" in their name.

Workaround: Go to TRA_HOME/5.1/lib directory and open filteredfiles.txt and change the "rcs:rcs:*,v" entry to "rcs:^rcs$:*,v"

  • Platform: All
  • Version: 5.1.2

Q: How to substitute a Global Variable for a numeric field? For instance input a global variable in the form of %%globalName%% into any of the numeric fields, say Default Time Limit value, for a RVCM session.

A: To specify Global Variables on numberic fields, just click the little globe bitmap button on the right of the field. Which can be used to toggle to enable or disable entering Global Variables on a numberic field.

  • Platform: All
  • Version: 5.2.1

Q: Using Designer 5.1.2, generated XSD has maxOccurs value as "unbounded" even though the sequence has maxLength(No.of elements in the sequence) set to some value.

A: Symptoms: In the designer 5.1.2 , when you do "Export as XML Schema" you should see maxOccurs same as the maxLength set for the sequence in the generated XSD. Currently XSDs will show "unbounded" as the value.

Impact: Data Loss.

Workaround: Edit the .aeschema file in a text editor (like WordPad), and ensure that <maxLength> always appears before <elementType> within <sequence> elements.

Cause: There are two possible orderings, and only one of them is recognized by the "export as xsds" tool, producing the correct maxOccurs value.

Resolution: This will be addressed in the future release. For details contact support@tibco.com.

Note: The Numeric occurrence constraints other than 0, 1 or unbounded cause often complex validation and may even be prohibited in the future by W3C's XMLSchema group. numeric occurrence constraints other than 0, 1 or unbounded cause often complex validation and may even be prohibited in the future by W3C's XMLSchema group. Hence the fix will allow at the most 3 occurrences.

  • Platform: All
  • Version: 5.1.2

Q: When migrating custom sdk 4.x adapter to 5.x, the adapter services for instances defined are not shown in Designer 5.x.

A: In Designer 5.x, go to the 'Adapter Service' folder of your adapter, then you will notice the menu bar has a new menu item called 'GAC' (Generic Adapter Configuration). Click 'Create Services For All Unassociated Endpoints' and the services will be created. This applies to GAC Services but not to regular Adapter Services.

  • Platform: All
  • Version: 5.1.2

Q: How can I save existing non-RCS multi-file project to a VSS system without changing the project directory name?

A: Designer cannot save non-RCS multi-file project to a VSS system without changing the project directory name,

Possible error: If "Save As" option is chosen and value of "Project Directory" field in "Save Project" window is kept the same as existing multi-file project directory, then designer throws error window:

"Already Open"

The project with that name is open, you must close it before you can save another project with that name. Open project names must be unique to resolve project references."

Solution: In order to successfully save the existing non-RCS project to a VSS system, one must change the value of "Project Directory" field to a different multi-file project directory.

  • Platform: All
  • Version: 5.1.3

Q: Designer startup panel takes long time (nearly 3 minutes) to come up.

A: Please check whether you have McAfee v7.1 configured to do On-Access Scan. If you do want to scan the application on access, then make sure designer .exe is not added in the High-Risk Process list.

  1. On McAfee virus scan the toolbar item, right click and
  2. Choose "On-Access Scan Properties"
  3. Choose "All Processes" on the left hand side
  4. Choose "Use different settings for high-risk and low-risk properties"
  5. Choose "High-Risk Processes" on the left hand side
  6. Choose the "Processes" tab and Remove designer.exe from this list if exists.

For more details contact support@tibco.com

  • Platform: Windows XP
  • Version: 5.1.3

Q: Designer 5.2.1 does not comeup but can view the process running in the task manager.


  1. It could be some issue with your machine's video card and JVM 1.4.2 compatibility.
    1. Try adding following property to designer.tra file: java.property.sun.java2d.noddraw=true
  2. Check whether PCAnywhere is running.
    1. According to Sun Java forum, there is a known compatibility issue between Java and PCAnywhere.

http://forum.java.sun.com/thread.jsp?forum=30&thread=444824&tstart=0&trange=15 After updating to latest PCAnywhere and update win2k server with DirectX 9 one could resolve the issue.

  1. Also found this from maker of pcAnywhere. In short, you should use latest patch for pcAnywhere.
  • Platform: Windows 2000
  • Version: 5.2.1

Q: With Merant version manager( /PVCS, Add Resource to RCS does not work. After enabling the rcs debug flag in designer.tra, we see the below error in show console:- Exit Code-13 Merant Version Manager(PCLI)..... The entity(or entities) for ........could not be loaded

A: Check the following:

  1. Have you created the PVCS database in a mapped network drive?
  2. Check the configuration file .cfg under your database directory and check the VCSDIR and ACCESSDB pointing to the mapped drive archives and db correctly.
  3. From the merant version manager click on the project directory and check the working files location and DB location are set correctly to double check the settings.
  4. While creating the new project , provide "/" (forward slash) before the project name.
  5. Increase the time out from default 5 seconds to 100 seconds or more and try it out.

Follow the below steps:

To Create a PVCS Project:

  1. Start TIBCO Designer.
  2. Select New empty project.
  3. In the Save Project dialog, select PVCS from the Multi-User System combo box.
  4. Provide your PVCS user name and optionally provide a password.
  5. Provide the path to your PVCS project name as "/<path>/<tibco_project_name>"
  6. Provide the path to your PVCS project database as <mapped drive or folder>/<path> For example, for the project database: C:\Program Files\Merant\vm\common\<Database Name>
  7. Provide the path to your PVCS executable as <drive>:\<pvcs_home_dir>\vm\win32\bin\pcli.exe
  8. Click the Test Configuration button, then click OK if the test configuration is successful.

In the Project window, select the project root folder, right click and select Add Resource to RCS.

To Modify a PVCS Project:

  1. Open the project
  2. Select the project root folder and right click and select Acquire-Check out Resource.
  3. After modifying the project, save it, then click Multi-User> CheckIn Changes.
  • Platform: Windows XP
  • Version: 5.2.1

Q: Facing screen/window redraw issues while using designer.

A: The main Designer window is redrawn in the top left part of the screen when the actual window is in the centre of the screen. From then on the corruption gets worse and user could see the buttons but no labels etc.

If you see such display redraw issues you can try the below options:

  1. It is possible that there could be some issues with your machine's video card and JVM 1.4.2 compatibility.
    1. Try to add the following property to designer.tra file. java.property.sun.java2d.noddraw=true
  2. In Windows XP,Control Panel/System then under the Advanced tab there is a Performance section. This was set to "Adjust for best Performance". Changing this to "Adjust for best Appearence" seemed to remedy the display issue with designer.

If the problem persists, contact support@tibco.com

  • Platform: Windows XP
  • Version: 5.3.0

Q: Changing the case in the resource's name (i.e. GenericAdapterConfiguration to GEnericAdapterConfiguration) results in the below error when the add the same resource to the same folder: Drop error Resource of type, Generic Adapter Configuration, could not be dropped into Untitled (Folder). Allowed types are: Reference General Resources AESchema

A: Please note that when Designer compares the resource name as case insensitive when a resource is dropped and when it is renamed.

  • Platform: Windows XP
  • Version: 5.2.1

Q: How to change the location of .TIBCO directory created by designer?

A: Designer creates .TIBCO directory under C:\Document and Settings\<User> in Windows and for Unix it is created under user home directory.

To change the location, you need to set java.property.user.home=<newlocation> in designer.tra file and then start designer again and it will create .TIBCO directory in the specified location. Make sure that your location specified exists. Designer will not create the folders if it does not exist.

Instead it will create the .TIBCO under java.property.user.dir property location.

  • Platform: Not Specified OS
  • Version: 5.3.0

Q: When creating a VSS project using designer, RCS options are disabled and Testconfiguration says configuration is valid.


  1. Check whether you have the working directory in VSS client set correctly and it has to be the same directory mentioned as project directory in designer.
  2. Designer internally uses SS.EXE command line to interact with VSS client. It is tested only with English locale. If the command line adapter is localized (meaning the commands are set to a different language) designer has no way of 'adapting' to that. Hence check your regional setup pointing to English and not a different locale. Go in to Regional Setting and Language Options In the standard and format: choose english to have the VSS working correctly in designer.
  • Platform: Windows XP
  • Version: 5.3.0

Q: How to specify initial JVM size for Designer, and Validateproject?

A: Please use tibco.env.HEAP_SIZE to set the initial memory for JVM.

Additionally you can add java.extended.properties=-Xms512m -Xmx512m to improve garbage collection, for more information please refer to: http://java.sun.com/docs/hotspot/gc5.0/gc_tuning_5.html

  • Platform: All
  • Version: 5.2.0

Q: I use a custom scalar, i.e. char.10, in a class, when Validate Project, complains: Schema error: unable to resolve reference to type "char.10" in namespace http://www.tibco.com/xmlns/ae2xsd/2002/05 How to fix the problem?

A: Please set in 'designer.tra' the following propery:


Which adds char.n, binary, and fixed.p.s .for XML parsing.

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