Documentum concurrent_sessions vs max_session_count

concurrent_sessions in server.ini :

The concurrent_sessions key controls the number of connections the server can handle concurrently. This number must take into account not only the number of users who will be using Documentum concurrently, but also what kinds of operations those users will
be executing. Some operations require a separate connection to complete the operation.

For example:
• Issuing an IDfQuery.execute method with the readquery flag set to FALSE causes an internal connection request.
• Executing an apply method or an EXECUTE DQL statement starts another connection.
• When the agent exec executes a job, it generally requires two additional connections.
• Issuing a full-text query requires an additional connection.

The default value is 100. Consider the number of active concurrent users you expect, the operations you think they will be performing, and the number of methods or jobs you execute regularly, and then modify this value accordingly. The maximum number of concurrent sessions is dependent on the operating system of the server host machine. The limit is:

• 1022 for Solaris and AIX platforms
• 2046 for HP-UX
• 1024 for Windows systems

max_session_count in dmcl.ini :

It determines the maximum number of sessions a client can have.


