现代软件工程 作业 1 个人项目


  1. 个人项目 Individual Project: 一个人独立完成.
  2. 时间: 可以考虑在第一周就给同学们这个项目; 也可以考虑在团队项目Alpha 阶段之后进行, 作为一个缓冲。
  3. 考核内容
    1. 基本源代码控制的用法
    2. 程序的测,回归测试
    3. 效能测试
    4. 网络编程
    5. C/C++/C# 等基本语言的运用。 (考虑到有些同学的基础参差不齐)

Individual Project (example 1)

we had played the “number game” once, now what if you can design an AI algorithm to play with other AI programs?

write a program to play the “number game” in a group setting.

requirement: a game server program, it manages “players”, and keep the score of a “number game tournament”. (we need a volunteer to write such server).

a tournament has many rounds of matches, during one match, each player submits one number, and the server calculates the g-number, decides the winner/loser, and send back the result.

for example, our formal Tournament of Golden Number game will consists of 100 rounds.

a player program: each student will write one. it can do the following:

  1. register itself to the server, get game info (how many rounds per tournament)
  2. submit the “number” upon request from server
  3. get the result of last round

My requirement for server is that it should be able to run at least 10 rounds of matches/minute, and for the client, it needs to send data (your number) to server with no more than 1 sec delay.

the player program can be implemented in any language as long as it can communicate with the server via pre-defined protocols.


number: a rational number between (100, 0), not equal to 100, or 0.

in each match, the winner (or winners) is the player whose number is closest to the G-number, winner will get 10 points.

the loser (or losers) is the player whose number is furthest away from G-number. loser will get –3 points.

due date: after alpha release, on the 7th week.



Individual Project (example 2)

write a program, to calculate the frequency of english words in a set of text documents.

skills to practice: 

regression test, unit test, performance analysis, performance tuning

check in, check out, and other basic Source Code Control skills


(link: 现代软件工程讲义 2 开发技术 - 效能分析)

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