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function viewSource() {
window.location.href= "view-source:" + document.getSource.url.value;
return false;
//  End -->

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<BODY oncontextmenu=self.event.returnValue=false bgColor=#444444>
<FORM name=getSource onsubmit="return viewSource();"><FONT size=2>在下面输入网址查看源文件
</FONT><BR><INPUT value=http:// name=url><BR><INPUT type=submit value=查看 name=view> </FORM>
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var i=0;
var ie=(document.all)?1:0;
var ns=(document.layers)?1:0;

function initStyleElements() /* Styles for Buttons Init */
  var c = document.pad;
  if (ie)
  else return;

/* Buttons Enlightment of "Compilation" panel */
function LightOn(what)
  if (ie) what.style.backgroundColor = '#E0E0D0';
  else return;
function FocusOn(what)
  if (ie) what.style.backgroundColor = '#EBEBEB';
  else return;
function LightOut(what)
  if (ie) what.style.backgroundColor = '#C0C0A8';
  else return;
function FocusOff(what)
  if (ie) what.style.backgroundColor = '#DDDDDD';
  else return;
/* Buttons Enlightment of "Compilation" panel */

function generate() /* Generation of "Compilation" */
  code = document.pad.text.value;
  if (code)
    document.pad.text.value='正在加密 请稍等.......';
  else alert('请先把要加密的代码复制到此框中')
function compile() /* The "Compilation" */
  if (i=1) alert("代码已编译1次!");
  else alert("代码已编译"+i+"次!");
function selectCode() /* Selecting "Compilation" for Copying */
  else alert('无任何内容被选中!')
function preview() /* Preview for the "Compilation" */
  else alert('无任何内容可供预览!')
function uncompile() /* Decompiling a "Compilation" */
  if (document.pad.text.value.length>0)
  else alert('请把要还原的代码复制到此框中!')
// -->

<TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width="100%" border=0>
    <TD align=middle>将要加密或解密的代码复制到下面文本框 </TD></TR>
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      <DIV align=center><TEXTAREA style="WIDTH: 95%; BACKGROUND-COLOR: #ebebeb" name=text rows=20 cols=58></TEXTAREA>
      <BR><INPUT onmouseover=LightOn(this) onclick=generate() onmouseout=LightOut(this) type=button value=加密 name=compileIt>
<INPUT onmouseover=LightOn(this) onclick=selectCode() onmouseout=LightOut(this) type=button value=选中 name=select>
<INPUT onmouseover=LightOn(this) onclick=preview() onmouseout=LightOut(this) type=button value=预览 name=view>
<INPUT onmouseover=LightOn(this) onclick=uncompile() onmouseout=LightOut(this) type=button value=还原 name=retur>
<INPUT onmouseover=LightOn(this) onmouseout=LightOut(this) type=reset value=清除 name=clear>
