Pooling 即滑动的小窗口各权值为1/m (m 为权值个数)。
zouxy09 对CNN框架有详细描述。
C1层,由6个filter(5*5)卷积Input 32*32得到。6@(32-5+1)*(32-5+1)。参数有6*(5*5+1)=156个。1为偏置bias。
// cnntrain.m, 其中code 12-23
for l = 1 : numbatches %批量梯度下降的次数 batch_x = x(:, :, kk((l - 1) * opts.batchsize + 1 : l * opts.batchsize)); % 这里是随机提取样本中的batchsize个样本,作批量梯度下降法 batch_y = y(:, kk((l - 1) * opts.batchsize + 1 : l * opts.batchsize)); net = cnnff(net, batch_x); %前向传导 net = cnnbp(net, batch_y); %后项调参 net = cnnapplygrads(net, opts); %更新权值 if isempty(net.rL) net.rL(1) = net.L; end net.rL(end + 1) = 0.99 * net.rL(end) + 0.01 * net.L; end// cnnff.m, 全部code吧~(将算法表述的很好, 值得借鉴!)
function net = cnnff(net, x) n = numel(net.layers); net.layers{1}.a{1} = x; inputmaps = 1; for l = 2 : n % for each layer if strcmp(net.layers{l}.type, 'c') % !!below can probably be handled by insane matrix operations for j = 1 : net.layers{l}.outputmaps % for each output map % create temp output map z = zeros(size(net.layers{l - 1}.a{1}) - [net.layers{l}.kernelsize - 1 net.layers{l}.kernelsize - 1 0]); for i = 1 : inputmaps % for each input map % 注意将每一个input特征图与K核卷积,求和为output特征图。K核有inputmaps * outputmaps个 z = z + convn(net.layers{l - 1}.a{i}, net.layers{l}.k{i}{j}, 'valid'); end % 添加bias,用sigm非线性化 net.layers{l}.a{j} = sigm(z + net.layers{l}.b{j}); end % set number of input maps to this layers number of outputmaps inputmaps = net.layers{l}.outputmaps; elseif strcmp(net.layers{l}.type, 's') % downsample for j = 1 : inputmaps % 这里重要,用convn 作pooling,简洁! z = convn(net.layers{l - 1}.a{j}, ones(net.layers{l}.scale) / (net.layers{l}.scale ^ 2), 'valid'); % !! replace with variable net.layers{l}.a{j} = z(1 : net.layers{l}.scale : end, 1 : net.layers{l}.scale : end, :); end end end % concatenate all end layer feature maps into vector net.fv = []; for j = 1 : numel(net.layers{n}.a) sa = size(net.layers{n}.a{j}); % 这里是直接拉伸为向量,每个样本的特征大小为layer{n}层特征图个数* sa(1) * sa(2) net.fv = [net.fv; reshape(net.layers{n}.a{j}, sa(1) * sa(2), sa(3))]; end % 前馈给感知机,这里是权值ffw net.o = sigm(net.ffW * net.fv + repmat(net.ffb, 1, size(net.fv, 2))); end
function net = cnnbp(net, y) n = numel(net.layers); % error net.e = net.o - y; % loss function net.L = 1/2* sum(net.e(:) .^ 2) / size(net.e, 2); %% backprop deltas net.od = net.e .* (net.o .* (1 - net.o)); % output delta net.fvd = (net.ffW' * net.od); % feature vector delta if strcmp(net.layers{n}.type, 'c') % only conv layers has sigm function net.fvd = net.fvd .* (net.fv .* (1 - net.fv)); end % reshape feature vector deltas into output map style sa = size(net.layers{n}.a{1}); fvnum = sa(1) * sa(2); for j = 1 : numel(net.layers{n}.a) net.layers{n}.d{j} = reshape(net.fvd(((j - 1) * fvnum + 1) : j * fvnum, :), sa(1), sa(2), sa(3)); end for l = (n - 1) : -1 : 1 if strcmp(net.layers{l}.type, 'c') for j = 1 : numel(net.layers{l}.a) net.layers{l}.d{j} = net.layers{l}.a{j} .* (1 - net.layers{l}.a{j}) .* (expand(net.layers{l + 1}.d{j}, [net.layers{l + 1}.scale net.layers{l + 1}.scale 1]) / net.layers{l + 1}.scale ^ 2); end elseif strcmp(net.layers{l}.type, 's') for i = 1 : numel(net.layers{l}.a) z = zeros(size(net.layers{l}.a{1})); for j = 1 : numel(net.layers{l + 1}.a) z = z + convn(net.layers{l + 1}.d{j}, rot180(net.layers{l + 1}.k{i}{j}), 'full'); end net.layers{l}.d{i} = z; end end end %% calc gradients for l = 2 : n if strcmp(net.layers{l}.type, 'c') for j = 1 : numel(net.layers{l}.a) for i = 1 : numel(net.layers{l - 1}.a) net.layers{l}.dk{i}{j} = convn(flipall(net.layers{l - 1}.a{i}), net.layers{l}.d{j}, 'valid') / size(net.layers{l}.d{j}, 3); end net.layers{l}.db{j} = sum(net.layers{l}.d{j}(:)) / size(net.layers{l}.d{j}, 3); end end end net.dffW = net.od * (net.fv)' / size(net.od, 2); net.dffb = mean(net.od, 2); function X = rot180(X) X = flipdim(flipdim(X, 1), 2); end end
更详细可参见:refer-2 这篇论文已经UFLDL中的反向传导算法
1. Convolutional Neural Networks (LeNet)
2. Notes on Convolutional Neural Networks
3. ImageNet Classification with Deep Convolutional Neural Networks
4. zouxy09 的博文 (对CNN有详细的描述)
5. tornadomeet 的博文 (对S2-C3的组合特征有描述)
6. Dar 的博文 (对DL-tool工具箱的CNN有描述)